Not shilling, just curious. Why are so many people against discord? What is their criticism on it?
What is the benefit from owning your own servers?
Not shilling, just curious. Why are so many people against discord? What is their criticism on it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums doesn't like anything popular. How new are you?
It provides convenience at the cost of your freedom and security. That's why we don't like it. Just use Mumble.
Because it became popular in a shit way, everyone forced it on twitch and shilled it 24/7 on there, also the "for le gamers" marketing is fucking pathetic.
every discord i've been in is cancerous as hell, which is nice because it keeps the cancer from discovering/wanting to use IRC
>le cancer haha
make your own server then, dipshit
forget about the autists
its a great app, try it
and this is why you must never take recommendations from Sup Forums
hmm no thanks, i'd rather not
nice reading comprehension though
so Sup Forums thinks a product is bad because their marketing is successful
>pretty much discord with a light theme
looks promising but its also a week old
will be interesting to see where it ends up
you happen to be one of the devs?
That looks neat, but it's the first time I hear of it. How many people use it?
If you are in it for the bots, memes and botnet Discord is the place you want to go.
TeamSpeak, Mumble even Ventrilo is better.
It's also not open source and their marketing team didn't do that great of a job either. They're marketing exclusively to gamers and that's the problem. Skype, while being as bad as it is, is used by businesses and live TV broadcasts. Discord will most likely never be used by businesses and other consumers rather than gamers.
No shilling?
But there have to worry about slack in the commercial market. Discord can't handle that competition. However, technologically illiterate gamers are a largely untapped market.
The marketing is cringeworthy and I've heard there are security flaws in both the client and the server (emphasis on heard, it's closed source). However, it is extremely easy to use for normies and it's much easier to get friends to just click a link instead of having to explain what the fuck IRC even is. Overall, I recommend it, but don't use it for security-minded communication.
Why is fucking EVERYONE on that server?
several million dollars in funding, does this look like a multi million dollar app?
shifty business tactics
underhanded management
you figure out the rest
someone post the link to the thread on the r4p3 forums about all the dirt on discord
I dunno, I didn't get my friends to use it
>low bitrate
>Discord is a free proprietary VoIP application designed for gaming communities.
Stopped reading
proprietary shit
Only the Sup Forums part of this board cares about this shit. True Gentoomen use IRC.
But IRC has no voice communication.
Good, I hate voice chat anyway.
/r/ing this
Its GUI and countless bugs piss me off. It is no better than Skype.
Thank god
every Sup Forums IRC channel sucks
I found a Sup Forums discord, it has like 5 people and 10 text channels.
You suck.
>voice and text chat for gamers
Must be because of IRC and not the people in it! Surely discord would solve the problem!
you know it's shit if it's written in JS
It's better than Skype, and it's the only thing normies are willing to switch to. That's about all it has going for it.
read their tos
I'm not a lawyer so no thanks
>the "for le gamers" marketing is fucking pathetic
>so Sup Forums thinks a product is bad because their marketing is successful
Learn reading, Sup Forumstard.
>funded by government investment firms
>no apparent monetization model
>closed source
>electron garbage
>cancerous gamer culture
>so many people
It's just Sup Forums, and Sup Forums's opinion doesn't matter.
Discord still doesn't have a cam chat or screen sharing feature, but they said it will come soon. Once that's done skype can be replaced.
You may not be a lawyer, but you clearly are retarded.
Why is the ui so complicated compared to irc? I literally don't get how to use discord at all. Everything is counterintuitive.
anyone who plays video games on any competitive level will use mumble
It's made for gamers - literal idiots. If you can't understand it then you are clinically retarded.
It's good!?
it's certainly better than skype
yes and getting a nigger dick in your anus is better than getting two nigger dicks in your anus.
It's way better than skype and absolutely more convenient than IRC, at least for mobile use. IRC is still good but it's really starting to show its age, kinda miss using it though.
Want to sign my legally binding contract too? You don't have to read it or anything lol what r u a lawyer or something
I've used IRC for the past 10 years or even more and Discord is definitely easier to use and set-up. Come on now, I know it's new and popular but stop acting stupid.
some might disagree
I use it to play videogames with friends and shitpost. Its really easy to setup and convenient to use, so convincing my friends to use it was easy.
Post discord channels for me to frequent
>no voice communication
>implying Sup Forumsentoomen care
If you can't type at least as fast as you can speak, then you're not worthy.
It's really not that hard. You have voice channels and text channels, how hard is that?
>gaymer shit
>mumble + IRC with fewer features of both
>VC funding from prominent "YOU are the product" companies
isn't the desktop client just chromium running a web application?
It's only good for talking to normalfags. I'm really uncomfortable with the permanent history and try to use it as little as possible.
It took a huge fucking chunk out of my teamspeak. Although alot of them were speakers, some were great men. I'm even starting to miss some of those little shits, they were somewhat entertaining at the least.
Not only my main community took a hit but my main dota buddies left the Skype group to join discord, sure they're a bunch of faggot who did it just so they could spam gifs. But now we barely talk and they just play wow.
Discord has personally struck my so called "social life" on the Internet and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive it for that.
>implying I want to hear background noise and random shit from other people while doing stuff
voice communication always gives me headaches, I only use it when it is absolutely necessary
>no windows client
it's like they don't want people to use it?
it's an "app"
You can't even look at the settings without registering and logging in. It doesn't follow any GUI conventions. It is also ANOTHER GOD DAMN VOIP CLIENT in an already saturated market.
Weeb server. comfy only
It's a fine service.
Nothing wrong with it.
But it's like IRC channels, it promotes circlejerking. Or rather, people immediately start using services like this for circlejerking and it's fucking obnoxious. No-one fucking cares about your dumb IRC channel I mean discord server
>What is the benefit from owning your own servers?
get a server and then we'll talk.
Good. People tapping on mobile have rarely anything good to say. At the very least they simply cant keep their wpm up with typical IRC convo.
OH No! They're gonna steal my 360 no scopes bro
How do you leave channels, or check your server ping? How do you check channel statuses?
When "good marketing" means that people are using something simply because its owners are good at attention grabbing rather than for reasons related to the product itself, then it's hardly a bad thing to be against good marketing.
Yeah, they're gonna care when I scream "RUSH B RUSH B RUSH B" when I play CS: Go with my m8s.
this desu, Sup Forums just meme-hates anything that actually works, e.g. Ubuntu, Discord, non-Emacs editors, Unity, C/C++...
>windows client
It's called a web browser
>Why are so many people against discord?
vocal minority
discord is the largest gaming voip platform in existence
>proprietary freeware + opensource
Thats it.
I doubt discord cares about the shit tons of animw porn I upload
>actually works
Good joke. Ubuntu is literally a shadow of its former self. Every release full of bugs due to developers trying to meet deadlines. Literally no joke less stable than Arch.
can't tell if trolling or just retarded.
psst check this out #wtfux