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Sup Forums called me a retard just a couple days ago for daring to suggest that these would be more than $300.
is it just me or is this very expensive
Better cough up +50% more for your 15% over a 480 Nvidicucks.
>Only 3 in stock
5 units stock confirmed from Gigabyte in USA during all July
Oh my fuck I am laughing so hard right now.
Well fuck. 1060 prices reach almost fury x levels, and the sapphire rx 480 is pushes put until at least august 5. Fml
Nvidiots on suicide watch
Are these scalper prices? I still can't find an asus gtx 1080 for the msrp of 670. On Amazon it's always ~900
this post confirms how retarded you really are, and like i said, going back to basic economics and business class will benefit you.
no company can survive by selling a product at over $100 more than their nearest competitor who also has a similar performing product. it's plain stupid that you even consider that. the 1060 will be priced competitively whether you like it or not, and for the simple reason of market competition. nvidia will not allow their cards to sell at a starting price of $300 when amd's similar performing cards start at $200. this is because nvidia are actually competing with amd in this price segment which is totally different to the 1070/80 which currently have no competition in the market. the 1060 and 1070/80 situations cannot be compared. i can guarantee that once vega comes out we'll start seeing many more 1070/80's selling at msrp than we are now and again that's due to the simple fact of competition.
Whoa, the product isn't even available yet and you're on full damage control.
I can't believe I waited for this. Fuck me I got memed by nvidia-gigamemers yet again.
At least until AMD goes bankrupt and nvidia can just start charging whatever the hell they want
How did you get all the way down to find that comment and still don't see all the links and pics provided that clearly tell a different story?
Yes they are scalpers.
>Amazon prices
>this damage control
The difference here is these are launch prices versus a GPU that is now out of stock. Get bent Nvidicuck.
How do these sellers expect so move their inventory when their prices are so retarded?
Are there really people out there who will spend $400 on a $200 GPU when they could have bought an 980ti for the same amount of money instead?
I don't get it.
The rx 480 was that high and higher on launch too. Even before launch idiots were pre-ordering them for absurd prices.
You're underestimating human stupidity. Most people are impulsive and stupid, thinking that new cards are always better than old ones, or rather "IS NEW MUST GET EXPENSIVE MEANS GOOD"
I bought my RX 480 for 250$ on Newegg 2 weeks ago what are you on about
I don't get it can someone explain
Its ok when AMD does it.
does what? suck cocks? yeah we kinda knew that already.
i guess scalpers gonna scalpe then, these people truely are cancer.
what makes it worse is when people sell a 1080 for a grand on ebay and people are so impatient they'll still buy it.
>hoard all the cards
>you can only get it at this price on amazon
That's how.
Please have the proper GPU name on the graph because right now that could be any product at all.
>I don't get it can someone explain
They are currently rather pricey compared to the $249 MSRP Nvidia promised. These are scalpers though, so we have to wait and see if prices settle back down to reasonable levels soon.
Why don't people just BUY AMD instead of posting "hahahahahahaha" on anonymous imageboard? Do AMD users actually use their GPUs? Because it seems like all they do is either shitpost or benchmark ashes of singularity. Must be depressing that no good games work on your product
>No fun allowed
A fool and his money.
There is no reason people buying that shit couldn't wait a week or two.
People seem to have forgotten what it was like when bitcoin shit was huge and AMD cards were out of stock or $1000+ for several months.
I'm doing both.
Voidoits on xoopy wach :∆)
Have you played Doom lately?
Might want to google "Vulkan"
What the fuck are you talking about? This thread is about laughing at retards who are so fucking stupid that basic pattern recognition eludes them, and they kept babbling about a $250 GTX 1060 even after the 1080, 1070, AND 480 all took it full in the ass from scalpers. AMD is not an exception here and everyone knows it. The point is that the 1060 was never going to be one either.
