U.S. Army switching from Android to the iPhone 6s due to poor performance

U.S. Army switching from Android to the iPhone 6s due to poor performance

>When trying to run a split screen showing the route and UAS feed, the Android smart phone will freeze up and fail to refresh properly and often have to be restarted, a process that wastes valuable minutes, the source said.
>“It’s seamless on the iPhone,” according to the source. “The graphics are clear, unbelievable.”


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US soldiers are some of the worst in the western world.

>implying they aren't doing this as a kickback for apple

Do you even know how budgetary politics work?

Are you even trying anymore Lagdroid?

I don't mind this. American designed/engineered goods for the American military instead of chinkshit devices manufactured by SK/Taiwan

Got any proof, Samshill?

This. I used to own an iPhone 6 and ironically it was the laggiest piece of shit I have ever owned.

Lemme guess -- you bought it from a store in China for $38 bucks, or you're full of shit.

I'm guessing the latter.

>t. iPajeet

Pajeets hate Apple because they are too poor to afford them. But Pajeets love Microsoft and Google because their products are cheap or free/gratis.

Sup Forums is no place for your lies

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Apple but having an American product for the military makes sense. I find it strange they even considered Samsung in the first place.

I have a 6 for work and it's fine, except for in Pokemon Go. Totally unexpected but it's total shit on my 6 yet works great on my Nexus 5 (the iPhone is my work phone).

Only problem with the N5 is that the battery life was mediocre before. Running Pokemon Go even with battery saver on makes it terrible, whereas the iPhone 6 seems to be okay (aside from it freezing/unresponsive/crashing all the fucking time).

Here's your (you)

too old to be funny anymore .. and it's unoriginal.

You're just kinda sad.

Pokemon Go is developed by a Google AR gaming spinoff so it's no surprise their iOS apps suck balls.

Apple is one of the cheaper flagships currently.
Apple is for people who can't afford a galaxy edge.

ITT: paid apple shills

Ooooh, that makes a lot of sense.

>the 2nd most valuable company in the world needs online shills to market its products


Why are you so butthurt that the DoD switched from android?

this gif gets me every time


A 4-6 year old smartphone is going to be a disaster no matter what it's used for, spkit screen on an old as shit dual core device at 1ghz is ridiculous. Even the link says "we dont know which version of the galaxy note is in use" and "it is possibly the original 2010 note"

What a fucking waste of money even $80 chinkpads today are leagues more capable.

>The iPhone is “faster; smoother. Android freezes up” and has to be restarted too often, the source said.

Poorfags cant handle the truth.

>paid by Apple

Butthurt Neckbeard with No Evidence: The Post

>edge screen

And people say apple users are dumb.

Is this the biggest ever gimmick in the phone industry?

how pathetic do you have to be to actually make an image like that lmao

I'm an android owner but this doesn't surprise me. iOS is better optimized, Android is just, THROW MORE SPECS TO COVER UP THE BAD OPTIMIZATION

Plus with so many android devices, shit is bound run differently slightly on each one. Better to use the unified iOS. Enjoy iTunes though faggots.

but apple hw is assembled in china

kinda ironic, because lately I've been reading that android phones are faster than they used to be, and iphones are slower...

Its shocking right? This is kind of a big deal for apple haters. Usually they cant afford Apple so they present a heavy emotional attachment to this discussion.

They are not like Apple users that can afford whatever they want but choose Apple simply because they have the best products.

>iOS is better optimized

What were you reading, a coloring book?

>lately I've been reading that android phones are faster than they used to be, and iphones are slower

Not quite


absolute bullshit lol, shill somewhere else with that ancient webm of what seems to be a knock off iphone 4s you keep re-using every chance you get (which happens to be every day in multiple threads).
iphone 6 launch user here, works just as fast as it did day one with the only thing worse being battery life.

also, so you don't have the chance to say something autistic like "stupid ifag/iDiot normie pajeet", i'm looking at the next nexus with some cautious optimism for my next upgrade, famalam.

