Should every programmer know assembly?
Should every programmer know assembly?
No, but every other programmer should.
Should every 3D animator know cel animation?
Yes how are you going to debug if you don't know assembly lmao
fuck off, shitlord
as is the answer to every one of these stupid questions: it depends.
If you're working in compiled languages then yeah, it could be useful.
Every programmer should at least have an idea of what the architecture they're targeting looks like. Maybe they don't need to actually know assembly but they should have an idea of how to make effective use of caches.
I write all my programs in hex. Assembly is for faggots.
>not using punch cards saved from a museum
stay pleb
No. You shouldn't even use assembly unless you have a damn good reason for killing portability.
No, but CS majors should
Probably software engineers too
My middle school taught us assembly in 7th grade, is it really that hard for a grown man to use it?
Granted I've forgotten nearly all of it, but regardless one of my classmates even wrote a word processing program in it.
>there are people ITT who don't write programs in binary.
every programmer should write directly in conrtol unit instructions
Yes and they also should know Formal Logic, Computational Complexity, Electronics, Physics, Signal Processing, Discrete Mathematics but hey, the bar for entry into this field is low to make it simpler for Pajeet to provide cheap labor.
You don't need to know it, but you should know how it works, meaning you should know what instruction sets can do, and what they can't do, without necessarily knowing how to use the language or produce some content with it.
Basically, know how a processor works.
x86 assembly is the worst thing ever invented by man.
>32 bit __cdecl
The person who came up with using the stack instead of registers for passing parameters should be hanged.
How are you going to pass values when the amount of parameters exceeds the amount of registers?
I studied assembly (specifically of a 486) when doing my engineering...
I used it 0 ZERO times..
So you have never debugged your programs? Nice!
Then you can use the stack for all I care, but functions with more than 4 parameters are questionable design decisions anyways. [spoiler]Looking at you, WIN32[/spoiler]
Oh, right. I forgot. You can't spoiler on Sup Forums.
I only do work on x64 anyways so the first 4 are parameters, x86 just has too many stupid calling conventions in general
Winapi shit is fun tho tbqh
First 4 are registers *****
lol if it was taught to middleschoolers, it was probably BASIC
>not just reading binary aloud to the computer until it runs the program