So how Nvidia jewed us out? Why gtx 1070 is over 100$ more than gtx 970 was at launch?

So how Nvidia jewed us out? Why gtx 1070 is over 100$ more than gtx 970 was at launch?

>Peak video card of 1080p resolution

Well since making such a perfect card, they have the right to jew people

that happens when you have no competition

>be in Canada
>cheapest 1080 is $1200 after taxes
What did they mean by this?

Someone has to pay for the refugees right?

20 rupees have been transferred to your Gameworks account.

Remember it is capitalism atm. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

If you really feel like wanting it, use your government (which steals like 50% of your money on taxes anyway) to regulate GPU market.

But since nobody needs high-end GPU to survive, I doubt the gov will help you. But if they see you have spare money for GPU, maybe they will increase taxes to ease your mind.

Because it's on part with a titan x

Yes? gtx 970 was same speed as 780 ti.

If trend continues, we will have $600 1260's or whatever. Thanks nvidia!

>buying nvidia cards

The same reason the new Titan is $200 more expensive than previous single-GPU Titans, Nvidia is jewish as fuck. Before too long the regular GTX xx80 will be $999 and the xx70 will be $699.

Why do better things in the future cost slightly more money than now.

Inflation bitch. Quit being poor

Inflation hasn't increased by 20% over the last 2 years

There is problem with deflation in Europoor and still nvidia increasing.

Inflation. It's also why a carton of eggs is $40 now

>be a Canadian citizen
>cheapest 1080 is $1200 Canadian Dollars

>20% inflation in 2 years

Christ Sup Forums stop it

>he fell for the nvidia is DX12 ready meme

>still being fucked by niggers

Damn it feels good to be an american

wheres the face than nigga

That's not how that works my sweet child

The 970 was a rare gem when it comes to price/performance. Don't assume it happens every gen. If anything the ball is now in AMD's park with the RX 460

no competition
also *70 cards have always been 400 dollars, so since the 1070s msrp is actually under 400 it's mildly cheaper than it would be

The number 1070 is 100 more than 970, duh.

>*70 cards have always been 400 dollars
>470: $349
>570: $349
>670: $400
>770: $399
>970: $329
>1070: $379 "MSRP" actually $450 reference

Yeaaah there are two $400 cards out of the five they released before this overpriced shit.

What? Last year I was paying 13 dollars for 5 dozen eggs. Now I'm paying 5.

It would be fun if you could actually get one for under 400. Cheapest customs are at 450 dollarinos.

>dozen eggs here is $5