>tfw cleaning a smokers computer
Tfw cleaning a smokers computer
In this scenario, we see how Assistant Stevessica, handles this situation.
>Are you a smoker?
>That'll be $20 extra (or $100-$150, dumb people don't know how hard it is, that's how geek squad works)
I don't think you understand how bad this is
This is why as a contractor you have the right to deny service for any reason.
smoke residue which get trapped on objects (like the inside of a pc, or a game console) can be hazardous to your health.
is it really worth $20?
Enjoy lung cancer OP!
What happens to a smokers computer?
please tell me you are wearing a mouth/nose mask
Who the fuck smokes in their room?
Here in Aus its illegal to smoke inside an apartment and most share houses will not allow it (probably a lot of land lords too). You basically need to own your own home if you want to smoke durries indoors and thats a pretty tall order when the average price of a house in sydney is $1m.
No, don't have one
I did a reverse search of this image hoping to find out which episode of ATHF this was and found this picture.
they are like $2 at the chemist
Gold. Reverse search was kinder to me, Its S02E20
I live in the middle of nowhere, and it's fucking 10 at night.
The client wants it by tomorrow
put a plastic bag over your head and just keep breathing, you may feel a bit light headed but just hold it on
Thanks, user
Just have proper ventilation
Chemist? Sounds like you live in Camelot. Also they don't protect against smoke
Smoke residue
Where is camelot
Nasty tar buildup basically. Combine that with the dust that you normally get and it becomes a caked-on, disgusting mess.
In America you have freedom
It's still disgusting but I wouldn't make it illegal
The same thing that happens to their lungs.
It's not tar?
had a house in eastern sydney, was alrigjht, the rest of sydney is disgusting. Thank god i moved
Are you Australian?
Holy shit, is that what my lungs look like? Might be time to stop smoking
get a vape stick to help you quit desu
how do I defrag my lungs
No, they don't look like that, unless you have lung cancer, that's what a persons lungs look like if they have lung cancer, even if they don't smoke. - So pretty much every person living in shanghai
Most aren't nearly as disgusting as the computers of bird owners. Birds shed tons of greasy dander that covers everything.
Ive thought about doing that, but just moved to an area where smokes are around 4.75 a pack n having a hard time justifying the initial cost
an eGo AIO is pretty cheap
Dis nigga live in world of warcraft or sumthin'?
I wish we had that freedom, I've always wanted to smoke in my room instead of battling the cold in winter for my dart break.
After seeing this thread though I might have to reconsider. Is thereany type of ventilation technolo/g/y that can minimise the damage to your computer? Something more effective than opening a window and turning a fan on?
Can I use the flavored juices with that?
... unless that smoker happens to be gay or Harambe, of course. Then it's an offense against federatumblr law.
Do you not call the chemist, the chemist?
Do you call it the pharmacy?
I usually call it the chemist or the pharmacy.
The chemist down the street is called Chemist warehouse, but that one is shit
Yes, works with any e-juice/liquid
Drugstore is American vernacular for pharmacy.
Chemist does seem odd. I mean, the dude ain't back there bonding organic compounds on demand.
I'll try it, thanks user, might have saved me from kung cancer
I love this meme.
You're exaggerating, I just recently cleaned my 10 year old xbox 360, which has sat near my desk for 10 years and me smoking on average 10 fags a day. Other than the normal dust on the fans it's impecable, no tar or nicotine smears on the internals.
Though you do have a point cause my walls are slightly yellow now, but it's been years since I painted them.
I used to be a repair agent at Geeksquad. One client came in for a d+r and a cleaning.
> Compressed air can doesn't work. Take it to the install bay to use the air compressor.
> Air compressor doesn't work.
> Spends 30 mins ROLLING dust into a ball out of his heatsinks and case. Have to clean fans with my fingers. Surprised I didn't get finger cancer.
> Guy comes in to pick up unit and is pissed. Yells at counter agent saying I didn't do a good enough job. Mad I couldn't get in between EVERY slice of metal in his heatsink. It was like it was glued there.
> Gives us a horrible review and pretty much says worst cleaning north america. Another store 2 hours away did a better job.
Nigga. You gave me a computer with glue stuck in it. I am not going to poof you a new one. Go smoke a pack and die of lung cancer.
Create an elaborate system of ductwork and small fans to vent it out the window. Use a piece of plywood in the window to seal most of it.
if you're renting an apartment, you have to abide by the landowners rules.
Or a pharmacy, you fool.