How do you convince yourself that using an ad blocker is ethical?

How do you convince yourself that using an ad blocker is ethical?

>current year
>internet journalism

I don't need to, stupid ads do it for me.

morality is a spook

If your content is worth paying for, people will buy it. If it isn't, use ads.

I hate jews selling me shit I don't need! Also I'm fascist!

uBlock>options>3rd Party>reek's anti-adblock killer

Just because I visit a website doesn't mean you can load all your junk and trackers with it.

Le ethics meme

>Le ethics meme

fucking Sup Forums never change

Advertisements are currently the largest vector of malware. The advertisements you see on most sites are handled by third-parties with regards to the site you visit. Most of the time, the parent site has no consideration for the content pushed by the third-party advertisement organisation. For example, Imgur recently embedded a browser hijack unintentionally because of their third-party site advertisements arrangement.

If a site has it's own system or team to manage advertisements internally, I will gladly disable my adblocker, but on a site where ad's are simply pushed to the site from another service, I've every right to protect my system and all those that use it.


This. When sites that serve ads stop serving ads that have (or can have) malware in them, I'll unblock them. Until then, they can continue to kiss the absolute entirety of my ass.

By using Adblock-blocker blockers.
>but sites are dying
Honestly >90% of sites are better dead.

I pay my ISP for internet. I don't get a discount for the adds that pollute the bandwidth I spend my bucks for.

Not deciding what code runs on your machine is total cuckoldry. Also, RAM is expensive.

At the moment I started getting porn ads on sfw websites

>How do you convince yourself that using an ad blocker is ethical?
If I'm going to your site once, fuck off.

If I'm a regular user, yeah I'll allow them.

If I allow them and they're:
>pissing me off,
>getting in the way of using your site,
>using fifty fucking domains,
>autoplay video/audio,
>using a shitload of tracking,
>using a shitload of javascript, or
>represent over half the fucking size of the website
Yeah, fuck right off. I'll take great pleasure in blocking your ads and costing you money.

Because ad portals are literally serving malware.

I'm going to completely ignore ads anyway, so content producers are stealing from the advertisers by showing me ads.

Why should I give a fuck about ethics?

I use adblockers
i never paid for a program, movie or a song in my life
I use a hacked torrent client that reports 1000x my actual seeding, so I never seed and delete the torrents right after downloading
At night I steal wifi from my neighbor, because his speed is higher
I buy dead hardware on ebay and pressure manufacturers into replacing it
I buy event tickets and make preorders early then sell them for 3x the price
I don't tip

Wrong. Some ads pay by click, some ads pay by impression (ie. you just loading it). So ignoring the ads would've still made them money from their advertisers.

You dirty, rotten thief!

And you wonder why you don't have any friends

I do, actually.

How is profiling your readers and/or allowing third parties to profile your readers ethical?

Ads are annoying
I block em
I'm happy

my CPU
my connection
I can decide what to execute

if I do not wish to execute a script or fetch something I do not see why anyone should stop me

not to mention it has security implications to carelessly run anything the Internet tries to send your way

how do you JUSTIFY forcing people to run stuff?

I don't. I just block the ads and I don't give a fuck!

Advertising is unethical.

What are philosophers saying about the ethicality of adblocking?

I don't give a fuck, using an adblocker to troll the jews is also another motivation.

There are ads that hinder browsing or use up data before the page even fully loads

Not to mention, malware being spread by ads is becoming common these days. You're safer with an adblocker than without one.

Ads are the memes of the past generation

Set up a patreon. If there's no market for independent journalism then get a part time job like anyone else pursuing a hobby.

You didn't read any of his post

My computer, my rules m8.

this desu

How do you convince yourself that executing unwanted code on my machine is ethical?

Bought something online recently? Prepare to have it advertised to you everywhere, even though they must surely know that you already own one by now!
Also, all the normie websites I visit seem to be worth millions, so they don't need any more money from me. And advertising doesn't even make that much money for websites compared to things like sponsored articles, which cannot be avoided anyway.
Furthermore, advertising tactics change according to the habits of the users, which is why it's all become so intrusive and offensive. If we block them, that sends a message, and the advertisers will adapt and advertise in less insulting ways.

> Install ublock origin when formatting normie laptops
> They probably disable it when they run into those sites
> Most instructions are to disable it globally rather than whitelisting their shitty website
Fucking kikes

Because sites rarely just advertise stuff nowadays. They serve you ads from 3rd parties that track you, sell your data and may try to insect you with malware.

