What framework does Sup Forums use to create GUIs?
Currently messing around with JavaFX 8 cause lamda expressions are comfy and it looks pretty, but alot of ppl are telling me that C# with QT or XAML is the industry standard. What do you guys think?
What framework does Sup Forums use to create GUIs?
Currently messing around with JavaFX 8 cause lamda expressions are comfy and it looks pretty, but alot of ppl are telling me that C# with QT or XAML is the industry standard. What do you guys think?
>not using web based gui
explain user.
Go away webkit wrapper cancer.
I've been building apps with c# + monogame and its comfy as fuck. People are always asking what i use to make the ui look so good. A fucking game framework.
PyQt is kinda comfy too if you want something good and functional quickly.
>mfw in the future people will just "log in" to """their""" cloud based computers
The botnet is the future
C# for windows applications
PHP+HTML5+JQuery for the web
c++ with Qt/QML, best ui kit hands down
LGPL cancer though, so make sure you're okay with that
So... we don't really care about the macfags?
How is that performance wise? Isn't that framework based on the dead XNA framework that won't work on Windows 8+?
Man, WinForms is super comfy for anyone who's done any amount of VB or old Win32 API coding. Shit's easy and familiar.
easy but it'll explode with large fonts/dpi
Yeah real good for frontend
Angular-Material for my comfy responsive webapps
WPF is the easiest to use / most polished GUI framework that I've used. But it comes with the limitation that it only works on Windows.
Other than that I've used Qt Quick which honestly felt like a fucking nightmare. You have to riddle your C++ code with macros, and Qt libraries don't just affect your presentation, they affect every part of your model since the libraries are designed to work with Qt's types like QString instead of std::string. There are reasons for Qt basically building its own standard library so maybe it's C++'s fault for being a cancerous piece of shit more than the library itself. I'd consider using Qt with bindings to another language.
I've also used Java Swing and WinForms which both seem antiquated.
Finally I've used Kivy for Python which I was impressed by. I'd consider it for simple or custom mobile interfaces.
I never gave two fucks about appearance, but I think I'm lagging behind too much. What I should do, senpai, move to Xaml?
Interesting, how big is your compiled executable?
CSS/HTML/JS is the only acceptable answer in 2016.
Qt for native
Actipro for C#
>not just making it a webapp
Fuck off makinigger