What does Sup Forums think of piracy?

Thoughts on piracy Sup Forums wrong or right??.

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If a game/film etc is good enough i will often buy it to get the best experience.
If its terrible, meh it was free.

>Thoughts on piracy Sup Forums wrong or right??.

Its right if your pirating someone elses code, its wrong if someone pirates your code.

Yes taking over ships, raping, stealing and killing people oversea is fucking bad and awful.
Oh you meant sharing files on the internet freely? It is an act of love and must continue, trying to make files not able to be copied is like trying to make water not wet, piracy is such a propaganda term.

being pirate is fun! AAARRGGH!

You're so autistic you didn't even remotely answer OP's question. He asked your thoughts on piracy not on how you spend money.

Completely agree user.

Is this faggot serious??.

I like to apply the term "Try before you buy"

With some exceptions like
Everything that falls under Sony music label
All labels under and including Defjam label
All labels under and includingYoung Money
A couple of big time film companies
EA Games

Prolly forgot a few but yeah the general idea is to support indie devs (try b4 u buy applied though) and never pay a penny to the jews.

piracy is the best advertising method

We buy our stuff here. Go to reddit if you want piracy

Right and wrong are just limits

I do it if it benefits me

Is using GPL code in proprietary software wrong or right?
It's the same offense: Copyright Infringement.

The question is would you buy the product if there was absolutely no way to pirate it?

If the answer is no then it's justifiable, and no one really loses anything.

If you would've bought it anyways, but decided to cheap out and pirate it it then it's wrong. In this case, you should probably support the creator by paying for the product.

it's literally free advertising.

It's real good.

Spreads software that otherwise would be unknown.

People that are against it for ethical reasons (and not money, I can understand it if you are a lawyer etc, yet I'd hate you then), are just too dumb to understand the cycle of life.

OMG its summer already kek.



YES this user gets it.

He's doing the normie, why r u so thick though?

I don't think "right" or "wrong" comes into it

I'd hate the idea of someone pirating my shit if it was me though if it was say software or something.

>put hours into making something
>possibly put money and resources into something
>people just get it for free

Games I buy. Steam got me. I only don't buy games that are ancient and devs don't get any money for those anyway. >thinking i'm paying some seller money for some playstation game that's scratched up or 40 bux for a 25 year old game

I buy physical copies of anything I like where I can because I like to own physical copies of things so I buy up a lot of movies.

music is

>implying i'm paying 0.99 bux per song or some shit

I pretty much only use free software these days

Yes it's wrong. Piracy is theft, clean and simple.

You wouldn't download a CAR, would you?

If I purchase a program and don't use the whole of it, can I sell the unused parts?

Fuck no. Buried somewhere in every EULA you don't own the program/game.

Fuck you i would if i could.

Software or music/movies?
I use GNU/Linux, so I don't pirate software, but I do pirate music and movies.
The jew producers aren't going to starve without my money.

what if they will?

I wish they would

>right to use
That's not a purchase, but a lease.

The almighty gaben told me I am "buying" the games. Is this false advertising?

Same here user.


Haaaaaaaa oh the memories.

It's good because brings joy/entertainment to people who are less well off.

Yeah that's the thing. I only buy stuff during the steam sales because I'm a polack, and 60 bux is two days of work for me.

ain't that the truth.

I tried using the pirate bay today.
It told me to make an account.
I'm going to use kick ass torrents from now on.

>implying IP is actual property
If it aint scarce it's a farce

the you weren't on tpb

You were probably on a fake TPB user.

>piracy is such a propaganda term

Well it's working. Everytime I share a file I say shit like "Arrrr matey!" and shit. I've been thinking of getting myself a parrot and an eye patch too. I've got three cats already, so there is concern about the parrots safety, but I also have chickens and contrary to popular belief about them being cowards, they don't take no shit off of cats, or small dogs. Parrots are smarter than chickens (what isn't?) so maybe they can handle themselves too.

I actually think that sometimes user XD.

For a while now I've been getting a "database maintenance, back in 10 minutes" message
Idk desu senpaitachi

are you on thepiratebay.org?
works for me

>the best experience
But user, there's no autistic encoders to fix the issues inherent to the blurays if you buy those instead of pirating

Piracy isn't going anywhere, and I think it has its purposes. I also think that if you pirate software and you genuinely enjoy it, or find it useful, then I think it's a good idea to purchase it personally, as it supports the developers and encourages them to continue doing it. Piracy does serve a great purpose of sifting out the bullshit.

