Tell me Sup Forums why is Google and leftists pushing SO HARD for females and 3rd worlders to code?

Tell me Sup Forums why is Google and leftists pushing SO HARD for females and 3rd worlders to code?

I don't want to turn this into a Sup Forums thread but I know some of you got some experience in the tech industry and I was curious at what the pay off would be to push a completely different group of people to learn something they may not even be interested in?

Claiming loopy-eyes as my waifu.

Because it's 2016, asshole. Also, MODS, delete this biggoted thread and ban the OP for tech-unrelated spam.

I wasn't aware that Google wasn't Sup Forums related.

It's not a biggoted thread it has to do with technology something you don't know about

They're trying to find prodigies/naturals who might not otherwise get the opportunity or even think they could ever be programmers. Even if its just 0.00001% of people, they want to get their fingers in that 0.00001%

In short they are trying to flood the labor markets with more programmers in order to drive wages down to non-insane levels.

Seems like they are trying to alienate other groups though. If they had a more friendly broad approach it would be more inviting to people.

Also I think prodigies/naturals would eventually find their way to coding anyway.

It seems like all jobs are getting automated/outsourced.

I think it has to do with they profit off the government cronyism. H1Bs and illegals in general or anyone not white or male have extreme advantages at the moment and for years now. Easy to get subsidized education for them or grants. They also pull in folks from other countries who get subsidized education there not here plus get to tick that diversity mark for pure PR.

How is it alienating at all? Google is already crazy well known in the 1st world and the talent is poached from uni/open source projects/etc already almost immediately. Also most of the time people who are really good at one thing can be good at whatever they want because they're just smarter than other people. I guarantee there's tons of geniuses who don't get into programming because they don't really care about it or are too busy being great at other stuff. But if they tried they could be better than 99% of programmers with half the effort because their brains are just better

>what the pay off would be to push a completely different group of people to learn something they may not even be interested in
new perspectives. i'm pretty cynical about a lot of things (including these retarded drag and drop things google does every once in awhile), but the payoff of diversity is actually real and worthwhile imho.

Worthwhile how?

Google's plan: get everyone on our side. We're the good guys. Support us, we support you.
Plain and simple.


It seems arguable on the SJW bit. I've seen the cases made and can understand the view.

Um. Okay.

Studies have shown that diversity (mental, physical, political, philosophical, etc) improves outcomes. Corporate America has for whatever reason decided that "diversity" means "more non-white/asian males" and is running with it despite the fact that it is unlikely to improve their profitability.

in how it exposes new perspectives. believe it or not, there are lots of good ideas that come from people other than just middle-aged white guys with cs degrees who like eating spaghetti and watching sci fi movies.

This is what i was expecting.

>despite the fact that it is unlikely to improve their profitability
just curious, are you saying this like it's necessarily a bad thing?

They aren't going about it intelligently. Sure hiring ethnic minorities and women is important but so is hiring people with disabilities and people from poorer backgrounds, from non-ivy league schools, etc.

Seems obvious that it's a negative. No?

this is literally our life now. I can't wait to have to paint myself black because showing my true color of skin wont to tolerate by all this bullshit.

>I was curious at what the pay off would be to push a completely different group of people to learn something they may not even be interested in?
basic economics. You flood the labor pool with skilled programmers who wouldn't normally pursue STEM and now you have a labor surplus.
Instead of paying 50k to get a code monkey, you have code monkeys telling you they'll work for 48k, no 45k, no 40k.

People go for it because helping women is something that sounds nice. It's just like holding the door.

I'm curious if tech companies bought hard into the women in STEM thing when Trump got popular since he wants to cut back on Pajeet H1-B visas.

so I hire a pair of tits with no brain instead of you with one, is that fair? too bad faggot she's black and a tranny. You're never getting a good job again.

Was the H1-B the worst thing to happen to America?

It seems like instead of actually fixing the public education system they will spend millions on a temporary fix.

Looking at the numbers though women don't appear interested in STEM to any degree anyways so it's seem like wasted effort. It's possibly a natural gender bias.

What a waste of trips

Multi-nationals and others are who profit off H1B primarily. It doesn't appear to be an education fix in many cases and in others I'm still wondering about the benefit.

yeah that's true. No one is gatekeeping STEM.
if you can do it, you can do it.

