So Sup Forums do you really think programming is hard or something?
So Sup Forums do you really think programming is hard or something?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not hard. It's tedious.
>I didn't want the whole screen
>using two table tags
>uses styles declarations right above the fucking code but still uses reduntant repetitive classes in the actual code
>no meta declarations
>retarded attribute styling
>retarded extra unclosed table tag
what a fucking moron. zero fucking attention, she'll probably just end up sticking weenies up her but for nickels
>do code
Choose one.
>Not procedurally generating the table into a wrapper div
programing its a craft, everybody can do it, but do it something functional, secure, smart and beauty its hard.
Programming can also be considered as intellectual discipline or art.
I know that Stallman says it's a craft, but there's more and he also said that to encourage people to contribute to free software and not be afraid of doing so.
I'm agree with you, i don't understand people who tries to mistify it, its like music, everybody can play music in a basic way, everybody should know how to write code.
>everybody can play music in a basic way
The head tags are missing.
HTML+CSS is a fully complete programming language.
no! It's already turing complete & shit and will soon be even more applicable to regular programming tasks
Nice b8.
I am sufficiently triggered.
I don't get where this "who says girl's cannot code" shit came from. I have been a software developer for years and I have never heard anyone of my colleagues go "girls cannot girl". It's a false barrier these woman act like they are overcoming, no one ever stopped them from coding to begin with.
B-but only 49% of programmers are girls!
Not him but HTML5 is turing complete when you include CSS. As usual, that does not mean that it's a good idea to use it for an entire OS, not looking at anyone in particular and certainly nothing to do with the picture.
Daniel's comment is pretty stalkerish
This. I have never ever seen anyone complaining or being rude to girls in the field.
But fucking feminist are trying to create this myth of 'hostile environment in tech' just to get high positions without any skills.
it's JS-based though
Like every other OS 10 years from now
Hail node.js!
You clearly know your HTML
This tbqh
Though it depends on the language. C++ is the most tedious shit on the planet if you want to do anything past fizzbuzz. Shit like Java and C# is less so due to garbage collection and other such features.
>I don't get where this "who says girl's cannot code" shit came from.
Some people just imagine that they're being oppressed.
Node is pretty dece.
Though Node itself is written in C++
>It's a false barrier these woman act like they are overcoming
Going back five years I had a 37 year old gf. I can't remember her full title now but she was some lead developer on some database thing. We went to a party where we met a friend of a friend of hers. I had met him earlier that night and asked him what he worked as and he had given me a detailed explanation, some basic web design bs. My gf asked him later on and he answered "Oh yeah, I work with computers." in what was possibly the most condescending tone possible. No matter how hard she pressed, that was the only answer he gave.
I don't know how prevalent that attitude is because I don't work in tech but I do know how infuriating it is. I work in a field dominated by women and it was mildly irritating that everyone assumed I was the hired muscle when I started four years ago. At this point it inspires nothing but loathing in me because I've heard the same bullshit over and over again. The jokes aren't original, they're not funny and they're not witty. Having to jump through hoops for every single customer to show that I'm just as capable as a woman gets real old real fast. Gender discrimination is a thing, it's annoying as fuck and everyone does it. Now watch Sup Forums accuse me of being a cuck or a SJW. I don't care about feminism, I just want it to stop being ground hog day with the same fucking jokes over and over.
They are trying to flood the market with women in order to decrease wages. That's all it is.
>programming wages are only low because the field isn't saturated
This is a myth.
Computer science is by far the most popular STEM major and has been for ages.
It's only "tedious" for stupid people.
Where are all the campaigns to get more girls interested in coal mining, crab fishing, or underwater welding?
Being autistic doesn't mean you're not also stupid.
Then I suppose we should all be thankful there's smart people like you around that are capable of dealing with the tedium of C++ and gracious enough to post about it here.
Thank you, smart person.
Programming is a job for little girls and you know it. Why do you think crossdressers are the best (male) programmers?
It's time to Kode with Karlie Kloss
It can require logical thinking different from, say, common sense. Not the best example but you get the gist. So, yes, I'd say it can be hard.
>implying wages aren't always "too high" from a company's perspective
They have everything to gain from increasing the labor pool. The easiest way to do this is to get women involved. Happened during the 60s as well.
So you and your gf met one asshole IT guy once in a blue moon and then you paint every guy in that field with the same brush?
