Is Arch good or is it a meme?
Is Arch good or is it a meme?
meme and good. also bad.
A good meme.
poor man gentoo
Just read their FAQ and try to install it if you think it looks interesting
Do you ask for Sup Forums's approval for every little decision you make?
best distro if you lack the cpu power for gentoo
All Linux distros are for the poor man.
I really enjoy it. Its nice to have the most up to date packages with no hassle. Xserver crashing and unstable packages are a meme tho. Also prepare to do everything yourself which is not that much of a problem thanks to the very well maintained arch wiki.
it's made for lazy autists
It's the binary version of gentoo. That's it. It's not really great, but it's also not that bad.
Nah, it doesn't have USE flags or LICENSE, it doesn't have a stable branch and X breaks every 5 seconds.
>it doesn't have USE flags
Just about any de or wm is very nice ootb.
Mom, cancel my meetings doesn't happen.
Arch is solid.
Pacman does not overwrite conf files that have been user edited. You have to merge in conf changes in updates you're self ~ very easy using something like meld, but you have to kind of stay on top of it. Doesn't matter if you don't tweak system wide settings, of course.
I've been using arch for a while now and I like it. But it's a little more technical than other distros so its not for everyone.
Arch gives you like 70% more freedom than Windows but it's still bloated with proprietary crap and a kernel full of binary blobs.
>X breaks every 5 seconds.
Arch is a great source of packages and configurations, especially for systemd unit files (since they're one of the most prominent adopters)
I wouldn't actually run it though, too unstable for a server and too inflexible for a personal machine
Bad. Don't fall for the meme.
its neither, it entirely depends on the person.
its a linux distro for competent users, though anyone can read the guide and if their hardware is properly supported it will be a breeze, but once they update, things will obviously break, well depends on their hardware and configuration. When that happens they cry not knowing how to fix it and call it a meme, etc. but for a competent person, he'll know what to do.
beginners should never install it as their main straight away, they should install it in a VM or use it on a spare comp and actually learn how to use it properly, they'll learn quite abit of linux userspace.
I can never unsee the obese man in the logo...
these morons on Sup Forums cant make that judgement for you. don't be a dumb sheep, go try it for yourself and make your own judgement.
Arch is the perfect DIY distro
>ubuntu is bad therefore arch is good
what autist made this
You do realise you missed the point of those examples do you
Neither of them proved that arch isn't buggy trash
Arch isn't any different than Ubuntu
Furthermore Ubuntu is more buggy