Why does almost everyone hate BSD?

Why does almost everyone hate BSD?

It's mostly about FreeBSD and the FreeBSD devs make sure all BSD discussion ends up being about FreeBSD and how their security is impenetrable because of all their mitigations. In fact they're just running software that is twenty years out of date and the reason no BSD systems are broken into is simply that nobody gives a shit.

The userbase is even more toxic than Linux.

>In fact they're just running software that is twenty years out of date

SURELY, YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. no one would ever post anything on the internet without first tentatively researching it

I don't hate it, Im using a FreeBSD 10.3 right now.

Because it's pretty useless and have the worst fanbase on the planet.

>the FreeBSD devs make sure all BSD discussion ends up being about FreeBSD and how their security is impenetrable
You're thinking of OpenBSD

You're confusing OpenBSD and FreeBSD

>Why does almost everyone hate BSD?
Almost everyone has never heard of BSD so this statement is stupid and this thread is stupid. You are a stupid.

>Why does almost everyone hate BSD?
I don't hate it, and I don't think most people really hate it either. But this is a consumer board, for general-purpose computing, and BSD doesn't offer any real advantages over Linux in that sphere, but it's got a lot less support and half the software is like old hand-me-downs from its richer cousin.

BSD hipster detected

I don't hate BSD, I hate the hipster userbase that come for attention in every single fucking thread. BSD is a dying meme anyways

Pufferfish bait potential is underrated. This is now a pufferfish appreciation thread.

Literally more annoying than RMS and Linus combined.

I don't.

it's the jew's version of linux

Theo and Linus are not annoying. The only autistic nuisance is RMS.

theo is legitimately autistic.
afaik he's banned from the netbsd mailing lists for constantly sperging out on them.

Mostly the userbase. If you have a shit OS (BSD) and the userbase tells you "it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! Everything just werks! Stop lying by telling the truth! Don't listen to the truth, just use it today!", there will be backlash. Note that this is NOT the same as how the GNU userbase reacted back in the days: the GNU userbase mostly admitted to the faults of GNU and used a true statement, "if more people use it, it will get better", as the basis for their justification.

On the other hand, BSD users never have as single counterargument for ANY point against BSD, they merely call people who make those points "trolls" or "retards" and call it a day. They don't link to any paper, benchmark, mailing list thread or primary source. They also love to claim that everyone who dislikes BSD is one person, which further frustrates people who have objectively appraised BSDs.

According to Charles Hannum the dispute with Theo, and decision to kick him off the project wasn't unanimous. It boiled down to Theo vs Chris Demetriou, and that's who gave Theo the boot. He's also said that Theo wasn't wrong, and that losing him was a large part of the reason NetBSD stagnated.

>GNU userbase
You seem to have misspelled Linux.

>But this is a consumer board, for general-purpose computing, and BSD doesn't offer any real advantages over Linux in that sphere
>all software projects in the world should accommodate me, and my plebeian tastes and requirements

>no games


Completely true. BSD lacks cgroups, virtualisation and contenerisation which is mature and is feature rich, drivers, mature binary packages and somehow they completely choose to ignore it. Linux already does everything BSD does outside of better performance on ZFS so it's hard to really use it for anything, especially when you are standardising on something.

>and the userbase tells you "it's the greatest thing since sliced bread! Everything just werks!

No one tells you that. OpenBSD flat out does not want you using their OS, or bothering them on the mailing list. The FreeBSD devs will tell you that it is a server OS, directed mainly towards corporate or institutional users, and that it is not, not ever will be a consumer desktop system. Dragonfly is basically the same, except they'll also tell you that it's not ready for use in a production environment either. NetBSD is in such a bad shape that the devs don't even want to use it.

Sorry to tell you this, but your mom lied her face off to you, and you are simply not as important as you've been lead to believe.

> almost everyone

But most people haven't even heard of it

>No one tells you that.
How new are you?

Beside, your claims are false for openbsd and for freebsd. For example, here's what the freebsd website says on the front page:
>FreeBSD is an advanced computer operating system used to power modern servers, desktops, and embedded platforms.
>used to power [...] desktops
Same idea with openbsd where they always try their hardest to get more users with their false claims of being "secure by default".

>>used to power [...] desktops

Correct. There are in fact people who use it as a desktop, for whatever reason. That doesn't mean it is encouraged. If you go to the official forums, and inquire about using it as a desktop, mostly you are going to be told that you should use a desktop OS instead. Most of the FreeBSD devs are big Mac fanboys, and use it to develop FreeBSD, and they will recommend that you use it too.

OpenBSD on the other hand is used by the devs, as a desktop. They've put a lot more time and effort into making it a viable desktop. This doesn't mean that you are encouraged to use it. Don't take my word for it though. Go ask them about it on the mailing list. I assure you that you will be told to fuck the hell off back to Linux, or Windows, or whatever it is you wandered in from.


To be fair, OpenBSD is very tough with a ton of mitigations. If you make a program that's shitty, there is a good chance OpenBSD will force it to close before it breaks anything because memory leaks or whatever.


I tried it. Every bad thing you've heard is true.

The fact that you have internet determined that was a lie

Beastie sux

who's the retard that keeps invading BSD threads then

>false claims of being "secure by default".
>false claims
>muh MACs!

This is true
Point proven. Fuck off with your placebo garbage OS hipster faggot

>placebo garbage OS hipster faggot
>Die you degenerate BSDfag

They don't. It's just one autistic shitposter and a couple projecting hipsters who feel threatened when someone likes a platform with even less market share than whatever trendy shit distro they're currently running on their shitpads.


case in point: if you see someone who hates BSD and also uses the words cuck, hipster, placebo, and probably many more, please ignore them


too slow, unfortunately

Because Theo couldn't stop the NSA

no one can unfortunately

I personally don't hate bsd, but being honest today has nothing linux hasn't.

Try to use it on a raspberry pi, it sucks, I don't even know why the ones who port it to the PI released it, is a shit, nothing works its like linux on 90's

what BSD?

its a known fact that freebsd for RPI is pretty much a pet project

Freebsd it really sucks on PI, I have some fbsd servers and to be honest I'm gonna migrate them to debian or rh, I don't see the point of using fbsd its justs a diferent license, packet managment system, if the system shutdowns incorrectly leads to more troubles, device names are different, it really has nothing special.