Richard Stallman detected.

It's wrong. That's why I am voting for Trump, the law and order candidate. You respect the police and uphold the law. The people breaking the rules are slime.

It's right when done for private purposes. It's wrong when done for commercial purposes. Pretty simple, I'd say.

Case by case.

>63% white

Piracy is how I downvote software/games

I would probably buy some of the music I pirated and go to library for books/movies/games, perhaps buy used books. Would never, ever, ever buy software or movies.

Given that all the stuff is free, obviously I download much more than I could buy even if I wanted to.

By giving them free publicity?

IMO "Piracy" causes no damage. The "damage" is done when the content is created by its author. This is the effort the author put into the work. If the author isn't compensated for his effort beforehand, the author might want to restrict access to the work and request (monetary) compensation in exchange for access to the work. This is usually called "selling the work".
IMO the author should take care of compensation for his/her work before creating it (through sponsorships, crowdfunding et c.) or not at all.

It sure is summer.

Kikestarter has it's problems too, namely no buyers protection. It motivates developers to overpromise and underdeliver - the more stretch goals, the merrier. If you try to pull that scam on steam, you wont get any sales (people can get refunds for your shit product).

Pay upfront model has a future when it is fixed to favor buyers, not sellers. For example a variation of collective dutch auction for finished product with no stretch goals - the moment asking price is hit, the game is released from escrow - for free. Dev gets paid and everyone is happy.

It would need refunds too - if dev releases shit, most tippers would withdraw their collective bid.

For the masses of steamfags, this could be packaged as a simple 'donate-preorder' button or something.

gaben, plz adopt

>"Try before you buy"
>What is music on YouTube
>What are steam refunds

Movies don't count because you can't "try" without watching the whole thing.

>I'm so entitled I'll just chose whether to pay a company or not for the content they have created based on whether I like them or not.

>>I'm so entitled I'll just chose whether to pay a company or not for the content they have created based on whether I like them or not.
That's how it works in some other industries too. I can buy a laptop or a phone and return it if it's shit.

I think creators need to receive the benefits from their work. Which is why we should destroy capitalism and build a cooperative society free from the private ownership of capital.

>music on YouTube
Yeah, maybe, back in 2007. Now it's just DMCAs left and right. You can find some, not gonna lie, but there's no guarantee that it'll stay up. Hell, my music playlist keeps getting shorter and shorter every month.

Lenin was transgender?

Another solution might be a patreon style system: the developer gets donations as long as he/she provides a constant stream of progress, so the money to be refunded is minimized.

There is no perfect system, though a hybrid might work best.

There are no distinct social classes anymore, comrade. That term is meaningless.

Would be suboptimal for literature, or anything else that actually needs time.

So where do we start?

Organize in small groups, agitate to raise class consciousness among the people, help them to see through the capitalist worldview by offering them a vision of a better world, get the people used to working together to effect change through mass line activities, then turn them against the capitalist ruling class to demand revolutionary change in the economic substructure, eliminating the following:

1. Private ownership of capital
2. Wage labor
3. Market exchange of commodities for the purpose of obtaining profit

The actual implementation of socialism beyond following these basic principles should be left for the people to determine during a transitional period. The final society must be free of all ruling classes of any form (i.e. truly democratic), provide the basic necessities to all through maximally-automated necessary labor, and be focused on individual self-actualization and humanity's long-term goals.

>the street sweeper is paying off his student debt after majoring in economics

Patreon and systems similiar to it (ie even youtube ads) generally work only for low effort content (ME2 porn, webcomics, webcomic furry porn and such) and mass entertainers (=no creative freedom).

As said, the idea is to make a single transaction for something a lot of coherent effort was poured into. Incremental releases are suitable only for shitty youtube reviews and webcomic panels - trivial series of cliffhangers.

Yes, the new reality is that we are all slipping down into the truly exploited classes, the only condition that most throughout the world have ever known.

Fuck off parasite, helicopter ride will come soon

The only parasites are those who collect profit from the labor of others while doing no work themselves. In other words, the idle rich who have subverted your government and manipulate your society from behind the scenes.

the problem with this is that there is no middleground. You either ban sharing at all, which is terrible. You basically can't share the movie you bought with your friend or let people share but share with the entire world.
The former is really really terrible. Sharing is essential for humanity, so I choose to share. The choice between two extremes is always hard.

