Looking for a new home television. Want a not-shit one. Target is ~60in with a budget of $1000-$1500...

Looking for a new home television. Want a not-shit one. Target is ~60in with a budget of $1000-$1500. Currently looking at this one:


Apparently 4k is a scam atm but this screen still seems like a good deal. Appreciate anyone with insight. Thanks

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>people still watch tv

>he doesn't hook up his laptop to his big ass TV to enjoy films and shows

I have an HTPC to watch all my anime without fiddling with cables.

>tfw just paid $113 for a 60 inch 4k 3d Samsung because it was missing the one connect thing and the idiots at the store thought it was a display dummy

Semantics but this will not be used for "cable" television. I do not own cable my spare tower will be hooked up to this TV.

This is true. As I do not want to hook my system to a shit "big ass TV", I'm asking here which "big ass TV" is not shit. Thank you

how do i do this, it was missing a port?

4k is not a scam or meme


This will help you.

Companies are releasing 4k blurays already for films. Also Netflix is now streaming 4k for their original shows.

>streaming 4k

I have the 50 inch version of that TV and it's pretty great. Picture quality is really good (once calibrated and they give you plenty of settings to do so) for the price and the game mode has really low input lag for a TV if you care about that sort of thing. I think it's something like 15ms total lag, which is so crazy for a 4K TV.

Can vouch for this site. One of the more detailed TV review sites. Doesn't just rely on subjective observations either.

>1080p @ 120Hz : No
WHY? If you support 120hz, then why do you block it? Every single time.

>want not-shit
>links to a Vizio

Are you fucking serious?

It's like I know absolutely nothing about this shit and am looking for advice. Give me some recs faggit

4k protip: google some 1080p vs 4k blind tests

you will never be able to tell the difference unless you either sit close than about 1.5 meter to the screen or get a TV MUCH larger than 55"

>not hooking your pc up to a large screen
what are you, fucking poor?
i don't even have/need/want cable tv but i fucking use a huge 4k tv as one of the displays

because hdmi is fucking gay and so are tv makers for not using displayport

>you will never be able to tell the difference unless you either sit close than about 1.5 meter
keep telling yourself that and enjoying being blind and poor


Because 120Hz on TVs is motion interpolation shit, that is different from the 120Hz on monitors.

>blind tests don't prove anything!
is pic related you?

there are actual 120hz tvs, you idiot. not the clearmotion/whatever else marketing name horseshit

my 50" 4k tv sits 3 meters away from me and i can fucking tell if something is 4k/1080p
please go kill yourself :^)

actually it's not even 50", it's 48.5"

>i can fucking tell if something is 4k/1080p
sure you do ;^)

Do you understand the concept of controlled tests?

do you understand what huge pixels and shitty eyesight are?

>List of 4K Titles on Netflix

are YOU retarded?
