What happened to IPv6? It was a "big thing" years ago but now it's completely forgotten. Was it just a failed meme?

What happened to IPv6? It was a "big thing" years ago but now it's completely forgotten. Was it just a failed meme?

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End users are okay with nat. Server users are okay to pay few shekels for ipv4. And nobody wants waste their time and money updating and reconfiguring their working equipment for no reason.



also you won't even notice which one you are using unless a site shows your ip.

For example my IRC connection is ipv6 and TT also shows me as ipv6, but danasoft only shows ipv4 etc.

>now it's completely forgotten
No, not in the least.

IPv6 is still a thing. Most stuff is dual stack, and IPv6 is transparent.

This is the real answer. NAT works just fine, we're in no rush to switch.

>NAT works just fine
NAT is an abomination that completely ruined the OSI stack and fucked end-users over

VoIP and video conf software could have been P2P, but instead you have to do the nightmare combo of ICE/TURN/STUN because of a gazilleon different implementations of NAT (PNAT, SNAT, TNAT)

IPv6 is redundant if the american military would let go of their billion IPv4 addresses.

They shouldn't.

The best thing that happened is all these old organisations still clinging on to their IP addresses rather than releasing them. This pushes IPv6 progress forward.

Kind of the answer
Its like how windows xp is still heavily used
Its a case of "it just werkz".

IPV6 used to work on my ISP but after dns buffer overflow exploit widespread, only IPV4 works.

It wasn't a meme to begin with, OP. You're just out of the loop.

What are you talking about? Every electronic device made after 2012 has IPv6 and uses it. Only when there are older devices IPv4 is used. IPv6 can work with IPv4 through tunnelling and other methods.

first mention of tunneling.
my computer networks instructor would be impressed, sir.

IPv6 it's not just "like IPv4 but with more numbers".

With the growing popularity of IoT (I know it is a buzzword, but you know what I mean). It's just a matter of time (and money)

I am ejoying my life in CGNat, not being able to open ports and all. It's heaven on earth.

This. Having poked around my relatively new ADSL modem, it looks like all my stuff is running on IPV6. Had I not looked, I never would have known. Did you expect everything to announce its use or for the old stuff to stop working?

If you Google "what is my IP" it'll show your ipv6. If you go to that what is my IP address website it'll show your ipv4

whats the point?

everything needs to be dual stack and yet IPv4 will never be retired. but hey we got a bunch of addresses

You run both jackass

an older site falls back to v4 is all

Did he imply that you didn't? Was the insult really necessary? You contributed a grand total of nothing to the thread.


I tunneled my dick through your mom's ass last night


You should probably go to the doctor then ;)

But what does the running unicorn look like?