Not using based Fedora 24

>Not using based Fedora 24
Explain yourself user.


I prefer OS X and OpenBSD

Fedora is trash, anyone using Fedora instead of CentOS is a massive retard

same, even though my FOSS BSD of choice is freeBSD

i like apt-get

i like the software center

i like ubuntu.

Fedora has GNOME software, and amazing dnf package manager.

>not following FSH
>gnome 3
>still have to tinker if you want stability, but isn't as flexible as gentoo

i would consider it if not for the name

Is it true that BSD cuckolds are closet macfags?

>being stuck with all of red hat's latest and greatest "innovations"

Use CentOS then, basically the sane thing.

And no stable package in the repo

haha holy shit you really do monitor every thread for any mention of BSD


And FOSS BSDs are the only good open source OS


gnome software is much more limited compared to ubuntu software center

i still like apt

fuck off

I would use Fedora but I have never found a way to get fonts looking as good as they do on Ubuntu

Have fun with outdated software cuck.

I couldn't find a way to disable mouse acceleration in linux so I'm not using an operating system which wont even let me change how mu mouse works. I play MOBA and it matters to me. also my gpu performs about 10% worse in linux. I dont think most linux drivers support DMA so any i/o fills cpu with interrupts, so it causes stutter. I can find more reasons if you ask

If the name bugs you that much then your choices seem like they be quite retarded.

What the fuck is a MOBA?

About to. Have Mint right now.

>I couldn't find a way to disable mouse acceleration in linux
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
While this description includes 3/4ths of all online games, this term most commonly means multiplayer top-view games like Dota or League Of Legends

Bad choice, but you are welcome to try

>mention BSD
>cuck macfag xD
dont play dumb

No you said something about monitoring like NSA or some bullshit. What's wrong with iToddlers?


>proving me right
sasuga bsdfag


so you're not even gonna deny that you're who i think you are like you were doing a few posts ago?

get some help, loser

Do you use systemd, user?


also redhat was terrible.

hell no i use BSD to get away from that

What iPhone?


Because OSX is just BSD with a proprietary DE on top.

Not him, I use Ubuntu GNOME with full systemD :^)

>Outdated packages

it isn't

only the userland is BSD, and even then that's only partly

linus uses it so i guess it's alright

Fedora is objectively worse than the babby OS in question.

How so?


who said unity? I used xfce and gnome.

The latest one

What's the point of arguing with a mentally handicapped iToddler?

How so?

It's not a freetard wannabe distro for one

At least those are respectable choices.

keep not denying that you're an autistic loser who monitors Sup Forums for any mention of BSD just to post the same memes over and over

i bet you're so fucking disgusting that you actually bought a Sup Forums pass just for this

Its like 3 commands to be non-free

>monitors Sup Forums for any mention of BSD just to post the same memes over and over
Don't you think you sound like a person who moved away from mental sanity?

don't deflect/project, idiot

unity isn't really that bad, it's just sort of boring and not too customizable. kind of like cinnamon.

dnf is just yum renamed senpai.

>wanting a systemv OS
enjoy your niggerjaro mandraksuse developer edition unstable version 3

do their official repos have gnome 3 yet?

Good now go install a broadcom driver and make sure the driver doesn't stop working every 30 minutes

Cinnamon is actually kinda neat looking I've never used it though. Unity is just a gnome 3 knock off meme

>This amount of denial
Wow, hang yourself, literal autistic manchild

well i thought cinnamon looked okay so i got it, but it's sort of bland to be honest. it looks okay, don't get me wrong, but it's just sort of gray and plain. after a while it gets boring. ilike xfce since you can basically make it look like anything you like.

>still projecting
denial is also your favorite word, isn't it

i notice that you use it a lot in the wrong context

i wouldnt be surprised that it's the same guy who types '>>>fa >>>lgbt' on any os x post

kek, i know right

he's so fucking autistic, i don't know how he's not rangebanned yet

You haven't denied you are not mentally challenged. I asked whether it is true since you are so paranoid that you think there's someone who monitors Sup Forums for BSD mentions and replies with meme posts. Hate to break it to you but your paranoia gives away your autism

sounds like YOU are the one in denial since you do the same fucking shit constantly and then deny it without fail every time
refer to this also you already got one of your posts deleted in this thread lmao

You still are not explaining your paranoia, may be it's your way of accepting your defeat?

