Python upgraded to "Tier 1" language at Microsoft

The next version of Visual Studio will ship with full, native Python support.

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>current year
>window doesn't have python pre-installed

Bullshit. Python 3 was a disaster.

you are correct, nowadays is breddy gud though

Python confirmed shit

Guise, give me some noob projects to do in Python. I'm not having any idea.

So is python finally going to have a gui kit that isn't dogshit?

Woah, that's pretty cool. Thanks, m8

> muh BASIC

Post your github. I'm beginner, too

I would like to use that full IDE on any Linux based OS.

If they go "open" source then give us at least the community edition. I do nit care about Code.

>Not using python 3

Don't even have one, bro.

>Don't even have one, bro.

S-sorry, I'm gonna make one right now. Please don't curse me, Finnish profanity saying wizard.

Rauhoitu nyt

Microsoft is getting more poo-in-loo ish by the day.

>implying C# isn't a lot more poo than Python

Just kidding :)

oh hi zed

Just goes to show that Microsoft is years behind.

More stable than rust, golang or scala.