No speccy thread?

No speccy thread?

aint got a speccy by itself can't be fucked to make one.


Nice specs. How far did you push 6700k with overclocking?

Haven't touched it yet. It's lighting fast compared to what I was using previously as it is. Once this damned heatwave fizzles out I might consider trying to push it to 4.5GHz though.

don't worry about the heatwave user, it won't go over 50 most likely.

got my i5 6600k to 4.6ghz and i still have room for more, max's out at 54c at 100% load in games.

my roasty toasty shitposty calculator

Sup Slick?

I'm more concerned about the ambient temperature in my room. The room is west facing so with heatwave the air in the room is around 28-29°C in the evenings. Gaming on the computer adds another 3-4°C to that. With the humid UK air, it turns the room into an unbearable sweatbox.

don't they have ac in bongistan?

gayming toaster

wtf did u edit out the cpu

fm2+ got wrong cpu temp reading, it fucked so bad it literally house fire, just refer cpu temp to mobo

no worries i understand, my old phenom II used to pretty regularly read a temp of over 300 degrees. AMD cant even figure out how thermometers work let alone design a decent architecture

For the 5 days a year of hot weather? Nope.


Would a a Xeon X5670 be a worthwhile upgrade?
I'm poorfag as fuck and a CPU upgrade to something cooler and lower TDP would be welcome. My i7 idles over 55C because this summer is torture. Ambient room temperature is constantly 35C or higher.

what's up with the 2gb 980 ti ?

nice temp

same as above


speccy bug

>windows 10


Time to post my frankenstein of a rig once more.


I threw in the r9 390 way later on, so far so good

anyone who plays games and isn't keeping CP on their computer is going to have W10.
It improves general system responsiveness over W7 or W8, and it adds DX 12 support. Not to mention it being free.

The only people who care are privacy cucks who still pretend they're safe and secure in their bubbles, and retards doing actual illegal shit.

yes. went from a W3530 (i7 930 equivalent) to a X5650. more cores and a lower TDP.

even if we are ignoring all the spying and botnet, windows 10 looks like shit. I'd rather use 7 or even 8.1

Few corrections,
The gpus are both 6gb models and i have since enabled SLI it was an early pic.

>he can't even change how his OS looks because he's retarded

seriously, you can make it identical to windows 95 if you want you autistic sack of shit.

why are you so mad, rajesh? doesn't microsoft pay you enough rupees to shill for windows 10?

Meme machine incoming.

Should upgrade my gfx, but I don't really play modern games.


I'm probably whiter than you are mate, i'm almost clear.

Hahhahaa, Wangblows 10 is for tech illiterate morons, it performs the worst in benchmarks compared to 7 and 8,1, is broken and buggy as shit
Only one using windows 10 are cucks that are the "techy" one of their friends :^)
Normies gtfo

Windows 8.1 with start8 will always be the best.

>not using windows 10

Meant it for that guy

no need to upgrade gpu, you should still be able to play any title if you tweak your settings.

>it performs the worst in benchmarks compared to 7 and 8,1
Lol source on any of this BS?

Pretty much all benchmarks show (at least where gaming and normal desktop responsiveness are concerned) W10 performs better than any previous windows version.

Seriously, if it performs worse lets see some actual proof, not a cherry picked benchmark, real analysis proving it performs worse.

Not that user, but you must be high if you think previous windows versions actually perform better, I hate W10 as much as the next guy, but you can't deny it performs better. That's just kind of a fact and easily testable.


I'm not Indian was my point, I was born in the UK in live in the US.

What's with the temps?


They look like load temps and not idle temps, and for load temps they look fine, a bit high but nothing dangerous.

Okay, iqbal

no, I like my little frankenstein of a box.

I am madly in love with my SM951 though.

I can, but the fps I get in some games do bother me a bit.

oh okay

I have a 950 Pro, they're nice. But unless you regularly use the increased speed, it's more just to show off than any real practical benefit.

