Taking notes on a laptop, yay or nay?
Taking notes on a laptop, yay or nay?
Counter intuitive, m8.
I never look at my notes again if I just type them out. I also didn't absorb anything.
When i was teaching myself programming, I kept writing notes down.
The act of writing them down helped me to memorize them even if I never actually looked at the notes again.
You get distracted with other shit while taking note.
There will always be some sort of notification popping up even if you have enough self-discipline to not browse the web in lecture.
yeah but writing is painful and it's 2016. my issue with notes on a laptop is because there will be diagrams and equations. Not sure how I'm supposed to copy that onto my laptop.
You actually remember when you write.
>writing is painful
>and it's current year
ok user, go ahead and gimp yourself if you want, i'm just saying that a 30 cent notebook and a pencil is superior to a laptop, or a $1000 flipout ultrabook or whatveer.
>writing is painful
wat? You should see a doctor if this is the case. You could have autoimmune arthritis. You need to start treatment before more damage is done to your joints.
>Not sure how I'm supposed to copy that onto my laptop.
pic related - Fujitsu simultaneous duplex scanner (scans both sides of the paper at the same time)
I record my prof during lectures.
No need to be a nigger man I'm just asking because half the people in pic related have a laptop. I'm split, on the one hand I'd rather spend the money on a desktop but on the other I dislike writing.
>i dislike writing
no user, you are the nigger
Who the fuck likes writing? Typing is way faster and neater. Get out of here grandad
You're the one with fucking arthritis gramps, stop projecting your problems on others.
Remember these?
You could take notes with pen and paper, and it would be stored automatically on the ThinkPad and the software would do handwriting recognition to make your notes searchable.
I hope someone tries it again, but this time it's an independent device that connects to a laptop or tablet over USB or Bluetooth because I actually think this is a good way to take notes on paper and still have it be digitally archived.
write with a pen and paper
you can't write nearly fast enough to take straight dictation, which means you have to summarize on the fly so that you write down only the most critical information
that aids recall
>not a convertible tablet/laptop
>even entertaining the thought of using a laptop when there are math symbols involved
Unless you want to LaTeX everything just use a pencil and a bloc of paper you lazy fuck.
Pay attention
Take notes on loose leaf, scan to computer. Just have to find a turbo scanner that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
what the fuck is a bloc of paper you pepper
watch out, this guy is hacking the network!!
I bought a Topre board solely because heard it was ergonomic so I could slow down the pain for writing and using my computer
It's good to know I can tell a doctor
if I were a professor, I wouldn't allow laptops in class unless it were under certain circumstances (disability or class projects)
taking the time to write something down improves information retention, plus it helps fine motor control better than typing does
also, most students use the "note-taking" excuse to browse social media bullshit during class
I sat next to a couple people in college who would even play games instead of paying attention in class
There was a kid in my class who played LoL in ALL of the lectures.
Yes if you have a good attention span
No if you get bored easily or have a short attention span
>pic related
Alright thanks for the advice guys I'll just use pen and paper.
>it's 2016
Your point?
saw this in the news today and thought of Sup Forums
Well I'd say paper if you have any equations coming your way. But if not and you record your professor and actually listen to them afterwards, I'd recommend using onenote, not the free one with w10, the 2016 one that you can pirate easily. It records the audio very well and, what I've used the most, syncs notes typed até the time of that part of the audio, like it auto scrolls to what you typed when the professor said that and stuff. It does have handwriting and math formula recognition, but you'd need some stylus or a Wacom or something. I've tried it and it's kinda meh with a Wacom, maybe it's my handwriting because sometimes it gets it perfect right away, sometimes I need to tweak it a bit. Still fast though, basic formulas are already there for pasting too. I tried just using the Wacom with it and handwriting everything without the function that changes that to typed text, it was alright once you zoomed out afterwards, but a little cumbersome to read at length. The handwriting to text function is shit, at least with my ugly cursive. It's a nice program but if you're doing math stuff you really should just use paper and maybe a recorder on your phone
How did IBM make such great computers?
they looked more like concepts than marketable products. At least they tried to sell them.
HAHAHA I'm going to King's this year
this is probably me in 3 years tbqh
please explain
>looks like a brick. everything lenovo makes looks like a brick
I'm on a Lenovo right now, it's a POS
Wtf, you sound like you think it's not the superior program for taking notes
>in college
>go to History lecture in large auditorium
>sit in the back
>some kid on his laptop the whole time watching Rick & Morty
This was a 3 hour lecture but still. Why even go if you aren't paying attention
>it's not the superior program for taking notes
it's not. it's garbage for taking notes.
Nope. Paper notes are more effective for me. Only time I use a laptop in class is for things that require certain software (cad or programming shit).
I write in cursive and quickly though, and I know when to just listen instead of taking notes. Some people, I've found, try to write down everything the instructor says instead of listening are writing down important things. With a laptop you're just a stenographer, you're not using your brain. Writing and typing have a different path through your brain.
They're the typical "my parents force me to go to college" scrub.
Handwrite then type. Act of transcribing notes forces an additional read. The worse your handwriting, the more you're forced to remember, and the more you need you need to engage the material.
Form follows function, you apple nigger.
Too niche unless Apple brought it out for students then it would sell an unreal amount and be like a 400 pound peripheral.
emacs org mode is the only way and I find it hard to bring my desktop to class
>actually thinks gaypple products have some sort of "form"
wew, you are already brainwashed
seems you're using a shitty consumer model.
