ITT: sad stories

ITT: sad stories.
>be me
>being poorfag, like, very poor
>my pc is a 7 years old shitty laptop, about to leave me soon
>want to replace with another pc, even a low tier intel would do it for me
>magically remember of sister's old pc in dad's deposit with a q6600 in it, used very few times
>i happen to visit my parents today
>ask dad keys of his deposit
>the garage is 30 min away from home by car
>ff 1hr and 30min, i run inside with excitement
>404 pc not found, after searching for an hour
>go back to dad, another 1hr and half ON FOOT
>"do you thrashed it?"
>"errr... nonono... try in your mom's garage"
>after hours of desperate searching i go back to dad
>"please tell me, you trashed it, right?"
>"yup, sorry"

Know any local electronics recycling places? They might let you grab something if you "donate" some time working there.

aww man, what's your Paypal user? Ill send you some shekels for a new pc

I have a sad story, but it's so sad that might make people cry so I'd rather keep it to myself :( Heads up, a machine, or rather the lack of it, is not the end of the world.

I'm sorry, user. You can try what said and also ask people you know if they have an old unused computer.

2. You're a femanon and I think that's pretty cool :^)

>electronics recycling places
Simply, they are not a thing around here, i cannot just show up and do volunteering, nor they can give me anything, with money or for free.
Thanks man, but no.
I'll just go on with this laptop until it just stops.
I made this thread for sad stories, so please share if you can/want.

>rejecting handout
You are good man user, you will prevail

Why don't you get a job OP?

>30 min away from home by car
>>ff 1hr and 30min

>running 15mph
>on foot
>for 1h 30m straight


dam son, enter the olympics or some shit

I'm looking for a job but it's not that easy.
There are a few shops around me that are hiring but right now they're flooded by requests.
My dad says it's 30 minutes by car, i don't know really. Maybe he considers traffic too.

>I want attention so badly, I'm gonna hint at something and then wait for them to ask :( I give good advice.

Nope, not going to say, and not seeking attention either. Point was, the lack of (a certain) PC, especially when you already have a working one, is barely a sad story.


>btw im a grill xD

>the lack of (a certain) PC, especially when you already have a working one, is barely a sad story.
Thi is Sup Forums not /r9k/, it's sad here


>be OP
>be poorfag can't afford a PC
>decide that is best to start a thread about sad stories to take my mind of my sad story
>first poster gives a good advice, unfortunately won't work for me
>second one wants to donate me some bucks but it doesn't feel right getting someones hard earned money for free
>thread is going pretty good, not great because no other sad stories yet
>in comes some attention whore
>posts a facebook status begging for attention indirectly
>thread derails because of it, everyone posting how she is an attention whore (including this post)
>such is the sad life of someone who can't succeed at anything

I have a story but is not really sad, is more like bittersweet.

>be me years ago in highschool
>working part time so I could get ultra mega gaymen PC
>after working for about 6 months I finally have enough
>beg mom to get me to the local hardware store to buy the parts
>when my mother opens the door our 3 months old puppy bolts out
>goes into the street
>car approaches fast, some woman talking on her phone
>does not see the dog, hits it without even braking
>she stops after, get out of car to check for damage and drives away
>poor Zip laying in the middle of the road
>I run to him
>still breathing but does not look good
>rush him to the vet
>turns out his back legs are completely fucked and needs some serious operation and treatment to survive
>doc tells us the price of the operations and treatment
>my mother could not afford it because of the divorce she was going through
>I pull out my money for my super mega ultra hyper adjective gaymen PC
>Is not enough but the doc agrees to do it if we could pay him later
>my mom tears up and thanks the good man
>I start crying like a bitch and just bow my head

That was 6 years ago. The little puppy healed and is now not so little but still a puppy at heard. He is walking a little funny because of the rods in his back legs but is in no pain. And for those of you worried about the PC, I kept my job for couple more months and bought something cheaper.
Fuck. Now I have teary eyes.

Found your problem.

What OS do you run?
Do you play games?