If someone knows how to install an adblocker, they won't click on any ads anyway.

>caring about your own profit and comfort is edgy

A lot of people don't know they have adblock. Any independent computer repair shop worth their salt will install adblock for you if you take in your laptop for repairs.

I'm ok with, and whitelist, sites with static banners. 4chin included. Fucked if I am going to tolerate autoplay flashy fucking rubbish though. Sites that also surround the (tiny as possible) download links with trap links designed to make you download some bullshit third party app (like pic related) need to DIAF as well.

If the advertisement was just a text ad, image, or even an animated .gif I wouldn't block them. Now ads can contain malware, unwanted scripts, and tracking cookies that simply make it unfeasible to browse the web without an adblocker.
Plus they waste mobile data and take up a nontrivial amount of resources on lower-end machines.

>people who say they disable adblocks for sites/channels they visit regularly


Just as retarded as pirates who claim they buy the game if they like it.

It is



The advertisements are unethical.
Popunders and popovers full of malware
Waste of resources and on a toaster would severely lag the system
This. Beg for donations like everyone else or get a job and stop trying to be the next "get rich quick" idiot that falls flat on it's ass.
Oh this so much. Of all the computers I serviced the majority fucked themselves thanks to some malware that I had to remove all the shitty 3rd party apps and install a safe guard against them reinfecting them visiting sites full of malware.

>> Most instructions are to disable it globally rather than whitelisting their shitty website
Because they use so many fucking third party scripts that it is easier to make people disable it globally than explain how to disable everything needed for the site.

Mind you with ublock you can basically unblock all the domains while on a particular domain in a few clicks, if you have advanced mode on.

I didn't use an Adblock for a long time. Didn't really have a need too. The ads were often tasteful, either a banner on the top, bottom, or sides.
I started using one around 2009. This was when ads stopped being tasteful.
Instead, shovels are shitter sites decided, HEY! Full screen pop up video ads are GREAT right guys!!!!
From then on I use Adblock. Whenever I get a message like OPs on my screen I just refuse to use the site.
Nothing of value was lost.

no images, no js, no problem

blocking 99% of ads comes as a plus

How is it stealing if I wouldn't have been paying anyway?

>b-but your visit would have generated income from the advertising!
That's just a shitty advertising model they have been suckered into. Other mediums pay content providers for space in their content for adverts. The content providers make money up front regardless of how many people actually view or act on the adverts. Advertisers understand that only a small percentage of the viewership will actually purchase based on the adverts but that small percentage still makes it profitable for them.

With web advertising they make the content providers suffer for this minority that actually acts on the advertising.

>How do you convince yourself that using an ad blocker is ethical?

I don't. I'd first have to give a fuck. I just don't see that happening.

Also, I'm not leaving my shit wide open to what almost has to be the largest malware distribution method currently on the net. Seems like ad networks have little to no oversight. No, thanks.

I only turn off ads for sites that need the money, big companies can fuck right off. I'm a developer and I put ads all over my shit, I feel for other developers.

How do you convince yourself that being imposed ad's is ethical?

How do you convince yourself that my subconscious is your property?

There is no such thing as ‘ad blocking’. The web is a pull medium, not a push medium. I merely decline to request ads.

Well said you fucking autist.

If it's something I really care about, then I will take out my credit card without hesitation and make a donation or buy the product/service.

95% of websites that serve adverts I can easily do without. That's their fault for trying to maintain a business that is supported by the lowest denominator of monetization possible.

I've been blocking ads for years. If every ad blocking extension disappeared, I would only use websites that don't have ads.

>Adblock is unethical
Hold on a moment
Most advertisements are at least obnoxious, if not also intrusive and tracking of one's information.

Let's not forget the fact that most advertisements, if you accidentall click on them, redirect you to malware laden webpages or the most terrific phishing sites.

Actually, I've done that. In retrospect it is incredibly stupid and not very thrifty but whatever.

use uBlock Origin dummy. I didn't even know Independent.cuck blocked adblocker

you're probably using AdBlock Plus or some other shitty adblock software

>host blocking masterrace

The problem is not the ads in themselves but the underlying technologies that trying to buttfuck you all the freaking time.
Trackers and such must die, until then I won't disable my adblockers.

