we use the _ga tag at my work to fire off google analytics events
It could be that, but I'm not sure why it's in the url (maybe it's 1 way of firing an event, we use it in javascript on page load), or why it's set to numbers and periods
Chase Gonzalez
"Ubuntu, to me means 'I don't understand how to install Linux'"
>opinions of someone using deprecated FreeBSD >relevant
Caleb Hall
David Stewart
Brayden Hughes
/fug/ means Gondola is mascot, confirmed?
Ryder Martinez
Please somebody answer this and also any generic drivers available for trackpad?
Connor Wright
is this the new desktop thread
Elijah Bennett
Jose Perry
Most of the the times it works out of the box. No messy setups.
Jacob Sanders
That's why I use it.
Hudson Russell
What should I install for doing C/C++ programming?
Christian Butler
CLion + Boost
Henry Parker
OP should do it.
Xavier Miller
Thanks m8
Levi Ross
>sjwfox Please end your life.
Asher Jenkins
Brody Fisher
>C/C++ Why are you grouping two completely different languages together like that?
Dylan Adams
GNU/Antegros + KDE Masterace
Mason Kelly
how to make the boot time faster, jesus is it slow compared to win10
I've read you can like delete some useless things from the boot that make it boot in like 7 second instead of a minute
Daniel Sanchez
Antergos, yeah. KDE...it looks really nice, but it just really isn't stable enough for a general user. KDE Connect is sweet, though.
Ryder Peterson
I meant C and C++ separately. Sorry, if that was not clear.
Easton Gonzalez
>stable enough what? it's as stable as other DE
Alexander Torres
I'm on a thinkpad T400 and Ubuntu boots from GRUB in like 10-15 seconds for me. Maybe buy a better computer?
Luke Parker
I used it for like a month with Antergos, and for a week before I finally switched, Kwin_x11 just kept crashing. Not to mention the screen-locker fucking up. I had to press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to into a different TTY, and then kill the locker.
Jaxon Evans
>tfw don't know how fast my boot really is since i luks encrypt my drive
Liam Richardson
sure it's a bit old, had it for like 5 years but I don't think it should be THAT slow. I remember how previous Ubuntus would always boot up faster than windows, but now windows 10 boots up faster than Ubuntu 16.04
Lincoln Walker
Why have another general ? you can discuss of this shit on an existing thread.
If you can't do it graphically via the setting panel, unity is worse than what I thought.
>1200x800 >MacBuntuu-OS why ?
>"Ubuntu, to me means 'I don't understand how to install Linux'" The install process is the same in most distributions. There no big differences between ubuntu debian or fedora installer
gcc, g++, valgrind, vim and make is all you need. If you want an ide, I personally use codelite. If I need qt, I go with qt creator.
Aaron Morales
Windows 10 pretty much boots up when you turn it off, and then hibernates.
Microsoft is cheating again, it's almost like Vista.
Brayden Collins
yeah, the computer is working silently, with no fans running, with no lights flashing, all so microsoft can win the boot game, jesus... you sound delusional
Jonathan Ross
>Why have another general ? you can discuss of this shit on an existing thread.
Because /fglt/ involves some autists who, as soon as you ask about your doubts about Ubuntu, they will reply- >kys >install Gentoo >Arch is better > "baby distro" Ubuntu is popular and daily you will see 4-5 threads popping up about Ubuntu. That's why to contain them, /fug/ would be helpful.
Nathan Murphy
My computer would make the same sounds when it boots up after turning windows 10 off. It's pretty easy to tell for me, because I have a mechanical hard drive.
Joseph Moore
>muh DE I never understood why people use these.
Bentley Lopez
Isn't update for LTS coming on 21/07/2016?
Levi Nguyen
go turn that off in the settings and see that the boot is still < 15 seconds
Jose Ward
probably the autism stopping you from empathizing with people
Jackson Sullivan
when is the Unity 8 dropping? looks interesting
Bentley Roberts
I switched to Arch like a year ago, because Windows 10 sucks so much.
Nice meme. I still dont understand why you need to click shit. Is it faster? Are you to lazy to type? Why do (almost) all Ubuntu users use a DE?
Jackson Scott
Reminder that Canonical (Ubuntu) is activly destroying the Linux community with it's partnership with Microsoft. With porting Ubuntu to Windows 10, there's no reason for Windows users anymore to switch.
If you support Ubuntu, you support Microsoft.
