I have it finally

I have it finally.

I can't install drivers though.
It says that my Windows version doesn't match. I downloaded them directly from NVidia site and from geforce experience but they won't install.

I don't have activated system.

fuck off gaming neckbeard.

Woah woah woah if he is using a 1060 he won't be doing too much gaming.
Also he is asking about the drivers that is tech as is the card itself.
What version of Windows are you using?

>I don't have activated system.
cucked again by drm

That still doesn't make Sup Forums your personal tech support.

Wait a fucking god damn cotton picking minute! Are you telling me your nvidia card has no drivers?

I'm running FreeBSD and GNU/+Linux. Suck it Wincuck.

You're about as intelligent as I'd expect from the average Nvidia user.


Windows 10

Bragging about a 1060 that you "finally" got huh? It's "finally yours" huh? Why don't you finally kill yourself

is there any reason to upgrade my r9 290 yet? i think i'll wait till next generation with faster memory. playing most stuff at 4k around 30-40 fps with a couple settings turned down slightly. probably won't be getting into VR until the tech advances

This shirts downloading but I have too slow Internet today.

>go to download a graphics driver

>have to select the exact GPU model and operating system

>even though i knew damn well it makes absolutely no difference because the download is always the same no matter what you choose

lmao why

>Not much gaming
>Outperforms a 980ti
>Not much gaming

I mean shit, he's probably not going to run everything on Ultra at 4K, but if he games at 1080p he'll be crushing most games.

Yep. I just bought 1080p display

>outperform 980ti

Could you link to the benchmarks where a 1060 is outperforming a 980 Ti? Thanks friend.

>Outperforms a 980ti
wew lad

Cucked. Better start downloading your free copy of Windows 10 now before it's too late.

>kupił sobie cuckvidia

>neckbeard is being used as a insult on Sup Forums
Wrong board, pal. Sup Forums is literally THE neckbeard board. If anything Sup Forums is the one with people who cant even grow beards yet.

Is this poorfag version good?
I plan to buy one for my budget build.

>t. Neckbeard

>speaking polish on Sup Forums

kurwa to kup se AMD i enjoy twoje spadki klatek xD

Fuck off with this meme. Go back to Plebbit and shitpost there.

Pojebało? JEBANY windows 10

>t. Polaczek, AMD wiesniaczek, cebulaczek.

wale papieża

meme? oh you mean the rules of Sup Forums that is stickied for your convenience, a convenience you just so happen to blow off? yeah you "really" don't belong here

MSI...enjoy your garbage bin components and shitty vrm

Someone said it finally, thank you.

what does the t. mean?

Literally install gentoo


Well fuck me


Kiwi here, bought a 1070 on Amazon and sent it to my mate in the States who's coming down in a few weeks. Costed me a bit under 700nz. I probably wouldn't even have upgraded without him, since prices here are so godawful

I bought my 1060 for about 320 bucks

What europoor is that to cost $320?

Our thirdworld shithole even sells 3rd party 1060 around $279

ty kurwo zaraz ci wypierdole w czache i ci jebany radek er iks cztery osiem zero spadnie na dupsko kiedy bedzie cie jebac jak pierdolony kon swoim ogromnym kutasem penetrujac twoja glupote az sie zesrasz i kupisz gtx 1060

i got zotac amp gtx 1060 for 388usd total shipped from US.