Had the same problem. I just asked me school for their old broken computers, found out which parts still worked and sold them. Got enough money to build myself a cheap pc.

>a4-5000 processor
>Kill me

pic related

Why the fuck is the pic sideways

Maybe save up for a poorfag AMD build or an atom netbook like the ideapad 100s?

Fuck, you should have gotten the plate number of the bitch that ran him over.

If anyone fucks with my puppy I'll beat the living shit out of them

>choosing life over pc
You have done well.

what about when pc is life

Stupid weaboo



I tend to disagree.

OP where are you from? I can't make mind - should I feel sorry for you or mock you. Also I've been there. I come from a country where buying used clothes, growing your own vegetables and fruits to save some money and saving up a year to buy an used computer were all common things in 90s and early 00s

> poor as hell
> work summer jobs slaving ass off
> buy a computer to play cs doom and quake with friends
> plug it in
> power all goes out
> old ass wiring in the house that hasn't been touched since the 1800 all gave way
> had to sell pc to pay for repairs
> 1 week with no electricity
> family all blaming me

back then dinner was quarter tin of beans with a spoon of pasta drenched in ketchup. them beans always looked yum as fuck :P

>finally get a new psu
>coil whine


If you live in Hawaii I got a fairly decent build sitting in my closet unused. maybe 2 years old if that. All you would need is a power supply. it's got a GTX 780 GHZ edition in it. You can have it for free.

>be me

Who else would you be

I applaud your actions

Most gamers lack the mental empathy to make such a decision

>be me in high school 15.
>Mom makes minimum wage
>Dad is alcoholic and is lazy and just sleeps all day
>Poor as shit, I mean really poor, so poor that my parents couldn't buy me clothes and I had to take donations(felt bad)
>I always loved games and I liked to program and code.
>Spent OVER 1 YEAR EVERY DAY working 8 hours after school and 13 hours in the weekends to save up for a gaming pc and buy a phone, clothes, and buy my 6 year old sister toys and new clothes, and maybe but my mother a gift.
>mom has stroke.
>We have no insurance.
>I gave all my money to my dad to help pay for hospital bill.
>Felt like I wasted an entire year of my life.
>Found out a week later that my dad was using some of my money to buy beer.
>Dont say anything, just really too sad.
>Both parents are so close to death, little sister no where to be found most days, my entire year savings gone.
>I decided that I must try to get a scholarship somehow sp I can go to college and get out this hell, and secure a good future.
>Join several clubs and sports team
>Forced to watch as all my friends and classmates get scholarships from sports and other organizations.
>There was literally a moment when I was so close to getting a $30,000 scholarship, it was for some business thing, first place gets $50,000 second is $40,000 and third place is $30,000.
>I get 4th place
>High school ending soon, do everything I can to get to college, but I realize I must take care of my family,especially my sister.
>I just accept that I'll always be poor forever
Years later

Dad is still alcoholic

Mom is very sick, gets worse every year

My sister is a slut, no matter how hard I try to raise her well

Me, I just spend all day working, 3 jobs, as soon as I get home, I browse internet for a few, sleep, go back to work in the morning, repeat. Every day, even Sundays and Saturdays.

No happy ending, can't go to university, going to be some worthless worker all my life.

>Join the AF/Navy
>List mother as dependent, same s sister
>Get mad bank for them/>Have Military pay for your moms medical bills, get basically free housing
>navy/AF are your best bet, sure you'll get deployed but the QoL is great and everything will be taken care of.

Good for you man. Saving your dog was better than a PC.

And the GI Bill to pay for college after. And tuition assistance while in the service, paying for school taken while in service.

Did 4 years Navy. Would do again. If you're used to working your ass off, it'll be a step up, because you work your ass off at a non-life-wasting job. Also, career opportunities.

eastern eu?

Those 3 hours you spend browsing, use to study for some certifications. Probably turn 3 jobs into just 2 jobs.

Good luck friend

Imagine if the US government poured that much money into scientific careers instead of military ones

>Saving a dog over getting a dope PC

Does not compute.
Hehehe get it;)

Naw jk. Good on you bud

The Navy, depending on your rate, will also pay for certifications. I'm an IT and have Sec+, A+ and MCP and there's a whole slew of other certs the Navy will pay for. Just gotta fill out a voucher and pass the test.