Ryan Powell
Samuel Kelly
>running Ubuntu on Windows 10 is same as running Ubuntu exclusively W E W L A D
uninstall it get Debian (which Ubuntu is based on)
Bentley King
>apt Why do you like using shit, user? Pacman is better.
Jacob Rodriguez
>better - pacman can't distinguish between free and nonfree packages - Kernel comes with all proprietary modules (backdoors) enabled - Arch is generally a bloated distro (binary and sources in one package)
Nolan Russell
>what is Parabola GNU/Linux-libre?
Zachary Diaz
Will installing Unoobtu will my fuck my battery life on laptop? or is it just a meme?
Christopher Flores
Ubuntu isn't lightweight.
Ian Cruz
OP have this copy pasta:
Ricing GNU/Linux is not made by only choosing themes and colors, but what software goes in your computer. "Display Managers" are the login screens, "Window Managers" are the part drawing the borders, colors, etc, and "File Managers" are what handles how you browse your machine. More info:
There's plenty of tutorials online I'm sure. Once you get Ubuntu installed, hold Ctrl-Alt-T for a terminal, and type "sudo apt-get install docky". Without quotes. Press enter to run the command. Apt get is a package manager, install is a program argument, and docky is the name of the package. After that, just type "docky" and hit enter. The dock should pop up on the bottom.
For the numix and arc themes, head over to their websites and download whatever style you like (personally I enjoy arc-dark). Once it's downloaded, extract it. (Challenge mode: do this in the terminal). Move the extracted contents to a folder located at /usr/share/themes. You can do this in the terminal, too. Cd to the downloaded file (cd means change directory) with the command "cd ~/Download/" (assuming your file is in the default chrome/Firefox download directory) (~ is a shortcut to your home directory, essentially making it /home/USERNAME/Download/). Now type "ls" to make sure the folder is there. Move all the contents with "sudo mv (name of folder that came up in ls) /usr/share/themes" and hit enter.
The theme won't instantly take effect, you will first need to set it as the selected one. To do this, it's easiest to download a program called unity-tweak-tool. You can get it with the following command: "sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool". Once the command finishes, open up the app (hit the super/windows/command key to open the dash, search for "Unity Tweak Tool"). Once you are in the application, navigate to the themes section. Select numix/arc from the list, and hit apply (or whatever button is there). You can also use this app to change the icon theme if you downloaded any.
Shouldn't have typed all that on mobile, but there you go.
Leo Barnes
I see some anons in music production. I am making a list of software for quick access, here is the audio part
Some tools are command line but graphical alternatives are given. Other tools like Audacity come with options like VSI plugin integration and Nyquist which you should look up too.
LMMS, in my opinion, is part of a toolchain you use with other software, say, a synthesizer, that comes separate. Once you get the logic in the unix world everything has separate tools you can set a bretty good environment.
Jack Carter
>can't distinguish between free and nonfree packages What the fuck do you need that for? > proprietary modules (backdoors) What kernel and CPU microcode are you running?
Jayden Hill
>Mac OS X (MacBuntu) Transformation pack for Ubuntu Just get a mac, Noobuntu babbies.
Elijah Miller
Go crazy, install them all and unistall them after that. If you want, you can clean your computer later by typing in the terminal sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove Because unlike windows, we don't need "de-fragment" our computer.
Here is more pasta (for gaymes)
Pros: You'll get better performances on Linux than Windows once devs port the games. Your system is malware free. Your system won't crash as much as Windows do. By not buying Windows you can use the money to buy games instead.
OP will do it. I'm too lazy for all that pasteshit.
Justin Bennett
I have a Mac. I installed Debian on it.
Evan Jackson
>If you can't do it graphically via the setting panel, unity is worse than what I thought.
Not only can you not do it via the GUI you can't even do it via the cli like gsettings or similar. you literally need to RECOMPILE Unity with a variable change
Brayden Edwards
>you literally need to RECOMPILE Unity with a variable change seriously ? why did they do that ?
Logan Turner
Because freedoom.
Hunter Hall
same with red hat and their azure bullshit.
suse is the only good guy left standing
Ryder Nelson
Why people use Unity? It's shitty.
Ryan Ramirez
Honestly have not had any issues with it on my desktop. But I guess it just comes down to if you are willing sacrifice performance for visuals.
Nathaniel Kelly
Oh hey, that's my wallpaper.
Benjamin Hernandez
Gnu is not an operating system
Gavin Garcia
Note taking software on Ubuntu?
Adrian Roberts
Canonical has done more for Linux than all of you retards put together.