Because, instead of having flashy popups, or not appropriate advertisements, I can choose to block them. If sites want real advertisements, they can include a sponsor logo image on the header of the website, or the background as a still image. They could also have a link, or article for advertising as well.

I block ads and I don't give a fuck.

>unethical to use adblock
What next, people are going to tell me it is unethical to use libreoffice or openoffice instead of pricey Microsoft Office?

I have no fucking clue what you're trying to hint at; you're not even comparing apples to oranges here, you're just operating on some sort of fucked up logic.

I pay for my internet access so I control what I download and what I don't download

I don't think it is ethical

How do you justify sending me viruses, interrupting everything I'm doing with random videos and popups, draining my bandwith, and giving my eyes cancer?

1. previous experience in inadvertently getting silently installed spyware/adware/malware thanks to a browser or plugin backdoor that allowed an executable file to be downloaded and run.

2. Inconvenience

3. the fact that it covers 3/4 the size of most pages.

4. No customisation or options to make ads advertise things relating to you without having to be tracked.

>most of the news from the attempted turkish coup came from twitter
>even the fucking edogan was using memetime

>paying for journalism

Or you could make a social media account, granpa.

The Independent is leftist propaganda. I hope they go bankrupt and all the "journalists" working there end up unable to feed their families and eventually homeless.

You just don't and continue to use it.

It's your computer and you're in charge what content you want displayed on it

Because I have not and never will buy something because I saw it in an internet ad.

What sites have no ads outside of wiki and Netflix!

>What sites have no ads outside of wiki and Netflix!
Every site when using ad-block

There is not a single major newspaper/media organization that isn't a corrupt, anti-white globalist organisation. Ergo, it would be unethical to NOT use an adblocker.

Yea but I wanna see the sites he says he uses with no ads if adblocker dissapeared. I really can't think of any sites I will send daily without some kind of ads.

All of you (((journalists))) are bought and paid shills anyway so fuck you.

The internet and computing in general were better when they were run and used strictly by knowledgeable hobbyists.

Ad-culture allows jewish businessmen and tumblrina cunts to sit at home writing a blog or "journalism" or making fucking youtube videos for preteens to be indoctrinated by.
This is what's truly unethical.
That the working man sweats and applies himself all day while this scum sits around masturbating on camera.

If you block ads, they'll go get real jobs.

Doesn't most adblockers leave non-intrusive ads alone? If that's the case, make your shit ads non-shit.

anyone born before 2000 remembers this
it was a different fucking world
websites were just regular people sharing valuable information not just blogs and marketing

You do realize all "real" physical jobs will be gone in 20 years? If anything online entertainment jobs will grow.

I'm not just talking about physical jobs
any job that requires you to actually get up off your ass and go to work and do something productive

>Caring about the ethics of ad-blocking
I would disable ad-block if most ads weren't flashy blinking things that covers half the page, auto-playing videos, or anything with sound. Also ads that are before the content is shit, e.g. Youtube.
The pages I actually like and can stand the ads on I have white-listed.

By the way, I have Sup Forums white-listed but the ads still doesn't show up. Anyone know why?
The weird thing is that I see ads on nyaa which also have ads from j-list, and I haven't white-listed it.

No, you have to pay adblocker to get whitelisted. They are as big Jews as ads and you are still the custoner.

they can't grow if you don't give them money, idiot

> I see ads on nyaa which also have ads from j-list, and I haven't white-listed it.

Now that you mention it, so do I... I wonder why that is.

Which is all being automated away.

Pretty soon all real jobs will be in China and the only jobs left in America will be camslut and welfare bureau worker.

Oh Hey, look at that. Thanks!

What happens when they make Adblock-blocker blocker blockers?

>'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''e t h i c s ''''''''''''''''''''''

Out of all of the internet journalist sites out there, I think the Independent is least worthy of whitelisting.

I used to be a daily user of the Independent, but the last few site updates have ruined the usability, ads are now fucking everywhere and the quality of the journalism has taken a serious hit, and I mean "fuck quality, any old retard can write an article"-tier shit, just look at their i100 thing, the majority of the content is the fucking heading. Now everything is clickbait for leftist garbage or simply bad quality journalism. At this point I'll be very surprised if the Independent doesn't go bust in the next few years, they axed their printed copies and obliterated their online content to the point where even Daily Mail users will joke about clickbait on the indie.

Use element picker.