Sup Forums recommends qBittorrent

>Sup Forums recommends qBittorrent
>I install it
>buggiest torrent client I have ever used. >Had torrents with dozens of seeds get stalled for no reason. Had an I/O error for no reason. Whenever I shut down the client, some of my torrents have to be re-checked. It also sometimes reports my network as "disconnected".
>fuck this shit.tiff
>Installed uTorrent 3.4.7 and haven't had any issues with my torrents at all in the past week I have been using it.

Did anybody else fall for the qBittorrent meme?

Literally the buggiest torrent client I have ever used in my life.

Other urls found in this thread:

It works for me.

But then again, I'm not an idiot who does things out of peer pressure (everything you do has to be g approved) and I also don't blog about it on the internet while looking for approval.

>use utorrent almost all my life;

>realise it filled all my RAM if i let PC idle;

>after quick searches realised that utorrent uses a PCs for bitcoin mining

>made some research and installed qBittorent

>best bittorent ever used

>swore myself never to go back to uTorrent

> if qBitt proves bring shit, I have a lot of other options to go to.

Works fine for me

Qbit working flawlessly here for a few years

In short, get gud

I've downloaded 900 torrents so far and none have stalled

Maybe you should set your upload speed limit to the minimum like I do


Who are you quoting?

I had the same issue, but I installed Deluge instead of a client that is KNOWN MALWARE.

Myself, sry if im not using it right, im not very familiarized with the way u write in 4ch


literally this, I have never had a torrent that stalled.

Never limited my upload or download speeds, been using qbit for well over a year and I've never had problems with a single torrent.

is this the qbittorrent thread

what does "automatic torrent management" do?

there's one result on google and nothing about it in the qbittorrent "docs"

why does all free software have to be like this

Look in the source code. That's one cool thing qBittorrent being open source allows you to do.

Disclaimer: I'm not a qB advocate and I do not think source code is an adequate documentation. Just take it as advice.

Everyone is new at one point
Welcome to Sup Forums newfag, enjoy your stay

>I install it
This is when I realized this was pasta.

>using utorrent over qbit
oh i see
it's a joke thread

just use deluge you dumb nerd

You're so cute.

You need to start with
>be me
so people know it's about you or else we'll think you're quoting someone :^)

thanks for the evidence boys :^)

works for me (tm)

the only time I had an issue was with the touhou lossless music collection, and saving it too deep in windows file structure, as there were a few really long paths in it.

>try qB
>"hmmm, why does it seem like torrents take longer to start, longer to finish, and I run into so many more that are dead?"
>check against uTorrent, which connects instantly, to dozens more peers, and which finds seeds for those 'dead' torrents

>move file
>qB redownloads it to original location

Would be nice if it worked, but it doesn't.

>listening to Sup Forums
there are no people on here whose opinion could be somehow valid

Pretty much this. OP is a faggot

Mine is.

you're a FUCKING retard

should've installed vuze like any normal person

>The latest qBittorrent 3.3.5 ships with useful new feature: torrent management mode. If you set this mode to automatic and you change the category or save path, the torrent is relocated to the new category folder / new save path
1 second in google

For real dude?

>took them 10 years to add that
great client lmao

lel kys

Is that even a "feature" that anybody would use ever?
Honest question.

I see nothing wrong with either of those.

>Installed uTorrent 3.4.7


>He had all the bugs known to Sup Forums in one install
Totally legit, OP

yeah i can see that you mong kek


yeah you're a complete retard kek, ghostery is made by an ad tracking company and you can use their filters on ublock anyways and WOT is actually a tracking a botnet which is useless as shit if ublock is well configured
now kys

No, Sup Forums also knows of it deleting every torrent.
The I/O error and "network disconnected" are unique to him, AFAIK.

The issues are the meme, the client works fine as long as your connection isnt garbage.

Ghostery, sure.

But I've seen nothing to indicate WOT is a botnet.

You are such a ratio cuck. Go back and seed my shit, cuckold

>tracks every single website you visit or even attempt to visit and logs it into their server to check their shitty stats
>not a botnet

not him, but
>falling for the Sup Forums botnet meme


>wah wah it's not a botnet so i'll just let myself get tracked like an idiot
fucking samefag

Does anyone here use rTorrent?

use it on my server through dtach

If you are gonna meme all over someone, meme right.

learn what botnet means before you spew shit.

nice inspect element faggot

>being so butthurt that suddenly everyone is a samefag.

Whatever, dont believe me faggot. You are still wrong.

>you are wrong, i'm right wah wah


>wah wah
>(hmm, he keeps using those two words)
>a quick google search and......

Only if more people on Sup Forums were like you...
People need to remember that this isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums

get a load of this pleb

>no evidence of botnet
>just ads you can remove
>runs better than qBittorrent


100 seeds have been deposited to your seedbox.
Thank you for your service.
t. uTorrent

>using a privacy addon that is financed by the ad industry
Yeah, nothing wrong with that if you're actually retarded.

>1600+ open github issues

OP may be onto something.

yes. that is the best client.


>letting literal jews park their big motor on your computer

qBittorrent 3.1.12 seems to be okay

I used uTorrent until I started using RSS to download torrents. I switched to qBittorrent because setting up RSS in uTorrent was a pain in the ass, not to mention how buggy it was afterwards.


Install Deluge and never look back

>qBittorrent v3.3.6 was released. Minor bugfixes of v3.3.5. It also fixes crashes on launch for some Windows setups. It is a libtorrent problem. On Windows it uses libtorrent 1.0.9+git f716aef5 with commit 45cff5837f7b4af reverted as this one is causing the crashes. Investigation is ongoing. Mac OS X builds are ready too. Ubuntu PPA will follow.

BUGFIX: Do not create save folder in advance (glassez)
BUGFIX: Fix upper-bound limit of command line for "Run External Program" in Windows. Closes #5399. (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Invoke system's cmd.exe directly. (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Workaround space issues in file path for running external program on Windows. (Chocobo1)
BUGFIX: Fix icons are missing when using RTL languages in Options dialog. Closes #5398. (Chocobo1)

>windows smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting

Why does this say that when I got it from the official qBittorrent website?

If you don't like qBittorrent, then get Deluge. Why would you willingly download cancerous adware is beyond me.

>>realise it filled all my RAM if i let PC idle;
>>after quick searches realised that utorrent uses a PCs for bitcoin mining
Bitcoin mining uses your GPU tho


>>windows smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting
> Why does this say that when I got it from the official qBittorrent website?
because the "official qButtorent website" doesn't mean shit to Microsoft. If it's not signed it doesn't matter where it came from.

>have shitty HD or are attempting to download onto an external drive

Some silent miners use your CPU instead to mine for Bitcoin

i never had any problems with it, and it's smaller than transmission. you're probably shit at computers?

ps it is also smaller than utorrent, and isn't utorrent literal botnet ridden shit with unironic ads on it?

is that manjaro?

>having issues with qbittorrent
Only a idiot could fuck up with that

The trick to QBT is to use 3.3.1

Do not update, if You manage to actually find 3.3.1

There You all go