No boogeyman is monitoring Sup Forums and and since both(?) of you are using OSX to boot into a functional operating system I guess I was right on the fact that BSD is just a placebo OS for iToddlers

>still proving me right
how do you live with that amount of cognitive dissonance every day?

and it's literally explained in the second post i quoted, retard

No the post I replied to deflected the proposition and claimed I was in denial. It's the classic no-you game that mentally handicapped people play when they are cornered. See "sounds like YOU are the one in denial since you do the same fucking shit constantly and then deny it without fail every time"

If you can't argue any more you can stop your pathetic attempt, autist

>implying you were arguing in the first place
you literally never do, fag

it's always "lol ur an apple shill" whenever someone disagrees with you, so go fuck yourself

Wow hahaha too weak, aren't you?

Keep your placebo OS with you, macfag. Close this tab and don't go full retard next time. You learnt a lesson today

It's the best.

Last week the audio wasn't working in Windows 7 in my fluids II class so my teacher rebooted into grub and loaded fedora 24, I was flabbergasted that he knew what he was doing and apparently the old dude is really savvy

there he goes again lmao

stop incriminating yourself

>Close this tab and don't go full retard next time. You learnt a lesson today
so what, you're gonna claim that you're leaving and you're gonna keep responding?

>no sauce on this, what's (...).jpg

P-Reavz, it's not from a doujin though, that picture is all that exists.

We both know that you're the faggot that lives to shitpost in BSD threads, quit denying it
>lol BSD is just an iToddler OS xDDDD
More like
>BSD users like an OS based on BSD, whodathunkit

Some user found it on Ex-Hentai. Thanks though fellow user.

>He's still trying

Took you a while to recover from the damage you brought upon himself.

And yeah, I said placebo twice. BSD is a placebo for macfags like you. If you want to feel hipster that's fine but keep that garbage away.

Furthermore you are not even arguing on the same topic any more.

It's no placebo, you just hate it for no reason.

so why is BSD placebo then

please explain it without talking about ACLs or linking to blogs

It's not you dumbass.

oops, meant for obviously

a BSD user probably fucked his dad or something

It's a placebo for you because you have to use a different OS on your computer to get your things done.

Free/Net/Open BSD is replaceable by OSX.

I can get by just fine with OpenBSD and only OpenBSD, I just like OS X so I use it too. Where's the law that states you can use one and only one operating system, user?

so wait

you're the one who calls people apple shills then you're telling me to use OSX? are you braindead?

also i guess linux users are retarded too because they could always use windows/osx

oh wait they have a choice

If you think it twice and try not to be a complete retard (as I rightfully claimed before) your boogeyman paranoia is not real. Go see a doctor. I never called you an apple shill

Try English next time

>boogeyman paranoia
sure, whatever the fuck

i'm not the only one who thinks you're clearly the same guy, i'm SHOCKED that you aren't banned yet

>i'm SHOCKED that you aren't banned yet
Because mods, including everyone aren't delusional like you

>derails an entire thread
well one of your posts got deleted

Sup Forums is a traditionally terribly moderated place, so that may explain it

What exactly are you arguing on now?

>install fedora 24 on laptop
>install and set up everything i need
>turn off laptop
And then i installed something not-fedora and everything just works, surprise

and you're the one who makes fun of my english

good lord you're autistic

I'm currently using Debian Jessie. What's in it for me to switch to Fedora?

- How does the package manager experience compare to dpkg/apt/aptitude?
- Are there as many packages available?
- Is it more or less stable?
- How difficult is it to get non-free/proprietary parts working?

Wow now you shifted the topic of BSD hater boogeyman to me being paranoid to whether mods like me or not

I wouldn't be wrong for calling you a psychedelic autist

>literally unsaucable

you're the one who brought up mods first

again, i'm shocked that they didn't ban you considering you've been derailing this thread for an entire hour

>Use Xubuntu 16.04 on T420
>Buggy mess, decide to try Fedora
>Everything just works
I love it.

I don't like gnome

Radeon HD 6950, Phenom 1090t and 8GB DDR3

Will Fedora 24 run on it?

> i'm shocked that they didn't ban you considering you've been derailing this thread for an entire hour
Simply because you are a too pathetic of an individual for the mods to babycare. People disagreeing with you doesn't make the mods liable to be your mommy and ban them. You can report and cry in the corner all you want, no one in the world cares about your feelings. Grow the fuck up

>i derail threads and admit it and should be invulnerable to the banhammer

I have to ask again, what are you on arguing on now?

also clearly the mods did care since one of your posts was prematurely deleted

also your entire post is the edgiest thing i've read this week, good job

you really don't know how to read, do you?