>it's time to KKK
Code war now
"How do I snipping tool?" the post
I hate to say it, but it probably had nothing to do with her sex. She probably just didn't "look" like she would have understood completely what it was he does. Sounds fucked up, I know. I tend to do the same thing with older people, kids, dudes and girls that look like they wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
" stuff" is what I tell 95% of strangers.
I'm barely able to read music, but I can still have fun with transcribing existing tunes in Famitracker and MuseScore.
Thank you for posting your opinion. I hope you'll be able to find a non-tedious programming language that's comfortable enough for you to work with.
From my experience, when I tell women what I do (sysadmin) they have no fucking clue 99 out of 100 times, it's just easier to tell women "I work with computers". And then the 1 out of 100 who knows who that is, she gets into this dick measuring contest with me about how her job is actually harder/better/pays more or some shit like that. It's just not worth the effort.
BTW, I convinced my female boss to hire a female junior sysadmin with no experience because she had good work ethic, I have no problem with women working in IT.
I'm a simple man.
I see Harold, I upvote.
By your logic, programmer salaries should have been decreasing the last 10 years. How do you explain that the opposite has happened, despite the labour pool having quadrupled in size.
>lead developer
We have a mad feminist cunt here, lads. Abandon thread.
Obviously the demand has outpaced the labor market, genius.
Thank you for proving my point, smart-ass.
Do you guys sincerely believe that the demand for programmers will decline or flatten in the future? Even your fucking sweater is a IoT device and demands firmware programming now.
Everyone's salaries increased, because of the inflation.
If you look at the purchasing power, the programmer salaries have actually dropped.
Not to mention they outsource the work to Pajeets now and 7 out of 10 western educated programmers are unemployed or involved in some startup/mobile app development shit for pennies.
Jump off a pokecliff.
>If you look at the purchasing power, the programmer salaries have actually dropped.
Except programmers' starting salaries are still above median salaries for all workers in the entire western hemisphere.
>hurr durr outsourcing
Companies have been outsourcing tech jobs for at least 30 years and "insourcing" indians through visas for the last 15 years, yet programmer salaries are still increasing.
> Says HTML is Turing complete
> Doesn't explain why
Top kek
>Except programmers' starting salaries are still above median salaries for all workers in the entire western hemisphere.
When your field's STARTING salary is above median salary for EXPERIENCED workers in all fields, you should not be complaining.
>programmer salaries are still increasing.
Only if you're lucky enough to have an actual job. Most don't.
And after this years financial collapse 99% of programmers will be living in cardboard boxes.
You fucked up big, when you chose programming career instead of finance.
Thus why they are trying to increase the supply of labor by any legal means necessary. Jesus are you a shill or something? This is basic economics.
>Only if you're lucky enough to have an actual job. Most don't.
Uh, we're not talking about Sup Forums here, we're talking about real CS graduates.
>You fucked up big, when you chose programming career instead of finance.
lol, okay
If anything, finance is a field saturated by daddyboys who didn't know what to do with their lives after highschool. But suuuuuuuure, claim that any STEM field is saturated despite the fact that everyone does a degree in economy, business or a liberal art....
When there's a financial collapse, you really think most people working in finance will still able keep their jobs too?
I'm just saying that if you're afraid of losing your job to some 24 year old girl who did a two week intensive course in JavaScript hacking because she found out her degree in graphic design was useless, you're probably not a very good programmer in the first place and deserve to be fired.
>(elt (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))) 5)
>not knowing html5+css3 is turing complete
still mighty inconvenient though
>you really think most people working in finance will still able keep their jobs too?
If you aren't dumb you will get rich. The more blood and suffering there is, the more money there is to get.
I'm making $1000 per month just sitting on my ass, because I was smart enough to put most of my savings into gold and silver last august, because I calculated the Asian markets meltdown and brexit happening.
Then I'm making yuge money off the volatility indexes, just by watching the news and buying at the right time.
The recent coup night in Turkey made me $800 and only because it was Friday night and markets were closing down for the weekend. If the faggots decided to rebel at Thursday the profits could easily hit over $5000.
>$1000 per month
You're not actually cashing it every month though, you're just sitting on a bunch of assets and praying to whatever deity or non-deity you adhere to that the value will increase.
And where in the documentation is any of that?
It's still not a programming language, it's a markup language.
