Panasonic toughbook thread

CF-30 reporting in

CF-53 Reporting. Not as tough as the CF-30, but considerately lighter.

I have to admit that it the 30 it's a bit heavy.... but for me it's ok

Here they are, CF-30 and CF-53.. Work in the transportation industry, use them as diag computers...

Only complaint I really have about the CF-53, is that the touch pad is complete shit.....

Mine is not. Although I don't use it so I'm not sure if it's so precise

I've got a CF-28 with a 1 GHz Pentium III-M, thinking of rigging it up as a car computer.

Are the newer models any more durable than these? I don't really give much of a shit about specs, I just want the most apocalypse-ready system possible.

That laptop looks unfashionable -_-

Someone order a (You)?


I used to have CF-19 and CF-C1 at work. You could literary beat ThinkPad users into submission with it. Great machines!

Master race

nearly impossible to use without an external keyboard

>when you find toughbooks interesting despite having no use for one and not wanting to spend $300 for a machine with such old specs.

I played DOOM at 14,000 feet in the Rocky Mountains about 3 weeks ago. It was pretty cool.

Legacy, overpriced shit from geezers in Japan. No reason to buy one today when Dell Rugged and Getac are avaiable.

I picked up both of my old ones for like $5 each, you're obviously not going to be mindlessly consuming e-celeb shit with one but for cheeky bullshit like they'll do fine.

Are Getac systems cheaper on the used market? Dell ruggedized shit doesn't really look nearly as durable.

I have no idea on the used market. I just have info on current product.

Not OP, but getacs mount for car are shit. local LEOs keep breaking them all the time. didn't happen with the tough book.

>tfw when you want to have angry sex with a X500 Server

That says CF-29 you stupid fuck

Huh, I didn't even know Dell had a rugged line. I would've loved one of these things at my old job.

wish the RZ5 was affordable in the western market

1v1 me m8
You might have a handle, but I have a Pentium 4!