>laggy fruity toddler toys for povertyfags
>best anything

But splitscreen on a year old phone works really well.

t. poorfag in denial

How desperate do you have to be when you try to use the poorfag argument in iPhone users?

At least you finally came to terms with your identity.

How desperate do you have to be when you try to to use a toddler toy that costs ONE PENNY to try and convince anyone you aren't a iPoorfag?

nice damage control poorfag

But its true. iPhone users are richer than android users. That is all I said, most people cant afford iPhones.

Why the denial? no need to be offended with facts

son, what are you saying? can you not into reading comprehension? that's a down payment hence the "*", which means you pay 49.99 up front, and then the rest on a two year contract. i guess you wouldn't know that because you're a 16 year old NEET who never payed for anything over 50 bucks.

tldr; if anyone can afford an iphone, they can also afford a high end android phone, which are looking good i might add. at least use a real argument against iphone ownership, senpai

7/10 b8 made me reply

>t. iPoorfag

>one of the largest companies in the world pays people to argue with people on an irrelevant board on an soon to be forgotten website

This shit is dumb because the apps are different on each system. The fucking android games probably check all sorts of gay shit on startup to figure out what kind of device they are running on. Half of them are probably iOS ports to start.

Look at Pokemon Go which is actually designed on Android and see how that fares, or look at just the stock apps on each device, the s7 edge boots up its SMS a split second faster and the like. Running through a billion different apps, even if they are both called "Netflix" or "YouTube" on both phones, isn't a fair comparison.

We don't really know what it's doing or why it's really falling behind on certain apps, and you'd never use a phone like that in real life.

Not true in America where people lease iphones for cents a month (the final cost is more than MSRP but for paycheck to paycheck tard that's irrelevant).

Also, android is shit. T. someone who does give a shit about freedom.

If you want freedom, use some obscure nokia freedumbphone. You don't need more "smart" features than a standards-compliant browser, a camera, and an email client anyways.

To be fair, I don't think it's 100% intentional

Apps get bigger and more powerful, and add features and they're not going to hinder progress because you want to clutch your piece of shit from 2 years ago and won't let it go

Ok, but dont tell me android is faster.

And the ram management is pretty awful considering the Galaxy has 2x more ram

>Hurr I can pay 27 dollars a month for two years and not starve I must be rich

Software updates is one of the main reason Im on iPhone. If I decide to go back to Android some say it will be a Nexus. I rather see my device get progressive slower but keep it updated with a newer OS than to be stuck on some old OS.

When its no longer able to run the latest OS, its time to get a new phone. I

And I dont know why androidfags are always posting that. The same thing happens to android when they release new OS for older phones, its just not all synchronized and they are all different phones so you cant see it in the graphic.

Also, the searches go up and then go down, which indicates that most problems were just optimization issues that got fixed with further updates.

That still doesn't change the fact that iPhone users are richer and that most android users cant afford an iPhone. Its just facts m8, no need to be mad.

>The same thing happens to android when they release new OS for older phones

You mean WHEN and IF

Most of the time Android phones don't get the newest updates

The Galaxy s6 will probably never see Android N for example

So /iphone general/?

Im leaving iPhone 5, should I go to a 6s or a SE?

I really like the small size but I there is no 3d touch. Is that shit useful?

>this is dumb but i won't admit what i'm seeing right in front of my fanboy eyes because it's actually android developers' fault AND somehow not their fault cuz pokemanz GO teehee, no one uses a phone for multi-tasking at that speed even though that's the main argument for android phones, take that haha topkek

yeah no lol, the s7 isn't shit, but android's biggest strength is also it's biggest weakness when it comes to this kind of heavy multi-tasking, and who cares lol? they're both fast phones. also, pokemon go works just as well on ios as it does on android, all apps work well on both OS's if they're any good.

also, don't use that kind of language as it reveals too much about your age lel

SE, especially if you like the size
Not really

if you really prefer the small screen size of the 5, stick to the SE, as the only difference as you said between it and the 6s is the 3d touch, which is essentially like a "right-click" but for a phone, which will probably see more useful functionality in ios 10, but for now its kinda just a neat, but unnecessary bonus

3D touch is not at all useful.

