Best UI for an OS?

Best UI for an OS?

Debate this.

I still like Skeuomorphism, Vista looks really nice imo

win 7 is better


>muh nostalgia
It's ugly depressing shit

is this the new desktop thread

I rather enjoyed fluxbox back in the day.

shity threat

superior 90's UI


>more horizontal space now than in the past
>all new UIs are scared and only 15px wide

That would be longhorn.


>Best UI for an OS?
The one you customize for yourself.

Fuck yeah!

Why do people who make these kinds of posts always put up absolute trash? That color scheme is absolutely obnoxious and tasteless, and those windows look like shit.

And stop using pixel fonts on modern computers, it's not the fucking '80s anymore, it doesn't make you any less "oldfag" to ditch the retarded nostalgia trip and acknowledge that anti-aliasing exists.

Font rendering on Microsoft will forever be shit. It piles anti-aliasing on top of yet another layer of anti-aliasing.

Not a great excuse to decimate it even more with some silly leet hacker bullshit.

Kore wa baito desu.

special snowflake

> browsed Sup Forums for 3 years
> still gets called a newfag


I agree



I enjoyed that UI, if you know what I mean

>muh super secret Sup Forums klub

pls kill yourself

fuck off to reddit

vista ran terribly on my laptop, but it always looked nice while it was at 100% CPU as a result of various errors

fuck you. ill downvote you so hard you cry

It's perfect, glossy but not overdone.

>best UI for an OS
>A UI afflicted with Dissociative Identity Disorder where the jumble of various OS UI got stitched up into a chaotic mess that doesn't know what the fuck it is doing with itself like some Frankenstein monster

Get the fuck out OP.

>various OS UI got stitched up into a chaotic mess that doesn't know what the fuck it is doing with itself
windows 10

Windows 10 is even worse.
It additionally forces touchscreen and handheld UI functions and design onto a fucking Desktop environment.
If Windows 7 is UI cancer, Windows 10 is cancer growing cancer upon cancer.

Apple Platinum (OS 8-9)

>clean and minimalist
>application switcher provides a list of running programs and takes up almost no space. It can also be torn off and placed anywhere on screen and will always remain on top.
>remembers the size and position of windows (until your Desktop DF becomes so bloated that Finder starts to crash on boot)
>clicking on the parent application icon in the switcher brings all child windows to the foreground
>finder windows can be dragged to the edge of the screen and opened like browser tabs
>windowshade allows you to reduce a window to its titlebar for quick reference without hiding/minimizing the program

Sure Classic Finder was nothing to write home about, but it was better than contemporary versions of Explorer. Its a shame Copland died and we got a candy themed NeXT instead of a modernized Mac OS.

is the new desktop thread

Do you get updates for W10 ?

This was a terrible design choice though, if you moved the cursor just slightly of a panel, all of them would disappear.

Usually yes, though can be done properly too

>using a GUI

Sent from my iPhone

that's not how all those (at least) three memes work. lurk moar

install Q4OS with XPQ4

there are no memes here, brofriend.

You both can fucking desu off. As a desu oldfag you desu faggots should just grab some robe and end it desu desu desu.

didn't My Computer and Windows Explorer use to be different programs?

some websites do that. frustrating as fuck.

This desu. For those of you who prefer XP's Luna theme, they have that too though I tend to prefer the classic look myself.

It just isn't the same without the terrible font rendering

Gonna have to look into this, looks comfy.

No win10 upgrade or telemetry.

You can completely disable font smoothing, then it's as bad

Thought Vista looked brilliant, probably the best looking OS ever. Shame the hardware needed to run it properly wasn't affordable to the masses.

With my Q9550, 4gigs of ram and hd 4870 i remember it running like dogshit. Was there even hardware available to run it proper?

>The one you customize for yourself.
>The one have zero anime images