Rule 110 is Turing-complete
Ergo, any implementation of Rule 110 is Turing-complete
HTML5+CSS3 implementations of Rule 110 exist
Ergo, HTML5+CSS3 is Turing-complete
Granted, it usually isn't used for programming though
Well, I cash cash it right now at any bank.
I'm not praying, i know it will hit $1800 this year for sure, then there is a fat chance of it hitting $2200 and in best case scenario the Wall Street lets Trump win to pull the plug and blame the market collapse on him. They are actively looking for a scapegoat, it will either be artificially killed Chinese market that will start the chain reaction or Trump.
In this best case scenario we are looking at astronomical values, because the paper gold market is 6 times larger than the amount of actual physical gold existing.
>i know it will hit $1800 this year for sure,
Uh, wait what?
So it's not actually increasing by $1000 in value every month, what you're trying to say is that it has increased by $1000 from when you invested until now?
How the fuck is that the same thing as "making $1000 every month"?
Also, it doesn't seem as a very profitable investment long term. Pic very much related.
Forgot pic.
I'm trying to say I bought lots of it at $1096 per ounce and put them in my bank safe.
After 10 months it's 19% higher than it was back then. So these 1.9% per month make approximately $1000
Oh shit, HTML and CSS can colour boxes that are clicked and boxes that are close to that one. Better start making an OS in it.
Guess what you could also do, call it a markup language like it is
>Granted, it usually isn't used for programming though
>still mighty inconvenient though
it's not. the hard part is finding a use for it.
The last time I saw an implementation of rule 110 in html+CSS, it required user input for it to work in the first place.
Then what's the point of arguing about it being a programming language when it quite clearly fits the definition of a markup language?
Not the guy you're replying to, but do you even know what being Turing complete means?
I suspect you don't know how to calculate percentages if you believe an increase of 1.9% per month adds up to a total increase of 19% of the original amount....
If you like coding it's not tedious, and i get a thrill sometimes when i'm stuck or have problem like some puzzle complex.
>all these people discussing wages
What happened to working with something you like?
No wonder Sup Forums is filled with shitposting, it's probably all people who picked up IT for the money while not truly liking it.
It's not tedious until you start doing it for a living.
Not that guy, but he's obviously talking about simple interest and not compound interest.
>7/10 western educated programmers are unemploy or in start ups
Complete bullshit.
Its one of the most in demand jobs in the world at the moment.
I'm just dividing the total gain by 10 months I'm holding it. The total profit would be $10336 as of today.
It's just easier to calculate per month, because if you invest into something and it takes too much time to get returns it's not a good investment. For instance if it would be $300 per month so far, I would've sold it and invested elsewhere for the time being.
Write an HTML/CSS program that prints out fizzbuzz for the numbers 1 to 100.
I use c# for making stuff in unity.
Before that I used Basic and VBasic.
I'm not a girl though.
>Women are purposely trying to decrease the very wage they would earn
This is a special kind of paranoia where you think people do stuff to fuck you over even if it hurts them.
If you don't really like this field.
You are not gonna last long, burn out are gonna hit fast and hard.
Also the trick is to change your job every few years.
From Application developer to web developer or writing database scripts etc.
Programming gives me an erection.
I wasn't aware that Google was entirely woman run.
>I'm just dividing the total gain by 10 months I'm holding it.
I see
>if you invest into something and it takes too much time to get returns it's not a good investment
How long is too much time? Considering that my current PhD student salary is $59,000 per year (before taxes), waiting 10 months for a profit of $10,336 doesn't seem like an obscene amount of money to me.
Of course, I understand that you simply invested and did nothing except sit on that, but you still have to spend an awful lot of time managing your (I assume) multiple different investments according to trends and news going on?
>The woman can't code thing is a myth
>A woman having a tech job is a mad feminist.
You are literally developmentally disabled.
>Staying in America
kek, Munich, Kuala lampur, Seoul pay better and have more job opportunity.
>made a table in html
easy, the language doesn't even has to be turing-complete.
body{counter-reset: item}
div{counter-increment: item}
div:not(:nth-of-type(5n)):before{content: counter(item) ""}
div:nth-of-type(3n):before{content: "Fizz"}
div:nth-of-type(5n):after{content: "Buzz"}
>too stupid to know how to take a screenshot
You did prove that retards can program though I'm not sure that was your exact intent.
>daily rage reminder