Consoles don't get viruses
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That's debatable considering consoles are a virus.
autism + upvoted
A virus that has dominated the PC Master race
They also don't get upgrades.
[citation needed]
My uncle works at microsoft
PC gaming is DEAD! Really guys it has died and now no one plays games on the PC any more! I am serious it is dead, and to prove that all I need to ask is: Did you or any of your friends ever play a game on the PC recently? If you say no then that proves that PC gaming is dead. If you say yes then you are a damn liar because PC gaming is DEAD, and you are lying because you have no proof or evidence, and THAT PROVES PC GAMING IS DEAD!
Really, if you take a look at the recent games for the PC then you will see that many of them sell less than 1m copies (pathetic!) and that PROVES that PC gaming is DEAD! And some PC games are so casual that they get more than 1m sales (lol casuals), and that further proves that PC gaming is DEAD!
So stop using PC for games, only consoles are meant to play games that is why they are called PCs. If they were meant for games they would be called PGs: Personal Gamestations. That also proves that PC gaming is DEAD!
Only consoles have good games anyway, all the PC games are horrible, and this is why PC gaming is dead. Besides, who would play games on a PC? PCs are meant for browsing the web and editing documents and that is why they come with a mouse and keyboard.
PC gaming is dead, so stop playing games on a PC. It is not fun to play games on a PC, because it is a dead platform. If you or anyone else think that PC gaming is fun then you are deluded, because it isn't.
So stop playing games on the PC because that is stupid and PC gaming is DEAD!
they also don't get games
They don't because they can only run programs signed by the companies that make them. Now if people could also validly sign any program iit would be easier to infect consoles.
You don't get women, what's the difference?
I had ur mum.
My mum had all kinds of STDs before she died
Consoles are for normies
10/10 would bang
What amazing traits did you inherit?
I'm not as hot any more
ive seen virii code for psp.
ive seen voting booths play chess.
its a microprocessor, it runs what is written for it. protip: high level languages are silly script kiddie stuff. learn some assembly folks.
>mentions vidya related garbage on Sup Forums
>Sup Forumsermin crawl to it instantaneously
but noooooooo Sup Forums is fine le don't like it don't use it amirite
The Xbox One takes a minute just to boot.
Now if only the internet browser wasn't fucking shit.
>le pc master race xD
Stupid troll is stupid
... If he does , he's in violation of his NDA.
I worked as part of the MTE core team. There's not a lot they're allowed to say about what they do.
what a funny meme
>getting viruses in 2014+2
you can't upvote here you cunt
Consoles don't get any fucking games either.
My dad works at microcenter
My dad who works at Nintendo get me games all the time.
>Pay to play online
Google makes malware so much better than any other hacker group. Either get the "pro" version or don't get any at all.
for what, 3DS? That's a handheld, not a console.
Why pirate poorfags material?
run xbox one
camera turns on
hello dave
>Hitler did nothing wrong.
Nor does my PC.
Nah, instead: Hackers backdoor themselves into the centralized network, and cause a shutdown for several days. After which for the many weeks that you can't even play online games, your credit card information is leaked, but the company doesn't take responsibility. They just give you a free game, and a pat on the head with a quick apology.
delicious bait
>virus on a system made for only using games.
there is no reason to make one.
> People are flipping their shit because muh Scorpio 4K video playback
> so many fucking retards take this to mean 60fps/4k GAMEPLAY
Whoo boy
I use to have an Xbox One, and PS4. Sold both and recently bought another PS4, it's okay but the consoles are kinda shit.
I got it to play some Sony exclusives since all Microsoft exclusives coming to PC.
Who else is excited for Forza Horizon 3?
Well this guy managed to install one on PS4:
Challenge accepted
>not being able to spot that kind of sarcasm from a miles away
Come on man.
Bernie Sanders is 93 and is still able to hear a nickle fall on the ground from a mile away and yet you fail to see sarcasm right in front of your eyes.
They don't, but instead of needing to secure yourself you have to beg Sony to do it, which they dont.
Times people have stolen my personal details and cc number from my pc: 0
Times people have lost the same from sony: 24.7 million
actually a ps3 can get a virus
A few weeks ago I had to select parts for my friends gaming PC and ordered that shit. I assembled it, installed windows 10 on it, try to install the fuckin Nvidia drivers and bam, first fuckin issue. I google the issue, there are literally hundreds of people who have that same fuckin issue, can't install driver and can't use a fuckin 300 euros GPU.
Had to reinstall Windows 10, do some fucking changes in the settings before I start with doing anything else and then finally I could install that driver.
I remember having driver issues with Skyrim back when I was a PC tard.
Thank fuckin fuck I have a console and never have to do this again, and I will never help anyone with their fucking PC problems.
IKR? "PC is nearly almost as good as a console" NOPE! PCs are for spreadsheets and email!
Cornsole Mister Race! Long live cornsoles!
"Wahhh muh high resolution and polygons xd I can use any controller I want, just have to wait for homebrew drivers and i just plug it in my computer and it works with 1 game xd
lmao gta v on ps4 so low fps, if nvidia released good drivers for my gpu i could have it on higher fps than ps4 xD"
get out of here summercucks.
>>Sup Forums
Exactly! I cannot believe that some unsmart doubleplus ungood people do not understand how much better cornsoles are!
>buy pieces of electronics like some nerd
>assemble Lego kid like a child
>install orporating sistem
>install andy virus
>install driver
>install game
>install patch
>install DLC
>adjust settings
>overcork GPO
>adjust settings again
>adjust settings for the 3th time
>put dvd in console
Comsoles are for us EDUMACATED people! PCs are for the unwashed marses.
Best quality of pixels right there
I'm waiting for nintendo nx.
> Preorder skyrim for PC
> Play it release day
> Play it all week
> Play it the next week too
> Not a single issue
I guess I should count my blessing that I'm not a braindead shill.
consoles don't get anything but signed binaries
so yes, in a sense you're right, but in general you're very wrong
The DS had a homebrew that was a hentai pic viewer but was secretly bricking your nand when you use it.
do you think that pc gaming is dead maybe?
>hentai pic viewer
>not just pic viewer
thats the joke you autistic faggot
It's an insult you fucking degenerate. Drop it.
It's for viewing hentai pics idiot
Thought you said hammercocks for some reason
Literally all pc has going for it is muh ultra 4k super hd 180fps (like your fat fuck neckbeard eyes could tell apart 60fps from that, there's a reason most people are ok with even 30). The gaming, the fun aspect itself is still dominated by consoles and nintendo is proof of this, make a fun game no matter it runs on a potato at 720p if it's fun people will preffer it to autism graphics and placebos.
It does
It has next gen AMD CPU and Vega/Polaris GPU
>but was secretly bricking your nand when you use it.
wat tha fuk.
DS is black and white mostly so that's a pretty lame move.
>tfw using semi-b0rked PAL PS3 to browse from US and watch hentai because kek my shitty excuse of a Centrino laptop suxx balls with XP
jesus christ the bait
Only Retards get viruses. /Fixed