They basically have. My entire goal in life is to work with fusion energy. The Navy sent me to school to run nuclear reactors, and now that I'm out I'm starting with an electrical engineering degree before moving into the nuclear field.

And in general, the majority of sailors who use the GI Bill use it for tech/sci related degrees or medical field. You don't find as many liberal arts majors in the military.

But, yeah, I agree, the government needs to fund scientific endeavors directly.

And you can get a lot of transferable college credits from the various schools they send sailors to. Nuke program gave me over 50, just for A School and Power School, and miscellaneous credits for other shit they sent me to.

Really though if this is true go talk to a fucking recruiter. The Navy/AF will only make your life better. You also get more money depending on where your stationed (housing allowance, food, cost of living etc). I'm a single e5 stationed in Hawaii pulling in 5200 a month after taxes.

Second. Even if it's not as bad as described above, it'll still make life way better, and reveal innumerable opportunities.

Get a job you hippie.

land of the free

how old are you going to be when you finish the degree, 26?

>going to be some worthless worker all my life
Keep your high drive, and you will make something of yourself. Best of luck user.

A little older. I joined when I was 20, and got out when I was 24. Started college at 26. As long as class availability works out, should be done by 28. Then, I'm looking into MIT for nuclear physics/engineering.

But, I'm also working full time as a control room operator for Vestas. Military experience, especially in a technical field, really opens up doors. I could easily have a career without going to school because of it.

how are you going to finish an engineering degree in two years?

took me four to finish and many people take 5.

I have a lot of credits from the Navy's nuclear engineering program. Also, that school is hard. Like, suicides are common, hard. People come out of it (both succeeding and failing) with mental problems due to the stress. Normal college is a fucking joke in comparison. The only reason I don't take more classes is I'm working, and, you know, limited time in a day, and prerequisites. Have to take classes in a certain order. That's why I said "should" be done by 28. I'm sure there will be some conflict between classes, and I'll have to take a class or two on their own at the end.

>sad stories
my fucking life, and it's sad not because what has happened, but simply because I'm a smart but useless retard

Jesus Christ, what a f-f-f-faggot.

How old are you now? I'm rooting for you user.

Fuck stop making me depressed, how did this leave fucking /adv/.


this story angers me because youre dad could have told you he trashed it instead of making you run around like that

Have you considered contributing to open source projects?

Get some exercise son, you sit at you're computer too much. :^)

That's great. If you can run 45mph for 3 hours for no reason, you can do anything.

>im smart but lazy meme
protip: youre not that smart

it's not so much about being hard or not but the amount of time each course takes, and like you said most courses have prerequisites that have prerequisites of their own, and so on.

unless you already have all the gen ed requirements completed including physics and math courses, i just don't see 2 years being doable.

That's a pretty sad doggo story user.

Most scientific and tech discoveries come from corporations working for the military you stupid Reddit fuckboi

The exact opposite, actually. Most of my credits are in math/sci/engineering. So, yeah, probably 29, just due to one or two classes. I'm going to try to squeeze them in somewhere, but we'll see. I'm not in a rush. My company actually is paying for it, because, you know, big European engineering company. They pay for school, as long as it's related, and electrical engineering is. I'm saving my GI Bill for grad school.

never said I was lazy. buy yes, I am lazy. also I'm poor, insecure, depressive, and detest selling shit, including myself.

are you the ibn 5100 guy?

fwiw this was me before ADD meds. The smart but lazy meme kept me from seeking help for a long while, turns out I just had brain damage and doing amphetamines made me get my shit together.

>He fell for the certificate meme
How does it feel knowing your sec cert is worthless and everyone that does real sec (vr and dev) work laughs at you

well you are poor for a reason, froggo, your dad is fuckin moron in the first place, why would he lie to you ? fucking basterd


every time

Being poor you have to learn to be smart with your money. Buying an A4 is not.