My first ssd

just bought pic related
how fucked am i?
got it for 70 usd

Other urls found in this thread:

>falling for Sup Forums memes

Jesus, just kill yourself already

>reconditioned budget SSD
>for the same price as a new SSD

MX100's health drops pretty rapidly when you write to it.

I regret getting mine and wished that I went for something else instead.

Based Intel

Also this Ultra 2. The SLC cache actually makes the disk have less NAND writes than host writes. Fucking insance

dumb question but are percentage status only available for SSDs?

No, but they're more accurate with SSDs since they track the amount of writes they do, and the amount of overprovisioned blocks remaining.

Why !?

lmao retard.

Nice b8 m8.

>Refurbished SSD
>70 dollarydoos

You fucked up good, kid.

enjoy your placebo m9

Bought this on primeday. How much did I fuck up?

Not to bad actually Sandisk SSD are pretty good.

This is my favourite meme

Cheap SSD but worth it.

Enjoy your new fast as fuck machine, gg

I went from a 60mbps hdd to a 500mbps Intel ssd, best decision ever


Ya best upgrade I ever did.

Got the same one
Works fine for 1 year so far

ayyy lmao

why do you feel the need to jam anime pedo shit into every single nook and cranny of your UI? do you not realize it's utterly pathetic?

Why does this trigger you so much? Does it make you feel certain anti-social impulses that you have been fighting for your entire life? Seek help before it's too late user.

You idiot, the program comes with it.