
>wasting precious helium on storing animu


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>Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?
because 10 TB isn't enough for my needs

It was already produced.

You might as well take advantage of our planet's demise

But if I buy it they will produce even more. Your argument makes no sense.

>being this retarded

I bet you turn up A/C on cool days because "the electricity was already produced."

why helium instead of vaccum?

I don't even need 250GB, desu

Why would I?

Why don't you have 1 petabyte

Because I don't want to suddenly lose 10TB of data

i'm guessing because something in overpressure is more reliable than something in vaccuum, smallest leak in vaccuum and air comes in, tiny leak with helium and only tiny amount of helium comes out

Positive vs negative pressure.
A seal failure in a vacuum sealed drive will almost certainly immediately suck in dust, humidity, other bad things. For a pressurized drive, a failure may be less catastrophic and allow time for backup.

Additionally, the helium is inert.

>ancient mechanical hard drive
>not even 16TB

They found a new helium deposit, bro. Helium is cheap and plentiful again
Least until like 2030

It's 10TB, 9.09TiB

What's wrong with that? Power plants output can't be stored so if it's there might as well use it, it'd be a waste not doing it.

but how long until the healium leaks out?

Came in to ask this. Helium leaks out of everything. It will eventually leak out of this drive.

Hilarious high pitch voice or 10TB of shit anime.

I know what I'm picking.

>Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?
This isn't enough.

>helium filled consumer hard drives
The best planned obsolescence yet. Three years, max.

>buy 10tb drive
>9tb usable
fuckin lol

>10 TB mechanical disk
>packed full of platters, read/write heads
>poor little fuccboi motor that will eventually die
>16TB enterprise SSDs exist
>several 4TB consumer SSDs out there

If they really wanted to an SSD manufacturer could start selling drives at cost and finally kill off mechanical storage. The endurance of a large capacity SSD is already incredible, and they're impervious to dying on spin up, since they never have to spin up.

>thousands of american shekels
Still hype however. It'd be amazing replacing the noisy 16TB RAIDz2 array with just two of these in RAID1.

Seriously. Waitfagging hard to finally replace my five spinning shit disks.
How long before 4TB SSD's are the same price as 4TB HDD's are now?

>Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?
But I do.

I think manufacturers are aware of the fact that they produced a product that was too good. Anandtech's review of one of Samsung's latest SSDs shows that the firmware limit for endurance was ridiculously low for what the cells could actually handle.
The drives can effectively last forever in terms of read/write cycles, and unless we start moving 10TB 8K movies around every day no one will be wanting for anything seriously faster.

Current SSDs are too good for consumers, so I'm betting on companies like Samsung wanting to keep the high end drives priced out of the mainstream. If they gave you the grand panacea they wouldn't be able to sell you anything else later on.

>Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?
user, I have more.
$ inxi -D
Drives: HDD Total Size: 19003.8GB (88.3% used) ID-1: /dev/sde model: WDC_WD40EZRX size: 4000.8GB
ID-2: /dev/sdb model: Samsung_SSD_840 size: 1000.2GB ID-3: /dev/sdc model: WDC_WD20EZRX size: 2000.4GB
ID-4: /dev/sda model: Hitachi_HDS72302 size: 2000.4GB
ID-5: /dev/sdd model: WDC_WD40EZRX size: 4000.8GB
ID-6: USB /dev/sdg model: Ext_HDD_1021 size: 2000.4GB ID-7: USB /dev/sdh model: Desktop size: 2000.4GB
ID-8: USB /dev/sdf model: Expansion size: 2000.4GB

you know how fkkn small helium molecules are?

Have. But separated HDD

because i have this

>Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?

Not enough

[root@TROY] ~# zpool list
freenas-boot 7.31G 4.16G 3.16G - - 56% 1.00x ONLINE -
grupo02 18.1T 14.0T 4.17T - 33% 76% 1.00x ONLINE /mnt
singleData 928G 230G 698G - 38% 24% 1.00x ONLINE /mnt

Wait, what does Helium help with?

smaller head altitude => moar platters

Helps with planned obsolescence.
Helium will leak out of a container with no holes or seams, literally a perfect container cannot hold helium.
This drive, once the helium leaks out, will stop working, so it's designed to fail.

>Not enough
This. I would love to archive just about most animu, mango, videogame or rom, academic book, etc even though several lifetimes won't be enough. Hoarding isn't good, but fuck that I want all the stuff.

will it leak thru tungsten/Iridium for guartz glass too?

Is semengate even good? I've heard nothing but their shit

It's green like the algae growing on all the dead Seagate hard drives in the dump. The swirl is to remind you of the money you just flushed down the toilet.


>2016 stats
>WD failure rates double of all other manufacturers

How about old samsung spinpoint f3? I still have 3tb from 2010 and running solid.

I do, retard. I bet you try to "save" water, even though water that goes down the drain in your sink, toilet and bath is recycled back to you (in most large american cities. I dont know how they do things in hicktown or the 3rd world.)

You do realize they don't just pump it right back up the facet and instead have to expend energy, time, and resources on purification? Stop being dumb to justify your wastefulness.

Do you know why they wouldn't use abundant N2 for this? It seems it would fit the same criteria for being inert.

They use helium because of the lower density and better thermal conductivity. The lower density reduces the drag experienced by the platters, as most Helium filled drives have a large number of platters crammed inside, which in turn results in a large surface area.
Lower drag = lower heat generated (both by the motor and by friction) which = less power consumed over time.
The increased thermal conductivity of helium over nitrogen also means that the drive overall runs cooler because the heat that is generated can be conducted to the drive case faster, allowing it to be removed quicker.

There's a whole bunch of reasons why helium is used in drives such as this vs a pure nitrogen mix or atmospheric air.

10tb is overkill

besides, you'd still need backups (assuming the content on the primary drive is worth two shits)

how would you even fill 10tb unless you're into video editing or something?

>how would you even fill 10tb unless you're into video editing or something?
Fucking normalfags.

Why would you want to buy a helium platter when the sun consumes helium

>how would you even fill 10tb
Blu-Ray remuxes

I like Korean TV shows. Koreans are notorious for not seeding so I need to archive everything. If you wanted a show from 2014 or older, you'd have to wait months to complete the download or more likely no one will seed it.

Its called the fucking Moon. There's gazillion gazillion tons of helium there for "free".

By the time earth "runs out of" Helium, solar travel would have become a thing and mining would be the norm. After that, its the sun that produces near unlimited amounts of helium,

I'm trying to download some stuff that's only a few months old and no one is seeding.

Nuclear fusion energy will solve the Helium shortage


wd shill leave