Boot times are longer than an 850 Pro because SATA boot is much much faster than PCI initialization in order to boot from a PCI device.

Only times I really regularly notice the increased speed is when transferring files between my SSDs.

Is sata boot actually faster? My pc is from cold to win 10 desktop in about 7 seconds.

>in about 7 seconds
I doubt that, go ahead and time it.

During the POST process on every single motherboard i've tested ALWAYS does PCI initialization AFTER SATA. So no matter what, a SATA SSD will boot faster because it skips the PCI initialization part of the POST.

I guess it's possible a motherboard manufacturer has changed their POST process in order to facilitate faster booting from PCI devices, but if they have I haven't heard of it.

>but if they have I haven't heard of it.
Actually I take this back, I have heard of it being done with laptops that don't have SATA devices.

But i've never seen it done on a desktop motherboard.

I timed it, you are right, it is not as fast as it feels.

Still pretty damn fast though. (22 seconds from cold to desktop)

Yeah it's still gonna be damn quick, and you'll hardly be able to tell between SATA and M.2/PCI, the real benefits come from one you're loaded into the OS anyway.

My X99 board takes about 40 seconds to boot up because of all the RAM it has and booting from an M.2 drive. But considering I boot up maybe once a week, not a huge issue.

In middle of fucking around with drives and completely missing threads

time for more coffee

I bet that RAM is AMD branded too

6 screens... You do not need this, you know this.

i sent a shinki in to have a look - she says no, it's corsair and that I really need to buy canned air.

and do some cable managment

it was nice at one point, but the years and upgrades have not been kind

This rat's nest

Maybe he didn't build his computer just to post it in guts threads?


Here we go...

dual 730



wew lad

Woops my b


>tfw 500w power supply

can i even get a graphics card? im worried the power draw will be too high. how shit is my setup?

im op, and im using a 500w psu

I have a 600w PSU.

even with my 5820k at 4.7GHz it barely pulls 350w.

damn really? how does it perform? im thinking of getting a 480 8gb.

damn son your card is fumin.

>damn son your card is fumin.
it's while playing total war warhammer at 1440p for an hour. Temps are fine. Here is idle.

>thinks 500w isn't enough to get a gpu
>thinks 71c on a gpu is "fumin"

go learn you some shit retard

>it performs the worst in benchmarks compared to 7 and 8,1
sauce or fuck off faggot

load temps and mini-ITX

i recall a calculator for my p6t deluxe board with an i7 920 or w/e, the nehalem chip that's super dank to OC, required 350w so i'm guessing.

I'm this dude and its running comfortably on a 550W Seasonic PSU. You're fine.

Your CPU has a TDP of like 80w. Your motherboard, RAM, SSD/HDD are probably another ~20w. ANY single GPU from 2016 (RX 480 or GTX 1060/70/80) will use less than 200w.

That's about 300w total power draw for your computer including a GPU.

500w is fine for my setup, my i7 has like 80w tdp, the ti has like 200-250.


why is windows 10 so ugly ;_;

Literally designed in powerpoint

very similar/op

: - )

>three dot three dot five

Lenovo G50-45

I got a new monitor and got rid of the shitty 720p tv I was using other than that its the same, I'm just to lazy to make a speccy.


there's normally 4 760s, but I took out one of the cards for a different rig for testing

lol you got me there. Good catch.

>4 760s
>32gb Ram
What do you compute?

It's alright, I like your pupper even if I hate your use of external hard drives.


Most of those drive were free so I took them. When I eventually build a new pc sometime in the distant future I'm turning that into a NAS.

is this the new windows 10 thread

Here's my speegy

>i7 5775C

I've heard of delidding CPUs, but now waterblocks too?

no, its more

"this fucking thing keeps failing off!"
"fuck the clip broke!"
"is it really that important?"

the joys of cheap AiO coolers - saying that, it does work and hasn't leaked

Shitpost machine