Type 100wpm+

>type 100wpm+
>constantly clicking and sliding mouse
>still have skeleton arms

I don't get it.

>Do all that AND furiously masturbate every day
>still have skeleton arms

It's genetics brah

stop using babby faggot blues and reds and go for greens or whites. That'll drop your balls out of your vagina.


I type 140 wpm and I am on the computer 12 hours daily, typically typing shit or roleplaying. Why are my fingers not muscular? ` ^` sigh.

>not using weights while typing

git gud

I prefer men with skeleton arms
They make good traps

50kg 188cm here, am mr skeletal

>using blacks


You have an eating disorder

>im a guy

kill the mutant

>be me
>one arm looks fuller and bigger than the other
>I masturbate a ton with the smaller arm
>must be cardio killing my muscle gains
>turns out I actually have a partially ruptured bicep tendon

Just shoot me senpai.

nigga please

Are you one of those stupid faggots that thinks walking is good for leg development? Lift some weights.


Cardio kills gains. You need a low WPM with keys that are hard to press.

Please be in London
Please be in London

no i am in hell
silly boys

>ride my bike 2 hours a day 6 days a week
>still have skeleton arms

I don't get it.

>tfw I bought clears and they're way too stiff
Feels pussy man

5'10 manlett
150 pounds

Eh I'll be ok

Do you even lift?

>use memes in real life
>still an autistic virgin

>5'4" jungle gook
>145 pounds
Well, at least I'm not a skeleton.


>dont use muscles
>muscles dont grow
i dont ge tit


I'll be ok

Should have gotten Cherry Blacks.

>tfw clears and making the house shake like an alpha motherfucker
Feels good man

You idiot. Everybody knows that skeletons are just a myth.

Tape a penny to each finger, then tomorrow, two pennys. And so on... until you have million dollar hands.

There is a skeleton inside of you right now.

i started this 42 days ago and today i don't have enough pennies
what do i do

Have you considered pushups?

It's not genetics you lazy fucks.
You need to L I F T

deadlift 600 pounds double overhand and come back

The muscles that flex your fingers aren't in your fingers, they're in your forearm. Don't believe me? Wiggle your fingers and look at the inside of your forearm, close to your elbow. Therefore, increased grip strength doesn't make your fingers thicker. And the muscles that flex your fingers are dwarfed by the muscles that flex your elbow, so working on grip strength isn't going to make your arms much thicker either.