Shortly to be beaten by the 1080Ti

Shortly to be beaten by the 1080Ti

Thats a Pro Duo, not Vega

>Oh! Then shortly to be beaten by a Titan X then.


What did they mean by that?

Capsaicin is hot and spicy, just like your PC when you install an AMD card


The Radeon Pro Duo is 16 TFLOPS.

You really think the Ti will almost double the normal 1080 performance?

pro duo is already beaten by other 28nm cards, it's as slow as a nano in games that don't support memefire (which is nearly all of them).

Great, now FLOP/S are the new meme unit to be thrown around just because the Sup Forumstards saw muh benchmark and spec sheet with FLOP/S as a highlighted feature. Go rope yourself.

Titan X is SLI capable :)

AMD will NEVER win on performance.

FLOP/S actually mean something with low level APIs.

Spicy GPU


I guess they're just embracing it at this point.

those tubes are pumping Milk to cool it.

Doesn't fucking matter when it's just a crossfire setup on a single card, crossfire or SLI will never bring 1+1=2 performance.

The highest Timespy benchmark scores are from quadfire Fury X setups. Figured it's relevant because you're talking about SLI.

Only important thing is
Will it have Amada?

He is sort of right though. Both the pro duo and historically the titan are/were aimed at compute heavy tasks (such as mining).
That being said, the new titan specs strike me as odd, with the increase in specs and power countered by the lower clocks. Aiming for long term stability possibly?

Cards of that level most definitely approach a "prosumer" level and thus it makes sense that they'd aim for stability over pure performance.

With that said I see no reason why a TitanXU or whatever can't hit 1900Mhz+ when every other Pascal design is capable of 2100

I'd say it is more likely a marketing tool for nvidia, rather that an purpose oriented card. As we established, this is more of a "closest it gets from a quadro without going business range", not truly aimed towards gaming.


flops on GPU is basically as good of a metric as engine HP on cars

they do mean something but don't linearly translate to real world performance if other aspects of the design are lacking

No its not. It would be a measure of displacement.
It means literally nothing by itself, some 5L engines shit all over other 5L engines.