However, try to play around with a 6s for a while. You may find yourself liking the size.

6s owner here. 3D touch is a gimmick. The only "oh cool" situation I've seen is for quickly opening WiFi settings (3D touch on Settings -> WiFi) and to have pressure sensitive instruments on Garageband.

Also, iOS 10 beta replaces a lot of interaction that was naturally done by swiping to use 3D touch instead. It's uncomfortable to use since it requires the touch sensor to register a completely still touch. If you midly swiped to the side, it won't register.

I'm not mad just sitting here enjoying a slight chuckle because of how retarded you are.

>Most people can't afford iPhones

> Point out that you are retarded and the poorest of fags can afford it

>Says it doesn't change anything and retracts his "fact" that most people can't afford it

Name a phone better than my note 3.
It must have a removable battery and sd card slot.

Pro tip: You literally cant


What if richer people just gravitate towards apple so they can demonstrate their wealth by using something apple marketing has tried to associte with success

Factually, it's bull as a proof of wealth, because any poorfag can lease an iPhone or buy a $500 used macbook, but wealthy people trying to LOOK wealthy are skewing the statistics because apple marketing has told them that macs will make them look as wealthy as they are.

>of course i used apple, it fits a successful person such as my self and i don't want to be mistaken for anything else! like someone that isn't a shallow moron. avoid me, i'll take your house in the divorce.

Nice mental gymnastic you did there poorfag

Im sure its funny in your way somehow

Why are you talking about proof of wealth? I never said that.

All I said is that iPhone users are richer than Android users. Why do you poorfags get so mad with this?

>rich people like apple
>poorfags can afford apple
>poorfags want to appear rich and buy apple
>correlations invalid
>Sup Forums-tier reasoning on the part of apple fanboys ensues
>they're still anti-racist liberals that reject unbiased statistics regarding race, crime, and intelligence

How the upper class actually show off

>However the fuck they want
>"i buy the shit i want and don't even care"

how the lower class show off

>by trying to meet stereotypes so people will assume good things about them

>His only argument is to call me a poorfag

Fucking kill yourself faggot

You said something that was wrong. iPhone users are, on average, more likely to be richer than android users like niggers are, on average, more likely to be dumber than whites. That is true.

However, this nigger right here makes you look like an inbred hick. A lot of niggers surpass you in every way, and the statistics are even worse in their favor. Being a nigger does not necessarily mean that you're dumb, it just means that there are dumb people that share a single trait with you.

Tell me again how averages mean jack shit.

They're only valuable to autists that never talk to people and can't judge them otherwise

That video test is probably the Snapdragon, the Exynos barely falls behind at all, there's another test from the same channel of the Exynos, and it ends up like 10 seconds slower over 2 minutes, which can easily be chalked up to a few apps and not the phone overall.

Overall they are very similar, sometimes the s7 edge is faster, sometimes the iPhone 6s is. It seems like when the iPhone wins, it wins by a larger margin though, like some badly optimized app just takes +2 seconds on the Android or some shit. So in that kind of test, the s7 loses the small gains it made elsewhere.

The fact the s7 has way more ram and power does reflect pretty badly on Android, but it doesn't really matter what's going on under the hood much when you are using it if they end up the same. The battery life is still significantly higher on the s7 edge despite the extra power, and the price range is similar.

>no one uses a phone for multi-tasking at that speed even though that's the main argument for android phones, take that haha topkek

There are way more arguments for android aside from multitasking shit. No iTunes is enough of a feature by itself to make me not want to ever go back to iPhone.