But Sup Forums told me that these would be just $229 and beat the 480!
and yet, here we are
it happens like every other GPU release by both amd and nvidia plus it's 1060 so it's poorfag-tier anyways so who cares? just buy whatever you like amd intel nvidia who the fuck cares? I mean if you are a re-seller then you probably do but if you are gaming or whatever just do it. product is the same hell even fucking output picture is identical why do you care what is inside your (mediocre) desktop?
imagine coming to your best friends house and starting a fight because turns out he uses amd ggu or intel cpu etc. do people even realize how retarded that is? it's a choice just like a color of short you are wearing. if you put too much thought into it you have problems. these threads never fail to amaze me
The 480 was bang on what they said the price would be. Well until they went out of stock that is. Let's just wait and see what Best Buy, Microcenter and official Amazon pricing is (not sellers).
>being surprised that people spend more time bitching one another out on a message board than partaking in the actual subject of discussion
You are a person who has literally never used the internet before, ever.
Amd is already done in the gaming market, they just provide for miners
I don't expect to see aftermarket cards for less than $280 on real prices. If the 1070 and 1080 are of indication, then it will still be a shitfest in pricing. Nvidia really fucked up with their stock.
I'm guessing they'll still be around $300. Nvidia already said the FE would be $299, so it's not like the non-reference boards are gonna be cheaper than that. Who knows though, hopefully Nvidia doesn't pull this dumbshit "Founders Edition' stunt next time.
It's not Nvidia stock, that's not how this works.
nope I'm a person who has 70 hours in past two weeks in steam gametime so I actually use my gpu
played it on release, fun but ending was disappointing, game didn't use vulkan back then but as far as I can see it still looks identical no mater what render it uses
AMD had the low cost gaming market cornered with the R9 series. Nvidia was retarded and literally didn't have a single product available between the $329 970 and the $549 980, and AMD fucking cleaned house on gamers who either didn't want to spend $329 on a GPU or didn't want to spend over $500 on a GPU and weren't going to buy a 970 because it was the meme card
Nvidia literally would have have even bothered with the 1060 at $250 if AMD hadn't been eating their lunch at the sub-$300 pricepoint and the 1060 would have been $349 at a minimum if the 480 hadn't have launched at $200
nice delusion
>it still looks identical no mater what render it uses
Looks aren't the point, it's framerate. Vulkan has increased the performance significantly on AMD cards compared to OpenGL.
>caring about poorfag cards
If you're not going for 1080ti or Titan P, you should kill yourselves, poorfags.
>implying i needed to wait a week
Yeah, well done them, but if you start off slow and then get to to were you should have already been it's not very impressive.
Despite people claiming the partner boards would be cheaper, i've noticed most of them being the same price or more expensive than the founders edition.
I'm happy for AMD users (I'm not I don't care nor I post about nvidia or amd) but I have only 120hz old 2011 benq screen so I'm kinda satisfied with 120 FPS in singleplayer game
Pity the 970 is the most popular GPU on steam, making up like 15% of total GPUs right?
the R9 series collectively makes up about 2%
Obviously. Amd opengl drivers are so bad it makes me want to puke.
I don't want to be a poorfag so i budget my money, unlike fags like you that waste their money on gaymen computers to watch tentacle chink toons
this is because Founder's Edition is another way of saying Real MSRP.
Why would you charge anything less than what people have already proven they will pay for the card?
Well, any intelligent person would prefer getting better with time than getting gimped :)
because amd OGL drivers were always utter shit unlike nvidias
Steam hardware survey is hardly an objective way of telling who has what hardware.
You're wrong. You should be saying this to the idiots that jumped to 980Ti performance now or bought the 1080. Titan P/1080Ti will finally deliver UHD 60fps which in turns means high refresh 1440p, the better choice right now. Vega will deliver as well and the HBM2 will be delicious and expensive.
>there's more of a card that's been around for 2 years than one released 1 month ago
Why thank you for your genius input
he said R9 series.
>being this much of a poorfag that $3k is something for him
> Drivers
Is that why the 4GB RX 480 beat SLI'd GTX 980s in benchmarks?
Maybe it's because Nvidia can't into Vulkan (and, by extension, DX12)?
People who use dgpus are gamers, gamers tend to use steam.
