Homescreen thread

Let's see that rice

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is this the new cell phone desktop thread




Censored main art to avoid ban
Currently working on personalized homescreen with KLWP

>Censored main art to avoid ban

Yet you're okay with it being on your phone's homescreen?

It's not nsfw

how do people in real life react to this?

what is it then?


are you not allowed to post horses on here?

fuck off

Ashley the horse?

I'm pretty sure horses are allowed on Sup Forums...



You know exactly what kind of horse he was talking about.

Plz no ban

go watch barney you manbabies

Oh shit bro, that's risky

>has only one page
>doesn't remove page indicator

like I said, it's a WIP

Jokes on you, I already did.

actually how would I do that if I'm using only nova launcher and KLWP


enough for me

Remove it in nova's settings, duh.

found it, thanks user

disgusting, 0/10


>reddit above clover
>reddit at all

Why are people so obsessed with website superiority? Reddit and Sup Forums both serve their own purpose, and neither is better than the other.

It's not superiority, it's the fact that crossposters are absolute niggers that don't respect the other website's culture.


>muh appropriation
you should head over to tumblr mate


That's just plain not true, and it's silly to get genuinely upset because someone uses 2 different websites. It's one thing if it's a joke, but if you honestly think people who use both reddit and Sup Forums are lesser people, there's something wrong with you.

Same as it was for 2 months.

sauce on wp?

Hello, /r/donald.

Well howdy stranger!

subhuman garbage please rid the world of your presence

Soviets rekt nazis in ww2:^}

I love it


Oh and those icons are folders too.

Nice aesthetic
Here's mine

buttblasted kike detected

Nazis were pretty buttblasted in berlin

>being a nazi

>not being superior iron gurad masterrace

for shame


You need icon pack,i suggest whicons. wallpaper is pretty good
how is mine :^)

how to make klwp show different stuff depending on which screen i'm on?


>nice aesthetic

Thanks. my update


Because Reddit mods are faggot SJWs who hate freedom of speech and human biology. They're honestly no better than Muslims and Christfag extremists, desu.


What's with all these iphonefags in this thread?

Are we being raided by paid apple shills?

What did you use to make those transitions and battery meter?

holy h*ck user it isn't healthy to be this upset over what someone else spends their money on


>"It also shows that Apple handed over personal details of Vaulin after the investigator cross-referenced an IP-address used for an iTunes transaction with an IP-address that was used to login to KAT’s Facebook account."


Apple handed kickasstorrents to the feds, fuck them and their users.

so you're mad @ apple because u couldn't get into a private tracker? k

It's worse than that. First they gave up our privacy, next it will be yours.

calm down user i'm sure u won't be arrested

Anyway you should worry too if you own any apple products. Maybe get rid of them ASAP if you give a single fuck about your privacy.


i don't have anything 2 hide

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

If you hate having privacy that much then why not move to China?

nice quote but it doesn't change anything
maybe next time if u try harder u can get into what or sumthing and won't have 2 worry about public tracker problems


You think they'll stop at public trackers?

Man whatever, enjoy being sent to jail for something seemingly benign you did your apple device that Apple will hand over to the feds some day.

holy h*ck user it's not good to be this jealous, it's not even hard to get in 2 private trackers

Did you read what I said? I already joined private trackers but I know they'll come after us soon.

It's just like you said, it's not that hard to join.

so ur jealous because u can't afford apple stuff? just stop user ur embarrassing urself

nova launcher

I mean, how did you manage this?

>so ur jealous because u can't afford apple stuff
>so ur jealous because u can't afford gold plated shit?

ur dumb i'm not talking to u ne more
don't reply i won't read it

Why you saying "h*ck" anyway, what are you, a cuck bitch ass nigga?

Not at all. I sleep soundly at night because I know that iPhone users can't afford a 1440p screen, 4GB of RAM, 320GB of total storage on their phones. I paid the full $850 for my 64GB Galaxy S7 Edge and full $230 256GB 95MB/s write micro SD card without a credit card. You sound like one of those poor iPhone users who got his 16GB iPhone 6s on a $20/month lease.

I'm not the guy you were talking to.

cuck bitch ass nigga confirmed.

what's your weather widget pls


i don't even have to read this to know ur mad about not having an iphone
its ok to be jealous

inb4 "if you love freedom so much why don't you move to Somalia?"

>jealous about having an inferior product

I used kwgt for left bottom clock.
For icons i just downloaded random 8-bit iconpack
For making app drawer, i downloaded transparent png and set it as icon and moved it to "start" button
And changed nova's settings to fit more icons
sorry for bad english,

>look mom i posted it again
why r android users always so mad about what phone someone else uses

>sorry for bad english,
You're English is good enough.


Because they're fucking shit?


>jelous of shit
hello ipanjeet


you need to be 18 to post here you know