>Apple users are significantly richer than non-Apple users according to Credit Suisse


>A new study conducted by online advertising network found that states with more college graduates tend to also have higher iPhone sales


>These maps showing the locations of 280 million individual posts on Twitter shows a depressing divide in America: Tweets coming from Manhattan(Rich) tend to skew in favor of iPhones. Tweets coming from Newark, N.J.(poor), index more heavily from Android phones.

>not every screen

>Surely, my poor ass is richer than yours, even though any faggot can afford this phone. I SHARE A PHONE PREFERENCE WITH RICH PEOPLE!

literally retard logic

>Tell me again how averages mean jack shit
Where did I say it means something? I just used the average to make an assumption.

If you use Android you are more likely to be poor than an iPhone user. That is all m8.

>marketing works
Woah... I'm a #AppleAsshole now!

And that matters why? If you don't think it matters, why waste your time saying it? If you do think it matters, when did you find out you were mentally disabled?

Like I said, the assumption mattered on the statement I was making on this post:


But your post is wrong

Anyone can afford apple with the magic of leases and used electronics. Poverty line teenagers come to class with iPhones, and they all look so similar the average normie can't tell it's a fucking 4s.

The hate comes from apple being used to demosntrate wealth that may not even exist by assholes, and shallow whores (the only girls Sup Forums can get) buying into it and only fucking the welfare subjects who have iPhones on 100 year term leases with 420% APRs

That is like 30% more time to do basic tasks on a newer phone.

Pretty bad


iPhone = Asians
Android = Whites

Asians are smarter on average than whites, but there are more exceptional whites as well as stupid whites. Asians are an optimized race, while whites are more creative. A premium white man is pretty much flat out superior to an asian.

Where do mactoddlers get the false impression they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome on a technology board?

That is the snapdragon, don't get cucked and you'll be fine


Sure they could buy it, but that is not what happens

For most people apple is too expensive to fit in their budget. Specially if you dont live in the US. Hence why I said they cant afford it.

Where do neckbeards get the false impression they or their amateur NEET toys are welcome on a technology board?

I would say if iPhone can only capture a premium market and is arguably not even the best at that then it is isn't doing that great.

So... Java is absolute shit and Android made a HUGE mistake using a GC'd language for a power-constrained form factor?

No fucking shit.

I'm still going to use Android though because I'm not a faggot.

iPhone is doing terribly, Apple will go bankrupt soon

>his sexuality is tied to his electronics

alpha as fuck

Where do mactoddlers get the false impression they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome on a technology board?

>tfw NASA used apple products to get the rover there

Android phones could be a pile of shit, if the apps I want still run and I don't have to use iTunes I will stick with it. Anything Galaxy s5 level and above I will choose over the best iPhone.

Fuck that fucking application. I still hate it years after I adopted android, and I went to android with the s3.

ITT pajeet lagdroid force

Don't kid yourself iToddler.

Just let him continue believing Apple is still doomed and on the verge of total collapse. Also Microsoft is still the king of technology and Windows 98 is super cool.

If he's believed it this long, why should he stop now?

>10 year old laptops

nice try

See the graphic retards, I was being ironical.

You realize iTunes hasn't been required since 2011, right?

Can you drag and drop music and photos the same way you can on Android, like a removable disk drive? So as far as I'm concerned you still need iTunes to get shit across, or you are jumping through unnecessary hoops.

The fact googling this shit gives me a guide on how to avoid using iTunes just proves my point.

iPhones... fuck no.

>He copies his torrented MP3 albums to his phone over USB

Are you too poor to afford a $10/month streaming service or are you just trapped in 2004?

>trying to convince me to pay $10 a month instead of just dragging and dropping

lol icuck

The non-edge is 200 dollars cheaper than a 6s.

>I find it strange they even considered Samsung in the first place.

Well, South Korea is at the very least a US military ally. The iPhone is manufactured in China, so there is a possibility for sabotage. Personally, I think they'd be better from a security standpoint using, say, a Nexus device running a custom ROM designed by and for the military. With the budget the military has, they really shouldn't be leaving software security to a third party.