Small Questions Thread


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I'm trying to get Onenote on my raspberry pI so I have a dedicated computer for taking notes. I've bought and installed Exagear and managed to install wine through that, but now the onenote installer is telling me that I need a newer version of windows.

Is there anywhere I can find the install files for an older version of onenote?

Can I encrypt one of my boot partitions with Veracrypt so that it asks for a password if I try to boot into the encrypted OS in GRUB?

I dual booth right now (Win8 and Linux) and I'd like to add a third boot option (Win7), but I'd like the Win7 partition to be encrypted.

Basically I want an encrypted windows partition specifically for torrenting porn, organizing hentai, and playing H-games without using a VM.

Stupid question not small questions you fucking snowflake.

What's the best way to secure erase a PNY manufactured SSD?

SSDs: Toshiba Q300 240gigs or Samsung 750 EVO 250gigs?

It's been going back and forth between the two for years. Deal with it you little twat

why doesn't MS just cancel Windows Phone and end support?

Can silly questions be posted in this thread?

only if you cast it to stupid before.

what exactly is the plan?
you get onenote client application running on pi, and what then?
How will you make use of onenote?

why dicking with veracrypt instead of using kernel based dm-crypt
or windows base bitlocker?

How would I go about a future-proofed email address?

I'm about to switch over from my college email to a different email, and it would be nice to pick one with as much longevity as possible, so I don't have to go through the pain of updating all of my accounts reliant on it again.

Is a gmail fine, or is it better to get a custom domain and simply use it for personal use (as opposed to most custom email domains which are used for companies).

>The Q300 is a low-end drive and is among the slowest SSDs on the market. It's hardly alone in that; I've lost count of how many different brands are selling Phison TLC drives. In that sense the Q300 doesn't stand out from that crowd, and while that doesn't make it a bad drive it means that Toshiba is entering a very competitive market with nothing substaintial besides their name to differentiate themselves.

samsung I guess

yes gmail is fine
option 2. register domain and pay gmail to maintain email through it
best is of course your last name, but its 2016, so its unlikely available
this thing would cost ya yearly about $50

I have a GTX 970 and a triple monitor setup. This causes my GPU to high a high core and memory clock even while idle which translates to 55 - 60c idle temperature (with no GPU fan). I know these temperatures are nothing to worry about for a GPU in terms of gaming but what about 24/7? How negativity will 55 - 60c be compared to 40 - 45c idle with dual monitor?

I'd prefer not to turn the GPU fan on but if it's better to have the fan on at say 10% and have lower idle temperatures, is it worth the wear on the fan to do so?

I think you can see what I'm getting at.

Set it on fire

Is a 1080 worth 700 bucks? Thinking about pulling the trigger once the model I want is in stock but always get gunshy at the price come checkout time.

yes, I would definitly set the fan to be at some lowish 400-600rpm than letting it be at 60

it should be inaudible

annyway, its strange, techpoewrup does multimonitor tests and claims that gtx970 does multimonitor at very similar power consumption as is idle...
which seems like not the case if you are reaching 60°C

if you're looking at performance per dollar, no. 1070 is much better

not for me
not for most of the people

but if you drive decent car
if you are comfortably set as a homeowner
got good quality clothes and boots and shoes
gym membership that you make use of
got good monitor and good speaker system

and still got tucked away money for rainy day and you got your 401k working for ya..

then you can spoil yourself a little and get $700 gpu that will lose 1/4 of its value the day you unpack it, and 1/2 of its value by the december
try maybe control your impulses

Mine is much higher with triple monitor but with dual monitor it will clock down as expected. I like having three monitors but not if it's gonna be a hassle. Thanks for your response.

I heard somewhere on Sup Forums that Veracrypt was good for encryption boot partitions, but that could be wrong. I use Veracrypt right now for my VM, so I figured I'd use it for something else too.

I'll look into dm-crypt, but I don't trust Bitlocker after Truecrypt's mysterious end

I don't make enough to really justify it, but damn, it is really tempting for my new build.

Why do you have to be so brutal with me user

Here's a question that some of you might not like, but I feel this is the appropriate place for it, and some of you might have a good opinion on it.

How do you be an alpha male in tech?

I've been a web dev for 1.5 years and honestly I feel like a fucking code monkey / slave. I want to be a fucking leader nigga, not a fucking beta nerd enslaved nobody.