>implying you or anyone here actually works
This is why I can't take commies seriously, they are either NEETs like on the internet or "intellectuals" on the government pay in our public universities

Don't care if you pirate shit
Don't care how much you pirate shit

Just don't ever give me pirate shit since 9/10 it is garbage compared to the official version

Im glad to see that your marxist feminist studies are paying out

Wouldn't it be easier to use the current system to implement automation serving us all by initial subventions and later very high taxation for companies investing into automatisation?

Besides, once the necessities are secured there is nothing wrong with wage labour anymore, since it'd be done voluntary.

On the other hand, if some leftist actually works, you use "champagne socialist" to shut down their opinions. Can't win.

>or "intellectuals" on the government pay in our public universities
What about professors from private universities, or do they not count? What about most scientists?

yep, me too. happens from time to time, try refreshing or use torrentz.eu

Piracy is A-OK for proprietary software
For free software, if it's a big project like GIMP, 0 AD or The Dark Mod for example, I donate $30 - 60 (ie: about how much an equivalent proprietary program costs)

>pic related

until there's a decent legal alternative, i'll keep on pirating. is most download old music, tv & movies so i'm not all that worried

Is true, chickens really do bully cats. They stand taller, too. Cats are manlets.

It's right if you are pirating from a foreign company or a foreigner.
It's wrong if you are pirating from a fellow national.

Fuck you what planet do you live on

The planet where national interests and the national economy is more important than to take money out of it to put it into some stinking foreigner's wallet for something as irrelevant as digital entertainment.

piracy has existed for a long ass time, just not in terms for the internet.

When you borrow Lord of the Rings from your buddy Dan, you have viewed that media for free.

When you buy a used game from gamestop, do the game companies who made the game see a penny?

When you buy a DVD from a yardsale, do the companies see a penny?

You can even rent media from a library, the companies don't see a penny from me.

it's just more convenient, GabeN said that piracy is a result of poor service and I agree.

I was a pirate from age 10-22, I bought games that needed online access. Then steam had heavy cutting summer sales, and I was more willing to buy on sale games, then I bought games at full price when I supported developers.

Then gaming companies started getting shittier, poorer quality products, and they ruined their goodwill with me. So I pirate it to see if they have fucked me or not. Most of the time I'm still too bitter to pay. I have completed the cycle of pirate > paying customer > pirate.

I hate that a lot of games now are using that Denuvo shit.

I almost exclusively listen to music from Youtube.
What I see most artist/labels have their own channels too, with some exceptions.


But bad habits are hard to break. Most of us save images on Sup Forums without a second thought. Use images straight off google without any regard to whether or not it is free use even if it's a stock photo. Play games, music, porn and movie rips... etc.

Did I ask this guy's permission before I used his comic for this post? Nah. I'll feel slightly bad for continuing the cycle now more than I would a few years ago when I was defending the spoiled brat behavior of the internet.

copyright infringement is noble


Geese and ducks are pretty vicious too. You wouldn't think it, but a goose bite hurts like fuck.

I feed my cats canned food, which is sometimes chicken. The damn chickens will chase them away, and eat it, if I don't stand guard. Chickens will eat just about anything apparently.

It's stealing, but no one's stopping me.

Denuvo is going down the drain soon.

As with all software, everything is cracked sooner or later,
and the rest follows.

So they cracked it! I can't wait to play all those titles that I couldn't because of Denuvo.

There's like, 1 or 2 whole titles that are worth a shit.
Total Warhammer being the only most relevant one.
Though out of all Denuvo games, i'd only pay for Total Warhammer and did in fact do so.
The rest are not worth the money.

If I can't find torrent in good quality I buy CD/BluRay/Digital record and share it via torrent.

Never played it, what's it like?

What software do you use?

Property rights are spooks, intellectual property rights even more so.
>hey let me sell you this thing but I still own it INTELLECTUALLY do don't undermine my scheme where I pretend that there is labour going into its reproduction
Also the competitive motivation for inventiveness may have been a productive factor since early capitalism but the playing field has always been evened out with time, resulting in less socially necessary labour time for the affected commodities. Protecting exclusive control of technologies is a newer phenomenon.