Has using android negatively affected your relationships with normies?

Has using android negatively affected your relationships with normies?

If they actually cares about what phone you use, they're not worth even talking to. Only dumb teenagers, whores, and niggers care about what phone you use.

>having relationships with normies

>Sometimes I literally feel like memes are destroying our sex life.
This was written in the article in question. Where were you when memes became so powerful they're destroying sex lives?

Wow, this is some vapid shit.

how much of a deal breaker would be if i have no cellphone at all?

normalfags will either think you're too poor to afford a cellphone or will think you're a pedo or someone with something to hide.

A ton of normies where I live use expensive Android phones, not just iShits.

Most people avoid dating pedophiles and terrorists

What city do you live in?

That's psychopath-tier for most people.

Finding the cause of your sex life going wrong is like finding the cause of childhood bullying. People blame it on everything under the sun but the fact is that it's much too complicated to be brushed aside by saying "he had green texts" or "his parents couldn't buy him the right clothes"

This is a symptom, not a cause. Do things right and you could eat a live baby in front of your SO without it changing any part of your sex life.

Wait. You don't jump to conclusions when you see iPhone users? I bet you have even the tiniest bit of prejudice for them.

Why would a pedo not own a phone?

>green text?
>ugh that means android.
>he must be poor!

No, because normal people don't get completely autistic over phones.

Sure, they might say "oh Android sucks, I like iPhone" or vice versa. But they don't base their entire fucking lives around their phone OS.


I don't want to spend time with people who judge someone over a smartphone brand (or any brand).

I'm a normie and that picture triggered me

uh no





>not normalfags
>>>/Sup Forums/

>green text
>being a deal breaker

In my country 90% of the people with smartphones use Androids, so no.

poorfaq git out

What's it like living in the third world?

>uses informal facts about his region
>"LMAO ur a le poorfag "
Now sequitur, poor form of discussion. See me after class.

You must have to live in a fantasy world 24/7 for this to matter.

Like seriously I can't even.

Vogue is a woman's magazine and most women do in fact live in a delusional fantasy world.

That heinous case of man face is a deal breaker.

>pedophiles and terrorists
>no phone

Women's magazines at checkout stands do not reflect reality.

>it's another Sup Forums reacts to twitter episode

They reflect women's preferred reality.

it makes you go hmmmm

Friendly reminder vir/g/ins

So iphone users are high maintenance rich older women?

iPhone is popular only in the US and Japan.

no because everybody just uses facebook messenger anyway

It must be bliss having such people around and heaven to go out with one on steady relationship.

It's 4:45 pm in Montréal Mr. Leaf, go prepare some dinner for you and your basement cat

There's a lot of people using android where I live


What a silly thread.

Thank god i have a BF and not an axe wound


>Iphone users are more likely to be high maintenance, spoiled, vain, and judgmental
sounds about right

^ This

Don't be tsundere about it.
If you wanted more you only need to ask.

If you don't date 16 year old girls you won't have this problem.

The only adult woman I've ever met who gave a shit was a half-japanese chick that dressed head to toe in hot topic and still had her parents drive her to the mall.

They would, and it would be a cheapo iphone. How else would they sext little girls?

I like how the west is free to dismiss racism because "statistics don't reflect individual realities and discriminating based on them isn't fair" but eats this shit up

>mfw straightfags are unironically proud of having an unstable mental retard destroying their wallets and lives

Switzerland, too.

>Dating 3D
>Being a mentally ill homo

Not him but I'd rather not watch The Big Bang Theory of anime

>having relationships with normies.

That would be lucky star

Android users are more racial diverse than iPhone users :

go to /r9k/

You crossed a line there.

It doesn't matter a whole lot. But when I see someone with an Iphone I definitely judge them for it. Sorry if this triggers you.

Feels good man. No articles unironically saying that not having an iPhone is a red flag for a relationship, for example.

I live in Germany and only know only a few people who have iPhones. Samsung Galaxy series might possibly even sell better than the iPhone but I'm not sure. And I think it's the same in the Netherlands.

Unless you live in the US, most people use Android. FYI

"Normies" lost its meaning when Sup Forums filled up with, well, normies, as in actual normal people.

Now it basically means spoiled bitches and dudebro type adult bullies that everyone hates. A normie comes to Sup Forums to blog about their bad day, posts about this massive dick they met at uni, and calls them a "normie" to try and fit in.

Funny, because Sup Forums is full of "normie"-type behaviour. The difference between a "normie" and a Sup Forums elitist is the number of one night stands and hangovers unrelated to weed and solo drinking. I wouldn't be surprised if this site attracted more spoiled white dudes with macs than neckbeards these days.

"Sorry that I'd rather spend the money on you rather than a shitty overpriced phone."

How do you even function?
Like, do you just not have a job?
Do you use a god damn landline?

Feels good man

In Germany iOS only has 15% according to this map.

I stand corrected.


He described iPhone users so yeah

email for work.
car for talking to people.
voip for calls to people far away.

>there are women out there that dislike people because they use Android

and then they said that men are superficial, animals without feelings


no because my friends aren't autistic shitbags from Sup Forums

I have a phone, but leave it at home 99% of the time. My life is fine because I'm not a slave to my job that has to answer to every beck and call.

People wait on me, not the other way around, and I'm only fucking middle management. Feels good man.

Men are the same as women, but more fond of destroying your face for a week over property than destroying your life forever over principle

>Men are the same as women
It is debatable whether it is because of who we look up to in society or if it is genetic, but men and women are not the same.

having an android is a good way to weed out the academically failed middle low class gold diggers who're praying to find a rich man to save em from their pathetic existences lol

Doesn't Android have the vastly greater market share? By the sheer numbers, I would think normies are using Android.


cool, what is that website, I am really curious about my country since we have the most expensive iPhone on the world and lots of idiots

Nice try, iPoor

>third world fuckhole
>low-mid tier Android phone is a status symbol as long as its design looks """""elegant"""""
>flagships are pussy magnets

Feels Goodman Jr.