
>Run by a Chink
>Chinks hates niggers (who mine the minerals required for CPUs)

All makes sense.

Make more sockets?

I only buy components that have been formed from the dried and crusted blood of my enemies

>giving a fuck about niggers

Conflict free = we refuse to buy from local people which would improve their villages and increase quality of life

For what its worth though AMD has always been one of the biggest proponents of conflict free bullshit. They won an award for it a couple years back.

>Devices made by slave labor in China
>but no, let's just focus on niggers. But if we no longer buy from these warlords, they might just kill these people mining these materials because they have become useless.

Did Intel have litte african kids finding cpu cores in mines somewhere? Blood cores? Jesus christ Intel.


>intel processors are conflict free!!!
>all motherboards,are third party and non conflict free

plausible deniability!

Why are they treating niggers like a vegan treats animals? Lol.

Couple years back, back afterwards never mentioned in those areas again means usually there is a reason why they are not constantly mentioned.

Next thing you know, Intel'll be employing literal chimpanzees who can't hold a hammer to mine properly, maybe even don't even know the concept of mining, to mine the essential materials for their CPUs because muh nigger discrimination

a racist admitting blacks are a step above chimps.

you're doing it wrong, for what it's worth.

Then Peta will go after them

I was referring that the media refers to niggers as gods, and that they would hire chimps to do the job because the niggers will be screaming "muh discrimination" with their huge nigger lips.

what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

What does that even mean

And you're insanely idiotic for replying to a shitpost intended to attract (You)s.

It means niggers didn't mine the silicon

>he doesn't get the reference

epic movie quote reply, my fellow reddit nigger transplant.

So in other words who cares

read more carefully
you aren't intended to reply to a shitpost of this awful a caliber


Why do leftists worship niggers?

because they consider themselves to be too good, so rather than aiming for self improvement they try to improve the most lowly "humans."

well, not the silicon because that shit is easy to get but a bitch to purify, and so was already conflict free as such, but all the other trace element shit modern electronics needs are often retrieved in 3rd world shit holes of all colors.

Which is funny, considering that niggers can't improve, no matter what, and if you let them go from the leash, they go full-on ape, regardless of how much conditioning you instill upon the nigger.

This makes me love AMD.

>TFW I own hardware from Sony, known for exploiting niggers

>Conflict free

And the stupid Goys buy that? - that's mesjoche.

Just buy amd directly if you want to support niggers.

Intel supports Feminist Frequency.

>implying that Sup Forums 2.0: electric boogaloo even gives a shit about le SABE DA NIGGUHZ maymay

Why is there dirt in the box

because why not

>Sup Forums 2.0: electric boogaloo

It's from Intel.

makes me want to buy amd, and I haven't bought any amd since I got my phenom 2 in 2009

They got the award, didn't affect sales and business said fuck it why are we even doing this.

I literally don't care about africans one bit. They are not my people and they are not going extinct.
There's over a billion of them and they are growing in numbers every decade.
If anything we should stop all help to that god damn continent before Europe is overrun.

goys are stupid

Actually there aren't any rare earth minerals used that come from Africa...

Unless you're shipping gemstones or diamonds with your chip, you're already conflict free.

It's like putting 100% fat free on a bottle of water...

>niggers die in mines so niggers can kill more niggers

What seems to be the problem?

More like Sup Forums v 2.0: Electric Boogaloo.

>Conflict free

did Intel finally kill all of those palestinians off?

thats actually dried shit

>Exploiting india

I hope you are not trying to tell me a tech company is sacrificing profits and productivity in favor of morals

Because that never happens.

wtf i love intel now