>against government surveillance
>against net neutrality
He was so close, Sup Forums.
>against government surveillance
>against net neutrality
He was so close, Sup Forums.
Net neutrality is a backdoor to the botnet.
>buzzword memes
let's just go full retard and vote for trump so we don't have somebody who's going senile in front of our eyes, Hillary's posted this exact same racebait tweet like 3 times
remove chink shilling and build a wall
>implying Hillary runs her own Twitter account
>against net neutrality
My brain is full of fuck.
This guy has a 0% chance of winning. I'm voting for trump because he's the least evil.
How sad the state of american politics when "Let's just go full retard and vote this guy in for memes" is a legit strategy
In trumps defense, he's the only honest guy running.
You counting that he's an obvious liar as being honest? Because I don't think the rednecks have gotten that message.
What liar? He's not being politically correct and hiding the truth. He's pretty much going around saying "Yeah I hate mexicans and muslims what the fuck are you going to do about it?" We finally have an honest president. He doesn't sweep bullshit under the rug.
Haha, yeah dude! I feel like I could have a beer with him. You know what I mean, bro?!
lawful evil = clinton
chaotic evil = trump
jesus christ, the holier-than-thou never stops
you must be mad #nevertrump got dumped
saging because this thread shouldn't be here
You're really too retarded to recognize that he doesn't care? He's saying whatever the dumbest people want to hear. He'd demonize wearing pants if it got a following.
There's no truth in Trump. He has no objective philosophy but to try to wrap the world around his ego.
don't know what clinton you're talking about
Anarchism is the way to go guys.
fuck off retarded underage b&
and yet, he's still infinitely better than mc-exposes-national-secrets-a-lot and trump
Lawfully evil means they enforce the law to fit their evil agenda or they achieve order through evil means. Example: Darth Vader.
Net Neutrality is a fucking meme. Why do liberals refuse to understand this?
How is it a meme?
inb4 muh government control
There's nothing contradictory here.
Net neutrality means government regulation, which is something that libertarianism ideologically wants to keep to a minimum.
Trump doesn't give a fuck if he doesn't like you. He wants to build a wall to keep spics and beaners out, torture sandniggers, have BLM shutdown, kick out the muslims, etc and is a never ending supply of lulz. I love trump, the republican party has always hated minorities and this guy is being honest about it, not that I have a problem with that or anything.
Insisting that traffic from e.g. Google should be given the exact same priority as anything else, despite Google spending literally billions of dollars on out-competing their competitors and changing network protocols and practically running the show when it comes to the TCP/IP stack in Linux***, is fucking ridiculous.
*** Google Dave Miller, Yuchun Cheng etc... Over half of the regulars are employed by Google.
>Republican Party has always hated minorities
>Democrats literally vetoed every attempt to free slaves
>Democrats murdered King and Malcolm X
>Democrats were racist as fuck until the 1960s
That guy who started the war that freed the slaves, you know, Abraham Lincoln? Was a Republican, dumbass.
Just because Abe freed the slaves doesn't mean he liked them.
>thinking modern republican party is anything like the past republican party
Are you a history revisionist?
Also, you're forgetting that Abe didn't give a fuck about the slaves; he only wanted to keep the US unified.
You're the retarded one user, you should probably spend some time reading things other than shitposts on Sup Forums.
I love it when government controls my software, my internet and everything else in my life. There is no way they'll ever do anything bad because the people who work for the government are unlike the people you meet on the street. They are god-like and omniscient with a conscience so pure that looking at a bikini clad woman would corrupt it.