/csg/ Chink Shit General

Last 7 threads didn't happen.
>Not respecting the above will ruin your /csg/ experience. Ignore all posts not respecting the edition.
Last thread calmed down just as it hit the bump limit. Keep it up.

Yes, we know everything is already from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, eBay and similar sites.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

>Discord channel

>Chink Shit Wiki:

• Chinks tried calling user's phone and now he's scared • user fell for the expedited shipping meme • user ordered some cheap gopro accessories • user's dog chewed up his micro sd adapter so he bought a new one • user showing of his 10 hour SOT on the Mi Max • user is missing a coin • user unboxing his Redmeme Note 3 Pro and some bluetooth modules he covered the fingerprint reader with tape • Another user with 10 hour SOT, this time a Redmeme 3 • user's audio equipment is covered in stickers Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


First for finnish post is slow

a transparent democratic votes has voted on no more discord you fag.

anyone know where to get a a real leather ratchet belt from chinks?

I ordered one says real leather,but feels like the back of my note 4.

How durable are sharks? they good enough for 24/7 raspberry pi?

After months of lurking on /csg/, I finally made my first purchase (or rather purchases).


Why do chinks love huge phones? Are they overcompensating for something?

might as well put up a trip, faggot

Any news from Vicky? Has she committed sudoku yet?

So it wont remind them of their penis size.

Check out this /csg/ randomizer!


>Chink redbubble

Are there any chink alternatives to redbubble where I can have shirts printed?

I'm pretty sure artistic bovine does t-shirts too.
You can also search ali for "custom t-shirt" and you'll get some relevant results.

Ali has a lot of stores that sell customized shirts and art s. cattle custom prints t-shirts (and their editor is great). You might be able to get cheap t-shirts with a coupon

Fuck your gay ass discord shit man

>doesn't want drama
>puts discord back in OP knowing full well that this will cause drama

OPs a hack

A package!


Someone make a proper thread pls

look who says so?!
the one who gave voice to discgusting declared sharesale shills to dumb newfags from the fucking beginning?
kill yourself Op.

Good goy!

Pretty much.

It's an hdmi to vga adapter.
Looks exactly the same as the mdp to vga adapter I already had.

What's inside?

Funny how the shitposts go up but the unique poster count remains the same

I'm tempted to buy a Xiaomi Max but already own a LG G3, any reason why I shouldn't whop my wads on the countah for a Xiaomi phone?

No need to upgrade that for probably another 2-4 years depending on how frugal you are.

My laptop looks so lewd now.

Ooh la la
Y tho

More monitors.

why not just desktop PC?

I can't carry a desktop pc with me.

What laptop is that? Looks super 00's

Is hearbstick annon still around have you tested it yet. Im thinking of getting the pro version.

user, y-you promised you wouldn't share those pictures with anyone! B-Baka!

On a serious note, any problems with them?
I'm thinking of getting a couple of displayport/hdmi & audio cables, but I'm a bit worried about their quality

The only cables I'd be particularly careful with are HDMI to VGA, the rest should be fine.

The TaoBao messaging program is so cute~

not with that attitude buddy.

Asus N550

No real issues so far. I used the mdp one for well over a year.
The only issue is that putting my phone next to the adapter causes visible interference.
The hdmi one doesn't seem to have that problem.

My friend has a laptop like that, the one that he owns is an Asus N56


Thanks for the mention. I should add this was with everything toggled on, doing all sorts of tasks and auto brightness at 50%. I did greenify and disable a heap of xiaomi shit first though. Even the .eu rom doesn't eliminate all bloatware.


Is this WLAN stick any good? Can I use it for DSL 100k?

Any other strong chink wifi sticks/with antennas?

What was the other store to not get fucked my customs for the rn3p? I know TopOne from Ali offers it, but what was the other website?

damn, i have to get over my laziness and flash xiaomi.eu


>marcus will never be your qt boyfriend


for $2.80 you really don't have anything to lose

It's well worth it. I'd get the 7.5 stable version rather than the weekly miui v8 by the way.

Kill yourself.

They're not bad.

Will test it. They say even Linux is compatible.
Are there maybe good Repeater too?

You need kernel 3.20 or higher I think

They're sold in most bundles with Raspberry Pi's due to their support; I think.

For the EU, btw.

i want to cuddle Marcus while we drink his coffee ;_;

Why spend so much?

Works great with my RaspberryPi, drivers are already in the Kernel if it's a new release of the Linux distribution.

However all these tiny WLAN adapters have a bad range.

I have one for my raspberry pi, it's just too slow to stream properly. But that could have entirely been because of my router.

Ended up hooking it up with ethernet.

It's no good for Windows. I don't know how Windows handles USB networking but it refuses to detect networks if upstairs/basement. There's also no 5GHz support. You could probably break the enclosure and solder on a monopole or something but I assume you just want it to werk.