Unless you are referring to your little pirate empire of gamers who refuse to use steam, i guess poorfags like you naturally use AMD.
it's like comparing a person in wheelchair that has to learn to like and get to places again (AMD) and a guy who happened to break his leg (say gtx970)
guy in a wheelchair is still in a wheelchair even if you tow him with bugatti
150+ million users aren't objective I agree. AMD is clearly winning that's why we have this thread and this discussion
> AMD designs Mantle around async compute
> They try to get Nvidia involved and even make Mantle open source
> Nvidia laughs and tells them to go fuck themselves
> Microsoft thinks async compute is going to be a big deal, designs DX12 around it
> Vulkan comes out, based on Mantle
> Nvidia cards get btfo in Vulkan and DX12
> Nvidia is no longer laughing
my friend bought his rx 480 for 4GB at microcenter and flashed to 8GB. Does that mean rx480 is the better deal? Obviously
>get to where you should have been
So November 2013's $700 flagship should have been getting cucked by March 2012's $250 midrage with an overclock this entire time?
You're an idiot.
hahahahah holy shit are you fucking serious
Khronos were already developing low level api. AMD saw nobody will use their api and gave the code to khronos.
Exactly. This generation they've advertised all the cards at a lower price point, to catch headlines (how many threads have we seen already where people were touting the 1060 as the AMD-killer at $250, or the 1070 as the best price/performance card ever at $379) then they release the Founders Edition to artificially raise the minimum price of the card. ON TOP of the usual scalper/early adopter fee.
They've 100% gotten away with it too, I mean as much as I like to complain I bought a 1070 like a good goy, and so did a lot of other people. So they're sure as hell going to do it again for the 11xx series.
Okay, looks like this guy is fudging the numbers a little but is essentially right.
the 970 is 5.05% of GPUs followed by the 960 at 3.42%, and the 980/980ti make up 1% each. Oddly enough they do collectively refer to the R9 series rather than individual cards at 1.30%
Though the bias towards Nvidia might not just be individual purchases but the fact that most gaming pre-builds have 960 or 970 Nvidia GPUs
It might help if I include the image demonstrating what I'm talking about when I call someone else out for idiocy.
>Khronos were already developing low level api
[citation needed]
11M active users on a daily basis.
30% of those are probably bots/dupes.
So 8M people being surveyed is an objective benchmark of the probably close to 200M (minimum) people using a PC today?
How about no?
>more than $300
>this gpu will be minimum 400€ in Europe
>the 1070 is 490€ minimum
So basically nvidia got nothing to compete with AMD gpus that cost 260€.
>30% of those are probably bots/dupes.
so even the bots are smart enough to buy Nvidia
modern artificial intelligence is amazing!
You can tell just by the numbers that real gamers choose intel HD Graphics 4000. With a total steam userbase percentage of 22.5%, it is the most power graphics card chip ever released. I know because the majority of gamers on steam wouldn't use Intel Graphics 4000 unless it wasn't the best performance ever!
> Placing the Rx 480 behind the 980/980 SLI even though it has a higher average framerate
> Placing the Fury X lower than the 980ti even though it has a higher average framerate
Nvidia shills
>Vega will deliver
I don't trust AMD since faildozer. Polaris is another failure. Vega will be next.
Sure, theres untold millions using AMD cards. Truth is most of those PCs are sitting in offices powered by intel integrated GPUs
So sure, if you were talking about raw usage and "popularity" of a GPU....
INTEL WINS 4 LYFE, INTEL GRAPHICS >>>>>>>>>>>>> NVIDIA >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AMD
interesting but why AMD can't beat 1070 or 1080? and that's not even proper full-size pascal.
or are you one of those retarded that think that AMD async shaders = async compute? because async shaders aren't part of dx12 or vulkan api. nvidia wins simply but having more fps and more performance who the fuck cares how the gpu actually does it. amd brute-forced through games half of their gpu life spans and no one cared but when amd pajeets said that they finally come up with their own async shaders every freetard lost their mind about how cool amd are. except there isn't anything so show in real world scenarios. 1080 wins. wait for vega or whatever it is called! nope I want best performance here and now. does AMD offer it? nope. when was the last time they had it? like 6790 times or something I may be wrong
you have to AGREE to send your information. hence hardware SURVEY. there is no bot data in the SURVEY.
>thinks he's entitled to links
Do you really think khronos decided to make low level api because of amd? LMAO
>can't provide source
>Do you really think khronos decided to make low level api because of amd?
that's exactly why ms released dx12
Yes, that is why I excluded them from the numbers.
In fact, more should be excluded since not everyone would be sending their system information.