What's the best way to learn C++?
I work as a Python developer
What's the best way to learn C++?
I work as a Python developer
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Don't. It's the only way you can keep your sanity.
p-please elaborate
Start learning. You'll understand when it's gone
How about building some desktop application ?
I think it's easier to learn while making something rather than delving on theoretical details. YMMV.
That's how I intended on going about it.
What is C++ good for?
If you don't know what its for, why do you wanna learn it?
My manager suggested I learn it.
Maybe try this
Idk never tried it
I suggest you to learn C and procedural style. C++ is kind of too much of useless stuff in my opinion.
I too prefer just C.
>bothering with compiled languages
Really? Processors are only going to get more powerful.
Why on earth would you squander that extra power on stupid, slow languages? Why not write using fast languages on fast hardware.
There is also the issue of extra power draw that slow languages have. The less time your CPU is doing dumb shit, the more time it can sleep. Faggots like you are the reason that smartphones have such shitty battery life.
>What is C++ good for?
pain and suffering.
these days not much, but probably some sort of embedded environment where you want very fine control over memory usage and/or you're looking to squeeze every poofteenth out of the cpu or maybe if you're doing lots of graphics very fast on a gaming machine, stuff like that. very few projects have a real need for it.
think of it like a car, you could drive to town in an F1 (c++) but its going to be much more comfy in your normal station wagon (java).
>but probably some sort of embedded environment where you want very fine control over memory usage and/or you're looking to squeeze every poofteenth out of the cpu
C is the language you would use for that, not C++.
depends on the size, if its a pic chip then yeah sure, but an arm or something and i'll be going with c++
well maybe, it depends :^)
you already know a bad language, why learn another one?
Learn C. Learn C pointers. Fuck STL and templates shit of C++. If you still want to learn C++, then learn C first, it's much more minimalistic.
Btw, ignore C and C++ discussion, it's kinda religious: thread.gmane.org
what's the best way to learn python? I have no programming background at all, but have put together a couple of random, and extremely simple scripts in the past.
The delegates, Donahhhld
>python developer
isn't that an oxymoron?
"Think python" by Allen Downey if python is your first language. Official python docs' tutorial if you've already programmed in other languages such as C, java, etc.
>Think python
thanks user. Found 2nd edition
Go to your local college and browse their computer science section and get an intro to C++ book.