Nothing is better than a beautfiul GNOME desktop. Prove me wrong

Nothing is better than a beautfiul GNOME desktop. Prove me wrong.

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What triggers me more than Windows is GNU/Linux users that somehow make their font rendering worse than Windows.

What distro are you using==?

I never liked the dock.


it's this the new desktop these

gnome is cancer

its straight. evolution needs to be removed from the guts though and it should be easier to use laptop hotkeys without setting them all myself.

op can you show me a screen of what font's you are using?

Im very new to ubuntu you seem to know your stuff any tips.

Why is the top bar on the windows so fat?

It's too cheap looking, I can't stand it

Learn English.

Oh you're from the other thread whats up

looks like it's optimized for touchscreen.

i3 is so much better than any full dm I've ever tried.

Very good, you used Futura, which is a decent font. Now all you need to do is get rid of the god awful free bullshit font on top.

I want to learn how to tell the difference in font rendering. Do you have any examples, side by side comparisons? Most examples give wiki pages and I fail to see differences in them.

Is this the new desktop thread


jealousy is a sin

It looks like shit and not even OS X has that much fucking padding


In failed math class speak, that means that eventually bigger clickable targets stop being better enough to be worth the space that could be used for other things.

>implying any linux users are actually using touchscreens that did not come with styli

Speaking of OS X, nautilus actually makes finder look functional. GNOME in general actually makes apple's garbage software look functional. Install KDE4.



Lol no one read this idiot, shut upz Dürer durrrerrrr


Oh shit waddup?


heh, how fitting for an unintelligent user of the shitposting thread to believe in things for unintelligent "people" (nothin personell kid)


I'm using gnome on a Touchscreen without a stilus, because sometimes i don't want to use one or don't have it on me.

>jealousy is a sin
jealousy? of what?

Jealousy of Amazing intellectual to crrsye desktop like that

people who watch anime have a higher average intelligence, better sense of colour, superior spacial awareness, higher twitch-fiber counts in major muscle groups, better emotional intelligence, and a higher left right brain sync ratio

wow, that desperate? jeez oh man, now I actually feel sorry for you


What was the controlgroup? Chimps?

You can't beat OS X

When are you normies going to accept that weebs are the master race?

The minute you fags can stop jerking off to animated 13 year olds and talk to a real human of the female gender. Then we'll take you seriously.

I couldn't have said it better myself


Wtf I hate anime now

wtf she's 5000 years old get your facts straight

>defending your closet pedophilia

>not being a pedophile

Nothing wrong with XFCE.


anime man-children... go outside and play pokemon you fucking retarded weebs

you pedo fags need to get out.

no. and you wouldnt even last a day in the wild



posting this shit twice, here and in other threads... are you that desperate?
take this response: your fontconfig suxx


It's a bitmap font, so font rendering doesn't mean anything

Mmmmm delicious (you)s

T-thank you senpai!

Also I like how my fonts look.

He probably didn't open the image fully, it does look a tad blurry when it's not full size

I don't know what you're talking about.

XFCE or MATE desktop

Real thumbnails in the file picker

>beautfiul GNOME desktop

>I want to learn autism!
Be glad you don't give a fuck and go on being a productive member to society, user.

If windows and osx had an abomination child it would look something like this.