Is creating your own company the best way to do it? I have known of some people who have created start ups, or something like that. Then they have the control of the corporate environment, and everybody else is their bitch.

>for porn
Hello pedophile

You have a fuck ton of money and influence so people follow you blindly(apple)
So you're doing your job, that you wanted to do? Dont get this milinial mentality
>start company
If you have a fuck ton of money, or want to get a loan you most likely will be paying off your entire life,as its going to fail.

>web dev


Can I emulate one of these on my computer?


>wanting your work laptop to have visible hentai for coworkers to see

There's no need to encrypt hentai, just put a password on the folder or something.

>You have a fuck ton of money and influence so people follow you blindly(apple)
I don't understand what you mean. I don't have a ton of money, are you saying I should make a ton of money? And are you saying I should make the next Apple?
>So you're doing your job, that you wanted to do? Dont get this milinial mentality
You think I want to do web dev why? I want to earn money, that's it

I don't understand what you're saying either

Are you saying I'm too late to the party or something? That's false, there are always opportunities

What are the advantages of two-factor Smart Card encryption over memorizing a long password?

Has anyone tried full-disk encryption with a dummy/decoy partition in case you are court-ordered to turn over the key?

It takes money to have a sucessful startup.
You're going to sit on months if not more, of stagnation, until your products hit.Thats alot of bills with no return on them.
>web dev
I've been doing it freelance since i was 14(12 years). I live very happily, and i have a ton of contacts should i want to branch off in to something else.I do web dev, and majority of the time, i hop on as a sysadmin for the smaller companies such as mom&pop stores, non chain resturants etc.

I might list some more questions afterwards, but first:
In which order does the ISP Internet connection go through?

ISP - ? - Router - PC?

I never got any replies in the last thread.

Is pic related a good build? I'll be using a 1070 I bought from a friend. Gonna be my first time building a PC so is there anything else I need or need to know? Any cables or some such?

ISP - Modem - Router - PC

Where do I pirate windows keys

I can only send encrypted webmail from a service like protonmail if the recipient also has a protonmail account, right? Or if they at least know how to use a public pgp key, which pretty much no one I know does. Should I still use protonmail over other services to send unencrypted email since at least my mailbox is encrypted?

Would this not be related to telephone network connection?
Because of the modem.

google: windows activator mydigitallife


Just dont send personal/incriminating information over unsecure email

yeah but I'd like to keep an entire partition inaccessible, from my other OSes so I can install H-Games and use a comic library organizer.

Use a service like OpenMaiBox and a mail client on your computer that allows for seamless PGP encryption.

If this won't work because you want to send e-mails from your phone or something, sorry.

I have no experience with c++ and would like to jump on board with the c++14 standard.

Can anyone recommend some good resources to learn? Already have a decent familiarity with programming in general; more looking for stuff on c++'s particular syntax.

do you have more money to spend?

going for i7-6700 and getting $130 mobo seems rather meh
first its non 'k' cpu so no overclock

>if you got extra $100

you could go for i7-5820k
this is true 6 core and 12 threads cpu
its enthusiasts quality, overclocks great, no shitty thermal paste, but soldered die...
that would eat $60 extra

and mobo you would need socket 2011 v3 mobo which would eat extra $40-50

I personally would go for microATX or even ITX build, smaller case, small mobo
no need 650W psu for 1070... small but awesomely powerful

I'll be using it for heavy gaming, recording with shadowplay. Editing and rendering with Vegas Pro and that's it.

Don't need a monster VR machine or anything like that but I would like a stable 60fps 1080 high/max for a couple years to come.

Forgot to mention I won't be overclocking.

What is the biggest capacity batter I can fit into S3 Mini? I saw one 4k but it had that bulging out thing not sure I want that.

I disassembled my 2 year old notebook for the first time today, cleaned it, changed the thermal paste on both CPU and GPU and then put it back together. On the first try, the power led, fan and DVD turned on, but the screen was black. I then checked two connectors, powered it up again and the led was on, but the fan didn't start anymore.
How bad did I fuck up? I assume it's the GPU, though I don't know why. Is there any chance it's possible to repair?

