Sup Forums humour thread

humour thread, /r/ing a screencap i barely remember it, it's about a guy that did like 4 vpn's in order to block a guy from playing vidya with the internet, been looking for it in the archive but i can't find it

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have that but I have other things.

sound of thunder

hope somebody can post it. thanks for the bumps


>need to upgrade office machines
>management says they can't be ugraded till they break

can all the tech-illiterates please just die out already


No problem, I've got nothing to do.







Does that thing work? Did the user ever say?

"usb mass storage device" should be in Linux tier

3/10 made me reply

yeah it should, don't see why not


this is the future.

if the chips work then it should work do problem

everything will be usb even your cpu and gpu





You laugh, but that's actually way more performant than modulo.


>102 is odd


102 is outside of the design specifications. You'll have to bring that up with management.

>algorithm is 5 cpu cycles faster
>works in 100/2^32 situations
i know youre joking but thats autistic


>use int + modulo
>2147483648 is crash



crash > wrong result

>RMS is a tool

What about just USB



b-but ... why does Sup Forums hate jQuery? ;_;

>loading a 30k blob of minified code just to have nicer syntax



This is a classic

>conditional jump is more efficient than modulo

Obsolete since the introduction of document.querySelector
Especially if you do animations with it - this is why people hate you.





>elder shit tier
what about arcade DRM dongles? Everyone calls those dongles

Micro > Nano though.





>bitches about 30k worth of code as if it needs to run on a dialup Apollo


That's weird, there's a P-07 in this pic.....

I laugh every fucking time at this.

fuuuck, that interjection got me

>linux tier
>... solid state drive ...

>reading comprehension


>The "CE" is not EU conformity but Chinese Export knockoff replica
>somebody uses that shit as their mobo
I guess they had to compromise after wasting 2/3rd of their budget on meme-cooling loop

lost it


>mfw that could've been me 6 years ago

what is going on



link to the video?

Requesting the one where a normal person questions an user about why they have so many images, prefer 2d girls, etc

The one that made Sup Forums feel weird because it was so right


>tfw elder god tier

My cock is ready to be presented, anons.

would love to see the video this is of, someone got it?

>mfw buy one of these and cant fit it in

would be pretty neat for testing ram i guess

mod 2 is literally just checking the least significant bit

what country has those shitty plugs and sockets?

10/10 sum of stackoverflow/stackexchange sites.


it's really sad, the government forced this new type of plug/socket because they have nothing better to do

>inb4 muh safety, they actually just wanted the money and to fuck around


I always hope thats just a cheeky contractor who is rebelling against ridiculous jobsite rules (ie, having to ground equipment to an already grounded building) and taking the piss out of it

That plug/socket is supposed to be the international standard, but only Brazil has adopted it yet. I guess the other countries realize how much of a burden it is to get everyone to switch.

What's funny is that it's very similar to the ones we have here in Switzerland (I think the distance between the 2 lateral contacts is the same, but our ground contact is a bit further away). Instead of choosing an existing plug/socket they had to invent a new, slightly different one, those idiots...

Somebody has a sister with a femdom fetish.

no that's not the international standard, this one is

good one.

Looks the same to me

oh yeah my bad, got confused with the nema entrances of the socket

European plugs don't look like that.

I'm guilty of shit like this.
when you're throwing shit in to adjust how something looks/moves, you don't really think about how the code looks, you just want results

and when it works, you don't want to fuck with it any more than that






