Have 780ti

>Have 780ti
>Thought 3GB of Vram was future-proof
>Told people 4gb or 8gb was pointless for 1080P
>Buy new Mirror's Edge
>Frostbite 3 engine wont load anything past medium textures without 6GB+ of Vram
>3Gb maxed out
>Game looks like shit
>Be 2016, still looks worse than the original Mirror's Edge
>Super blurry Textures

>Purchased a GTX1080 just to play 1 game at 1080P

How KEKED am I?

>Implying older cards up to the 970 weren't deliberately sabotaged for replacement with things like 3.5 Gigamemes of memery.
This is the future you chose.


>nvidia cuck
>new mirror's edge
>memer faggot
You deserve it

under 3.5gb of usage it's all good
but as the new Mirror's edge, butt fucks the 970 as it's not even playable with the Vram limiter turned off.

is the new mirror's edge a meme game?
no one i've talked to acually bought it.

Everyone should have seen needing more than 3GB in the next 3/4 years being entirely necessary. What's sad is even the r9 270x had an option for 4G, but the highest end of Kepler only came with 3.

seems like Nvidia is always a few Gb behind.
perhaps it's done on purpose to cut the lifespan of GPUs.

I'm just waiting for Gameworks to start forcing full parallel async when Volta comes out.

>forcing full parallel async
so what does that mean for the 900 or 1000 series?


> >Thought 3GB of Vram was future-proof
> >Told people 4gb or 8gb was pointless for 1080P
What a faggot.

OP here
Ya i know
learn and move on i guess.

>Buy 700 USD card to "future proof" gaming rig

>Still would get better performance picking up the 200-250 USD option every year at the same price.

>Still would get better performance picking up the 200-250 USD option every year at the same price.
dude, no
it would take 3 generations of GPUs to catch up with a low tier card.

Pretty sure you can pick up a used 980 for less than what the 1060 is selling for right now.

the 980ti was the top end card.
i doubt a 1160 will be faster than a 980ti

also, the 980 cant run dx 12 so there's that

What kind of cuck thing 3GB is enough with current AO and resolution agnostic features. Are you some kind of retard.

Upgraded from a 2GB gfx card to an 8GB. Feels safe man.

Nvidia has always been on the cheep side when it comes to vram compared to AMD.

950 2gb here. guess i can't expect to run anything higher than low anymore.

That's deep

nvidia always has shittier hardware than amd
>muh drivers
irrelevant with dx12

anyone buying nvidia is up for some cucking

Shits dumb. So many games have trash textures and want to use so much VRAM.

>8gb vram is overkill 3.5 is enough

>I am an millennial trash shitbag who will never get a decent paying job so I shitpost with the quality of my expectations in real life.


And i was totally contra. Told all people that 8 gb vram will be minimum or norm the moment ps4 n xbone were released. I was ridiculed and shuned by. Even here.
Is it so hard to remember last ciclus , we will get only console ports that are not optimised, there are no exclusives for pc(outside indies and Polish studios who are able to mask indie game to look like AAA).
Devs are lazy and they dont like freedums given by PC, PC will never be primary release pltform.

lol mirrors edge is a shit fucking boring ass game

shit engine I say

get a new car, user

Nvidia isn't future proof. You just keep cucking yourself again and again.

i know that feel bro.... i bought a fury x and i can't even play it on the highest settings...

4GB is enough they said.. fuck..

>January 2016
>Deciding between 970 or 780ti which are equally priced
>Told me to wait
>gtx 1060 released
>is around 980 level
>bought a Palit SuperJetstream 1060 which is priced $276

Feels good being a waitfag, thanks Sup Forums

>geforce consumer-whore tier crap
>not quadro master race
you deserve this


Relative to what?
AMDs cards also scaled down too.

Relative to the same card in each picture

>he fell to the futureproof meme

>R9 290 better than GTX 970