Their business line is pretty good and never got the superfish crap.
(E and L-series do not belong here, even if they have the logo).
>Essential and IdeaPad: designed, engineered and made in China
>ThinkPad, ThinkCentre, ThinkServer: designed/engineered in US and Japan, made in China
well you can have a functional machine that doesn't look like absolute wank
If your laptop look autistic you will never get laid on campus.
Emacs can do math symbols like integrals and there are ways to do graphs too so you need to learn the ways of the world friend
I just can't pay attention and handwrite at the same time, but I type fast enough that it's not a problem with a keyboard.
then get a mac. If the laptop bends, its battery swells or if the screen breaks, enjoy paying the repairs(if they accept to do it).
How, if he flunked?
If you have a motor disease that has the potentiality to kill you like me, then yes
>Tfw if it's lethal gonna be nice 20yr left before the gas runs out
wtf i hate notes now
Just don't take notes you dumbass. You can't remember everything?
Forgot to mention that it's NOT lethal in my case
The MacBook pro blows the chinkpad out of the water.
>better screen
>longer battery life
>gets you laid
Sup Forums - College
>Taking notes on a laptop, yay or nay?
do you fucking know why notebooks exist?
and he went to king's for computer science. couldnt have been that gifted considering you only need an AAB to get in (you don't even need maths baka).
use one of these
They're code words for "white"
>Entry requirements = acceptance rate = quality of teaching
It's all 19 year old gaymers here what do you expect?
alternately instead of or in addition to note taking, record the lectures
can confirm. i played games on the laptop or browsed the internet instead of paying attention.
So I stopped and got a notebook instead
>and it's 2016
>muh current year
So what? I still jot things down on a small memo pad rather than on a phone because I remember it better and I can take small memos immediately.
this, OP read 'The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Minds' by Nicholas Carr
The technology you use changes the way you think
Because we're all slaves to what releases our dopamine. Only awareness an beforehand and mindfulness can counter this. Most white young adult males don't know how and are susceptible to these addictions.
>what is /lit/
Are you actually going to take notes? If Yes, then sure, go for it.
99.9% chance you're just going to run skype, watch a few Sup Forums tabs, play solitaire or league or whatever the shit you do, and completely ignore the lecture.
>trying to pay attention to lecture
>some gook pulls out his stealth bomber looking MSI
>the jet engines fire up
>oh boy here we go
Can confirm. Can you upvote this comment?
>in lecture
>fat guy with chinkpad
>he's installing gentoo
>takes out his usb racing wheel from pocket
>plays tux racer for 2 hours straight
>Transferring to UW
>Seen tons of chinks there just by living in the area
>They have tons of money for some reason and probably own one of those
>I hope someone tries it again, but this time it's an independent device that connects to a laptop or tablet over USB
what is ultrasound digital pen
Haha, this was actually in a CompE class at UW so you're dead on.
I'm a GTA and last semester taught a large intro course. I give a one question quiz at the end of lecture for bonus points that's from something I emphasized during the lecture. This has pretty much killed off the vidya because undergrads are sluts for bonus points.
They're going to shoot texts/messages to their friends no matter what you do, and if you ban all devices some will stop coming to lecture entirely and do poorly.
Take the lecture notes if they exist, otherwise scan a friend's.
And ffs the lecture is the digest! Read the fucking textbook or work on problems beforehand!
>if you ban all devices some will stop coming to lecture entirely and do poorly.
That is their problem.
Yep. Isn't high school anymore. Nobody is responsible for your actions other than yourself, and nobody is going to hold your hand.
Notes are just something I did to force myself to pay attention. By manually writing it feels like I'm processing the information more, in order to finish in time, I need to condense the information etc. In the end, I really never look into my notes again, but the process of writing it down helped me remember most of the stuff.
What the fuck is up with chinks and LoL?
They can't stop playing that shit on their 15in acer monstrosities.
I routinely have to tell them to fuck off because they get so fucking loud with their meme spewing while I'm trying to memorize the fucking Krebs cycle.
The department makes this my problem very quickly.
Rags to riches turns people into bitches.
>biochemistry degree
admittedly, this
in particularly easy classes, I pretty much just went to class just for attendance, and went on IRC
all the people I saw with loud-ass machines sit in the back
if you sit up front, you barely hear them
man, fuck these guys
I need a laptop for college. 13 inch max and lightweight. Not too expensive. Any suggestions? Was thinking of the the surface 3
Jinhao x750 and a bottle of Lamy blue-black ink
For me, it was a Kerbal Kid
If not doing math or diagrams, then yeah.
Bio actually
Kill me
Personally for me, being able to very quickly and efficiently reorganize, restructure, and resummerize notes on the fly is hugely important to me. With a notebook, I actually get anxiety. I'm not a slow writer, but having to keep up while having to summering and organize ends up throwing off my focus hard.
On my laptop everything just goes so much smoother, and I feel like I still retain a lot of info just through the summerizing process. I can see though how one might be more inclined to take down more useless info and clutter, but that's just something you'd have to be conscious about.
I don't think there's an ideal, it's more about what you personally feel comfortable with and what kind of learner you are.
you forgot to say
>it throttles under load
>usb racing wheel
>not using the accelerometer
where does this meme originate?