Yes, diversity has really turned Lebanon, Iraq and Syria (or any other country where the populace is just a collection of vastly different minorities) into prosperous countries.

How about you stop being an ageist, racist, sexist prick?

Your "perspective" means fuck all to programming since the best candidates for the job are already there. Anything else is a degradation of outcome in the name of chasing out whites^W^W^Wdiversity.


That's the problem with most legislation in the USA at least anyways. There is no real ceiling for people anymore regardless of who or what you are so many of these laws are outdated and racist.

I'm a big fan of putting sunsets on most of the legislation so we can curb some of this cronyism and corruption. If it's still necessary we can renew it manually.

But they do hire many of those people too. You have a point about doing public outreach with silly stuff like this though.

I wouldn't say so. Just depends on the interests of the shareholders; even many people who aren't activist investors, people who truly only care about their portfolio, still aren't necessarily interested in the companies they own becoming more profitable (if it means inflating their value).

I was just talking about the profitability part. But anyone who honestly believes they lost a job to a "Brains: 0, Diversity: 100" is insane; 99.9% of the time, they're a "Brains: 100, Diversity: 0" who lost a job to a "Brains: 80, Diversity: 100." I'd make the same call too, if I were a hiring manager; I can teach someone a job much easier than I can make them "more diverse" (and therefore likely to contribute new ideas).


>Your "perspective" means fuck all to programming since the best candidates for the job are already there.
Sure, maybe if you work a job as a code monkey there's no need for bright, self led people with new perspectives. But I usually assume people here are talking about white collar technology jobs.

Virtue signaling is good marketing

How dare they imply a female must have long hair? I bet they also think a woman can't have a penis


Flavour of the month marketing

>Studies have shown
[citation required]
circular logic formed from liberal arts circlejerks aren't studies

More programmers → Lower wages

Anyone who blames SJWs or crap like that is retarded.

Sounds like they are using SJW to create more programmers to lower wages.

"Social Justice" has always been a corporate meme. It's how they keep movements like Occupy Wall Street in check.

What perspective? How is being a queer transnigger slugkin relevant to white collar technology jobs?

Cheaper labor and H1B visa in the US

Google's engineers make $120k starting. Why would they want to pay that much? They'd much rather pay everyone less, but people working at Google expect the highest salaries of any software company. So, in order to lower their wages, Google is saturating the market so EVERYONE can lower their wages. That way, all the no-name companies that pay 50-70k can lower their wages to 30-40k (in line with retail managers) and Google can pay new hires $70k.

Looks like they are crashing this market..


>Sup Forumstard the post.


>all dark-haired

They all look the same to me. I'd really have a bunch of white people, since they actually have diverse appearances.

>all dark haired
>b-but theres a bald one

All immigration needs to be stopped to the US.
No reason these companies should be allowed to import pajeets and chinks when we already have plenty of people with no jobs.

>implying engineers need to be paid more than 50k to dick around with full stack shit

People like you are the reason why America is struggling to compete globally.

It's not about the wages so much as the lack of available talent. I work for Another large software company and it has become nearly impossible to hire senior people in SF/SV. Jobs stay open for months and months.

>Tell me Sup Forums why is Google and leftists pushing SO HARD for females and 3rd worlders to code?
Enough eyes make all bugs shallow. There are still bugs, ergo we need more eyes.

That it also makes Sup Forums cry is simply a bonus!

There would probably be more senior developers if they hired more non-Pajeet junior developers. Just saying.

I guarantee you they turn away plenty of people capable of doing the job for whatever trivial.

>Google's engineers make $120k starting.

no, there are some that earn half that, even with the "software engineer" title

Actually we don't. I'm doing the interviews, everyone on the team does. We hardly even get qualified applicants. Usually anyone we interview is solid and it comes down to picking the candidate we think is a good fit. We literally just don't even get that many people applying. It's not like the pay isn't good enough either, these are $180k/yr+ jobs. Entry levels jobs do get tons of applicants, but we need people with 10 years of experience.

I guarantee you don't need 10 years of "experience" for the job.
And if no is applying you obviously aren't offering enough money.

does this shit have anything to do with actual coding because it just works like a flash game.

>Tell me Sup Forums why is Google and leftists pushing SO HARD for females and 3rd worlders to code?
Because they always seem to earn less on average and are willing to work for less.

Or maybe the people at the top should stop offering less for the same work? It goes both ways people.