Then identify an opportunity and kys

>heavy gaming, recording with shadowplay. Editing and rendering with Vegas Pro
it sounds like exactly the tasks that will benefit from extra cores and power
why are you not getting i3 cpu or i5 cpu then? Is your internal "feels-o-meter" telling you that i5 is not enough, but six core is whoaaa too much?

games already make use of all cores on all 8 cores AMD FX cpus, console games also count on 8 cores since xbone and playstation got them
dunno where you get the VR ignorance bit
transcoding, video editing will takes all the cores your can spare...

anyway you are taking expensive mobo and cooler if you are not overclocking, you can drop down to some B chipset $80 mobo and stick with stock

>Is your internal "feels-o-meter" telling you that i5 is not enough, but six core is whoaaa too much?
Yeah...I hear i5 is great for gaming, but would I not see benefit in my rendering times and multitasking with an i7?

If you don't mind, could you build me pcpartspicker so I can take a look to see what you're saying?

The C++ Programming Language 4th edition by Stroustrup is good if you already know how to program. It is designed to be useful both sequentially as a tutorial or randomly as a reference. It's about as exhaustive as you can get without reading the standard yourself. It's also neat to read about the language from the perspective of the guy who created it. The pdf is available for free in various places.

i5 was always considered perfect for gaming because games did not make use of hyperthreading - intels way to make one real core in to 2 virtual cores

so there was virtually no difference between i5 and i7

but lately there are some reports that more demanding huge multiplayer games like BF4 benefit from i7 compared to i5, not in raw FPS but in preventing FPS drops

but no one yet really tested that much, and as it stands i5 is the best buck/fuck gaming cpu

and I aint building you anything

check price of 5820k and some LGA 2011-v3 socket mobo and nothing else really changes
DDR4 is still in play as is the rest...

>Sizes: 6x12, 8x14, 8x16, 10x18, 10x20, 11x22, 12x24, 14x28 and 16x32.

What's the equivalent in size and pixelsize?

Wanting to create games for the android app store, heard about using corona SDK
dunno what language it uses

what does Sup Forums think?
Help im lost

Same question from old thread, I tried to connect my raspberry pi to an old TV via composite rca cable, pic related

Is web design/developement worth learning to make some easy cash?

I'm on disability for autism and work weekends so I have some down time. The only experience I have is html coding years ago when I ran a blog. I can't code for shit.

sure it is
and web will be around your forever
its worth knowing ins and outs of it since theres always something manipulating with it

Any recs on where to begin learning? Sure I can google it but wondering if there's any recs from someone who's actually done it.

What is an easy example for Count to Infinity?

Can anyone please supply a good mouse guide? The wiki is down.

Any recommendations for learning c sharp? I want to code my own simple game one day.


>html and css
>this last actually like 4 day, even if going slow


>then you should focus on jquery, which is javascript, just made easier
>this one actually can take quite a few days

then its up to you where you go

You're a functioning autist, you're mooching the system. Fuck you

is down?

Also, does anyone have the site that's just RMS's free software song with him nyancatting across the screen? I'm not thinking of

I'm looking for a sanic fast document scanner so I can convert my class notes into PDFs and organize them on my computer.

Is it possible to set minimum processor state too low? Would there be any negative effect if it keeps jumping between 800MHz while fully idle and at its max at full load?

Awesome, thanks.

PC randomly shuts down

usually happens when i play GW2, last time i was months ago, today it happened twice within an hour. doesnt seem to be linked to CPU/GPU, sometimes i play for several hours with so much stuff on screen that my fps drop to 8-15 but the crashes are usually during regular gameplay where i walk around not doing anything demanding

speccy and co. cant into correct temps but from feeling my heatpipes I'd say the PCU was about 40-60 °C at that time (any more and i would have burned my fingers)

could it be because my PSU was breathing in the hot CPU exhaust?

run mprime for an hour and watch your temps, leave a long video on loop to check for artifacts

I have the weirdest problem ever and I can't find help on google.
I am trying out opensuse KDE in a VM.
when I use my mouse wheel while moving the mouse, it switches window (mousewheel up = next window, down = previous window). it only happens whne I move the mouse as I use the wheel.
it of course doesn't happen in the host OS.

any idea what the fuck is habbening?

sometimes my Asus laptop has a "meltdown":

video and audio freeze, input has no effect, only solution is turning it off.
Sometimes it doesn't freeze immidiately but does 2-5 mini-freezes(mouse and apps stops, audio glitches) within few seconds that lead to the final freeze.

