Interesting tech thread~

Interesting tech thread~
Post pictures of interesting gadgets you own!

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fuck off weeb

what is that? looks cool

I took care of mine until the battery died. After that I swore off having children.



Whats the name of the icon pack also could you please post your wall

Pic unrelated


How do you like your micro? Can it play GB games or just GBA? Also how's the battery life?

Man the new version of these look so much nicer compared to the old.

i don't think that's a micro. micros had two buttons; no x and y

what the hell is it?

not OP but that's a dingoo and the gba micro only plays gba games

I'm fucking retarded and didn't read the filename

What book is that on top? minna?

well said lol

Don't have a pic since its been in the back of my closet over a year

I love old graphics card boxart so fucking much. What the fuck is even going on in that picture?

>This actual picture is the property of Bong Carpio


nixie tubes? very cool!

under age faggot detected

MPC Clientpro 434 all-in-one

Green laughing deformed skeleton sitting on some flying blob, some very basic mountains and water in the background

Maybe I'll scan and post it sometime

Didn't those run on BeOS?


I don't have any pictures of it but the Nokia N900 is the last cool phone Nokia ever produced, and I have it running debian linux.

>tfw i had one of those all in one (not pic posted) chinese shits
i used to connect my ps2, watch tv, use the pc and also listen to the radio.
nice little machines




Oh, I see the content of the image, what I'm really wondering is how such an image came into being. Can you imagine the packaging team sitting in a conference room one day, trying to decide what to put on the box?

>Ok guys, we have a new video card to sell, what should we do with the box art?
>How about a skeleton?
>Yeah, and what if it's a devil skeleton?
>Ooh, sounds good, let's make it a red devil skeleton
>Nah, red is too predictable, let's go with green
>Guys, skeletons are cool, but gamers like sci-fi shit too, what should we do?
>Oh, I've got it, the skeleton can be riding on a spaceship
>Yeah! Let's put him in the most awkward pose imaginable, too!
>Hmm... this is pretty good, but it needs something else... let's put a red glow around everything!
>Fuck yeah, this is what I was looking for. Now for the background... jagged mountains in a sunset ocean?
>Perfect. But the box still has some empty space, what should we do?
>How about a fucked up kabuki mask thing for no fucking discernable reason at all?
>Brilliant! Ok, now that we're done with that, how about this metal album cover?

At least it has no creepy clowns.

Oh fuck, I actually remember that one.

I'm pretty sure '90s video card boxes were actually the result of using focus groups exclusively made up of schitzophrenic 12 year old metalheads.


Maybe I'm being unfair, though. It's not like manufacturers have stopped putting irrelevant weird shit on their boxes, it's just slightly less crudely rendered.

And the back

>Plan 9
>on a phone with a keyboard
Sign me the fuck up

My girlfriend is fucking obsessed with Tamagotchis. It's insane.

fuck I'd love to have the render of that skellington without the washout and text in front of it.

Would make a badass wallpaper.

Skeletons: cool
Clowns: don't like em

It's actually inferno.

Looks cool but i wont wear them.

Oh hey, I still have one of those.

Fucking terrible phone in its default state, though. I went through 4 RMAs in a year, all because of the exact same issue. (Which I can't remember precisely, but I think it was that the phone would randomly lock up and I'd have to pull the battery to reset it. I do remember that my first one was fine for the first 6 months or so, and then the refurb replacements they kept giving me would do it within weeks.)

Also, I can't believe how small this thing is. I remembered it as a behemoth of a phone, but it's totally dwarfed by my S7. Crazy how things have changed in eight years.

They probably farm it out to some shitty chink companies that do rendering with the brief "design something edgy and cool".


Oh man I wanted one of those so badly in highschool

I literally got the phone today, it won't be there for long.

What should I do with this sucker?

That looks way more usable than I thought it would.

Always wanted one of these, but 'Merica.

I actually own a Leap Motion
was pretty fun when Win8 first came out. use to use it all the time.

>tfw the wordline changes every minute

I have surprisingly little in the way of unusual tech. The only exception I can think of is this Kohjinsha netbook, which I bought in Japan way back in '08, when having real Windows on something this small was some serious wizardry.

Just finished wiring the power supply. Gonna calibrate tomorrow and do my first print, hopefully.

nice printer, user. have always wanted a delta
hope it works!

Guess this is the most interesting thing I have, the lower-end of two almost identical models that marked IBM's only entry into Itanic systems, lasted one or two years on the market and probably sold less than 10,000 units overall.

And as you would expect, OS support is ass.

I remember you, that thing was cool as shit.

>that sticker


It isn't even right, I think that piece of shit takes at least 15 minutes to bring up a login prompt.

But does it support server2003 or 2008?

Why pci and not agp8x?

Many older systems still did not have AGP, so they required a PCI version.
Even more surprising is that some very recent cards have PCI versions, pic related: GT610

Yeah, they shipped with 2k3 or Red Hat, is pretty much all they'll run. I unironically used mine as an RDP server when I got it way back.

I'd shove 2k3 back on it but I don't think there's jack shit for Itanium binaries for Windows, I guess I could build my own though, I know a lot more now than I did last time I really used it.

Even as an easy multi-monitor solution, a GT610 sounds like overkill.

I guess it's main purpose would be in a shitty HTPC for video decoding

>hope it works
Kek, me too. If you're looking to get a kit, I'd recommend the Folger FT-5. It's probably a he'll of a lot easier to build.

What did the pizza key link to?



Nice, M3 Perfect user here

strix means owl

Tfw can't find reasonably priced GBA flash cards anywhere anymore



thats funny but how do u know what hour is it

on Gearbest there is one for about 15$

is this just minutes? how do you know the current hour?

>Not buying a flashcard just to listen to Maktones music on native hardware


destruction derby came to pc?

Not really a gadget but still interesting technology
Really enjoyable build


It could alternate the hours and minutes

Cool, keep away from us degenerates if you want to further succeed in life.




That's cool but what would you need it for? Tablets?
Who would want to write on a tablet? They don't even come with different fonts in an office app or do they?

Tablets have pretty rich-featured word processors these days, with different fonts.

The keyboard was originally for a Palm device, and I was planning on figuring out a way to connect it to a computer, or possibly my raspberry pi, but I haven't gotten around to it.

I want one, where does it exist?

It's a "Belkin G700 PDA Keyboard for Palm"

It won't actually plug into anything modern though. I managed to get raw input from it using a usb to whatever the wires on there are, but I never got any further than that.

Aaawwww man, why do not good foldable or slideoutable keyboards exist!

not the guy you're replying to, yes, i played them a lot

You're still on pre-LP?

Oh man, those folding Palm keyboards were cool. I had a different (earlier?) version back in the day.

And eventually replaced it and the Palm with something I REALLY wish I still had, a Jornada.