Passive aggressive reminder that Linux UI is stuck either being an OS X or Windows clone for this single reason:
>there is no third option for accessing your programs and files
Passive aggressive reminder that Linux UI is stuck either being an OS X or Windows clone for this single reason:
>there is no third option for accessing your programs and files
Other urls found in this thread:
ebin trole dude
Even enlightenment?
Haven't you ever heard of Rofi? Dmenu? No?
You could potentially fill your entire screen with a program or even a wallpaper, with no unnecessary start menu bar or launcher at the bottom taking up space. Just keyboard shortcut, and bring up Rofi or Dmenu.
Heck, you could even bind programs to keyboard shortcuts to skip Rofi or Dmenu and just launch Chromium with ctrl+shift+c or however you set it up.
is this the new desktop thread?
>3. cli
They're both terrible ways of accessing programs.
Haven't you ever heard of dmenu?
Linux people need to have that power don't they? Is that a psychological condition?
i feel naked if i'm not operating under a l33t username
i can't use the guest account without going into spasms
>change a standard foruma
>try something different
thanks Pajeet.
>mfw when I'm [faggot@faggot ~]$
>your ENTIRE operating system is an EXACT COPY of Windows or OS X, because the way you click on program shortcuts
>even though these layouts was not invented by, nor popularised by, and in fact preceded either operating system
. . .
3/10 bait. At least you tried.
Requesting that pape
it's a recolor of
Nice try faggot
i3 with binding master race here. Still have a binding for dmenu to access programs I don't use that often.
>eats the entire screen to display some text in the middle-most twenty-fifth
Why in the fuck
You can set it to display in a small box, or the whole screen. You decide how big the area is.
You can also select where the text appears. It doesn't have to appear in the middle.
You can also set the maximum number of programs that show up on the list.
Posted from my Chromebookâ˘
is this the new desktop thread
S4 League player *-*
Nico a qt
I see you are a man of culture as well
So, your wallpaper: Does it change depending on what music you're listening to?
How could I accomplish this?
just kidding pal that's a pretty nice setup you have there
came here to post this
I'm fine with that, nothing wrong with using what works and improving on it.
It took Windows 10 for Microsoft to catch up to Cinnamon.
serious? I just didn't want Unity and haven't checked my options
better than most DEs out there
use a script to find ur album art and then image magick it onto your album art and image magick the anime ontop of that
the hardest part is finding the album art
what do you use as a generic for when it can't find album art?
if there's no ablum art i just dont change the wallpaper
probably not the best way to do it
but i just add an album art then
he probably uses anime, the sick fuck
Ever heard of CLI? GUIs are for fags and/or plebs.
i do that
Riddle me this, anons.
If anime was as popular as, say, western television, would you all still be such huge fans?
Do you really enjoy the animation and storylines, or do you just want to be a part of something unique and cool?
Is this why there's a lack of respect for popular works such as Naruto and DBZ?
Eagerly awaiting your replies,
Edward E Nigma
Yeah, just ignore the vast amount of tiling wm-s out there.
being in the secret anime club is just a bonus plus side to how cute it is imo
plus i dont think saving hundreds of images of under age school girls will ever be cool imo
I just like qts desu
>Do you really enjoy the animation and storylines
I do, but tbf I'm not really the type to visit Sup Forums or talk/act like a weeaboo
That being said, I too like the qts
>If anime was as popular as, say, western television, would you all still be such huge fans?
I don't like anime fuck off weeb
>If anime was as popular as, say, western television, would you all still be such huge fans?
It is popular, pretending that it's not is retarded.
There are many Jamals and Tyrones who like anime, I don't know why you think it isn't popular
ALLLLLLL that wasted Start menu space
why are there 2 power buttons?
>Is this why there's a lack of respect for popular works such as Naruto and DBZ?
Fuck you man Vegeta still my waifu
Looks like one shuts down, the other shuts left
A rotated power symbol usually means sleep or hibernate
It's a loss joke. kill yourself.
>it has a dock? OS X CLONE
what did you lose?
be nice
don't hurt that user's feelings
I don't know whether to hate you for spending time on something so pointless, or to envy you for having the energy and desire to do it.
Why is that not Sup Forums's subtitle
You know what, OP? Fuck you