Temperatures are fine, windows 8 "check for disc errors" options that i can access from C: properties finds nothing.I disabled sound card once and it still happened.
There is no pattern to be found ( there seems to be not a program or action that triggers that) but it seems to come in clusters ( happens 6 times in day then once or never in the next week).

I suppose it's an hardware failure, but which piece of hardware is failing? how do i understand it?

Sounds like a keybind inside of kde is either configured wrong, or is a new keybind you've never configured.

my pc froze and when I restarted the sound is not working. it says nothing is plugged in. im 'using a 970. please help cant play !

Might be your hard drive. I've encountered that when i was using heavy i/o operations and it would just flat out look the system until it cache out

I'm trying to bypass the No Fun Allowed firewall on the student wifi at school.
At home I have a openvpn server, and pfsense running as the network firewall.
Is it possible for me to get the firewall to direct a connection on port 443 externally to openvpn's normal port internally?
tl;dr client attempts to connect to > firewall has 443 externally routed to 1194 internally > openvpn server listening on 1194

For some reason the openvpn server won't work on 443, even though I have no http server installed on that server.

Is it possible to control an Android via USB or something without using any apps or anything?

The touchscreen on my OnePlus 1 broke, and I'd like to be able to disable the alarm clock. Currently it goes off every morning (even when the phone is fully turned off) and the only way to stop it is to shut it off by holding down the power button. Ideally I'd like this not to happen when it's in the mail for repairs, for fear that it will be flagged as a bomb.

So to remedy this, I need to either:
a. Disable the alarm.
b. Lower the alarm volume completely. (It won't let me lower the volume while the alarm is ringing, and lowering it at other times only affects ringer volume.)
c. Enable Bluetooth. (So I can connect my already paired wireless keyboard and shut the alarm off using that.)

I'm running CyanogenMod 12. I have Pushbullet installed, but I don't think that will let me do anything. I can install apps wirelessly through the Play Store website, but I have no way of launching them.

Any ideas?

Got a new 1440p monitor and dropping settings in The Witcher 3 from High to Medium or even low doesn't increase my fps at all. Still hovers in the mid-low 30's.

I'm using an r9 380 with AMD FX 4300. Is my CPU bottlenecking the GPU and will it bottleneck the 1070 when I upgrade?

Which Pi should I get to use as a host for a .onion site?

connect with adb and delete the alarm app (or find the alarm settings and rewrite them)

wont fix the touchscreen problem though, but if you are gonna to mail it for repairs then just turn it off entirely

best linux for a newbie to get acquainted with using it?

Thanks, I'll try this


How do I get my 1TB hard drive to show up on my new PC? I just usb booted Windows and chose my SSD as the download location, but now my HDD isn't showing up even though it was shown in my BIOS information and as secondary install location for Windows prior

Follow up. How do you find business as a freelance and independent web dev? How do you get some contacts and clients looking for what you're offering?

go to disk management and format it or assign a drive letter


should i try to write/read big files to test it?

last time i downlaoded 2 GB of porn nothing bad happened, but freeze is happening when i am just browsing the internet, which should trigger a very low HDD usage.

You dont have enough power ot run 1440p

So I initialize it first? I see it in disk management due to the memory associated with Unknown Drive listed and it is asking for initialization so I can't even give it a litter or format

if it's brand new, sure.
if there's already data on it then something is wrong

been running it for half an hour, no errors, no artifacts, temps went up 5° above idle

It is a new one, thank you. Formatting it to NTFS now.

How do I obfuscate java class names in Android Studio (IntelliJ)? I am unable to do so with ProGuard, so I thought about writing a script.

The problem is that it isn't as easy as find X replace with Y as I have classnames in comments and in other non *.java files. Any tips?

Worst case scenario: I need to automate my mouse and keyboard

I checked all keybinds and literally every place I could think of.
I even reinstallted the OS on another VM to make extra damn sure, and it happens in a fresh vanilla untouched OS too.
any other idea?

I want to colour this map to show where I have been.

I am using a macbook.How do I do this without downloading any programs?

Is there any way to have the time sync between Windows and Fedora? Every time I boot into Windows, the time is behind by three hours. I tried Googling and haven't found anything that helped. I had it working fine when I had Xubuntu installed alongside Windows 7, but it's not working with Fedora.