Under Linux it's godsend for whatever reason. I believe it's a RTL8188CU chipset. Works like a charm for my raspberry pi no matter where I take it. Speed's alright, but don't expect quality real time gaming or whatever, there's some packet loss. You might be interested in one with an antenna like this one: ebay.com/itm/401039270980

I'm legitimately interested in what chinkphone I should get. I was really into the Redmi Note 3 Pro but a lot of people are recommending Huawei/Oppo over it. Has anyone had experience with other chinkphone brands?

It's not much of an upgrade except in the battery life department.

You'd be better off getting a couple of OEM batteries for the G3 and putting CM13 on it. There are a couple of decent MiUI skins for CM if you want to pretend you've fallen for the Xiaomeme.

Stupid question, but how do i track packages from
GB? Got a number but now page or info on how or where to track it.

Found it already too. Don't want to spend much money, but I think I have to.

It has to work with Windows either. Made a pic. (Maybe it seems worse than it is. But I want to use the full 100k Internet.) It would be possible to put a Repeater in room A. Don't know what the best solution especially cheapest solution is.

why is that ?

I've tried one from Ali, doesn't work with my Raspi, got my money back.

I think I will order this one and if it isn't enough I'll buy a repeater.

Cause asian females love their phones
Asian females generally don't wear trousers. They carry their phones in bags.

Case solved.


How fucking hard is this to understand?

It all makes sense now. Jesus christ, you're a genius!

This explains all the asian girls at uni with the phablets! And those short shorts!

>Asian women don't wear trousers
I just imagined all Asian beauties in uw and it was glorious

Fuck off

i dont know much about replacing the screen, but are you sure you will be able to glue the glas to the lcd? i replaced the broken screen on my moto g once, but i bought a replacement with the lcd panel already on it.

>this is the cancer contained into /csg/ amplified by the tumor of discord brought by Sup Forums

soon it will be too late and escape this quarantine zone and kill whatever was left of Sup Forums that is not already infected by Sup Forums

Hey, don't blame it on us. Karpathys is from reddit

Good wireless mouse? Preferably something on the level of Logitech.

>hey don't blame use we are just cancer no related to reddit cancer!

nice try,but all carcinogens must be dealt with

What did the discord do to upset you this much? No one can provide a single example of the discord causing drama in a whole month that wasn't engineered by karpathy.

Jesus, just stop.


discord is Sup Forums a tier communication.A gaymen communication. It is a transport for carcinogens

No one can provide a single example of how discord shit is helping either.

Mostly it's containment for useless chink chatter and non tech chink items.

Why is it so hard for you fags to ignore obvious baits.
Btv any good quad copters on sale im looking for the cheap ones. Is the h101 good.

DW replica for the user that requested it.


People seemed to like the /csg/ podcast. The reason why the discord was created in the first place was to organise the podcast. Now all this karpathy/chinkshit.com bullshit has driven key people away from the community and the podcast is dead.

No it a quasi-containment for real-time tripfaging.It leaks out on a already quasi-chink containment board on Sup Forums.It serves no purpose except to intensify tripfags via a circle jerk no different from reddit

Nobody liked the podcast cancer. Fuck off.

Any decent cheap laptops from the chinks? Just wanna web browse and video playback with it

>No one can provide a single example of the discord causing drama in a whole month
its literally still in the archive

we already voted to remove the discord from the op.
Idk why he didn't remove it.

how bad is it?

not real OP, real OP is most likely at work or something. This is some false-flagging discord fag

Speak for yourself, I really looked forward to it. It has 220 views per episode so a lot of other people like it too.

Link any drama they caused before the 17th of July, anything in the last three days was proven to be caused by karpathy to distract people from his reddit spamming and shilling once he was found out.

>mfw I watched monster hunter general go through the same thing last year because of irc-faggotry

>90 active listeners while live
>nobody liked it!

Yeah sure okay

Has anybody found any Chink wireless Nintendo 64 style controllers?

Remaking my HTPC with Windows, Steam Big Picture and RetroArch. Would like to go the whole hog with a proper controller if I can.

>reddit invasion
>people on /csg/ must like it!!!

is there a 200gb chink sdcard that actually legit?

Will review when I get it. Maximum 60 days; based chink seller.


How was the reddit invasion caused by discord in any way shape or form? And there hasn't been a new podcast episode in 18 days, the reddit invasion was 3 days ago. There's only one person to blame for reddit coming here.

Guys I started chinking my bike out.

So far I've ordered a saddle, pedals, a new front brake, and some straps but what are some really neat recommended chinky accessories?

lmao ok, thought you already had it and shared the link for someone else.

That one bikelight shaped like a ballbag.

What kind of bike do you have?