Is Robot Wars Sup Forums?
If so, who hype and which was your favorite robot?
[spoiler] Hypnodisk [/spoiler]
2016 House Robots introduction
Is Robot Wars Sup Forums?
If so, who hype and which was your favorite robot?
[spoiler] Hypnodisk [/spoiler]
2016 House Robots introduction
Chaos 2 forever, the best flipper robot to this day.
I remember that one Final and Semifinal between Chaos and Hypno.
I really wanted to see Hypno smash C to pieces but Chaos did really well.
Oh fug it, i will bump here aswell.
Week 1 Competitors
Do you remember the match between Tornado and Hypnodisk?
When Hypnodisk pushed Tornado into the pit but they modded Tornado to be too big to fit inside and the judges went with Tornado...
This better not have storm2 tier drama again. Even the new battlebots looks scripted as fuck
>everyone and their mothers going with flippers or spinner drums/blades, defensive bots deemed too boring for tv
I will have to look that one up.
I can just remember that Tornado is a mad beast pushing robots around.
Week 2 Bots
I would like to see Thor making some good damage this time.
You are right with the flippers and discs.
There might also be Razer clones.
I am hyped to see Thermidor. Might keep bumping later.
>That match where Behemoth went flying out the arena