>Windows 10 gathers an "excessive" amount of personal data on users, the French data authority has said in a formal notice.
>The authority also criticised the fact that an advertising ID is activated by default, which allows apps to monitor user browsing and then offer targeted ads.In the CNIL's view, this has been done "without consent".
Sup Forums was right.
Daniel Rodriguez
>france >caring about freedom
haha, good one mate
Jaxon Campbell
Windows is great
Adam Moore
more like they're mad cause they're not the ones getting their hands on all that info
Brody Roberts
French are cucks, that data collected could be used to stop terrorist attacks. As autistic and wrong Sup Forums is, mass surveillance works.
Matthew Perez
5 cents have been deposited to your account.
Kayden Murphy
Why so much controversy?
Just read the fucking EULA. It is all there.
Almost all interesting info is found under user experience statements.
Liam Brown
Am i fuck going to read all that senpai
Christian Brown
Just wait till you guys realize that a part of the processing power used for the (turned on by default) idle maintenance service is, in fact, a catalog function for all the non-system file names on your computer, which is then sent directly to them while you're supposedly "updating" your OS
Joseph Cruz
I've turned off telemetry.
Cooper Robinson
Not just the names, file sizes, type, etc...
These are run against a database of illegal files, graded by seriousness. If matches are found, the Windows 10 registered user is flagged for monitoring by authorities.
Asher Cooper
>France top zozzle
Luke Wright
This is very true but with great power comes great responsibility which they have shown a little of.
Evan Diaz
So the French don't care if Muslim hordes invade their country, Blow up their cities, Shoot up their critics, Run over their festivities with trucks and rape and slash their women but they get angry about windows 10?
Ethan Bennett
It boggles my mind how people still believe EULA could bypass law.
Listen, you moron. Whatever the statements or whatnot the shit it does is STILL FUCKING ILLEGAL
Luke Sanchez
Terrorist attacks today, illegal pornographic pictures tomorrow, illegal copyright violation the day after that and finally, you'll end up with an internet that actively censors anti-government speech, up to hatespeech (which will be an arbitrary attribute that the government is free to assign to pretty much everything it disagrees with)
No thanks lad, I'd rather see it stop before its too late
Ayden Bell
It turns itself on.
Xavier Stewart
I got an old 4gb hard disk still hooked up
Thats some historic porn, if they have matches for that i'll be impressed.
Anthony Ross
So why didn't it stop any attacks?
Michael Davis
trucks dont browse the internet
Oliver Richardson
As much as I know that Windows 10 shits over your privacy, I wouldn't trust a single world that comes out of the French government.
Elijah White
Though it's a state "agency", the CNIL has nothing to do with the gubernment, it's mostly independant.
Hunter Davis
>he thinks the Windows 10 is botnet meme is just a meme
Everyone look at this retard and laugh.
All the good guys switched to linux.
Jack Hill
but the bad guys always win
Wyatt Morgan
David Green
>implying terrorists use an operating system known to monitor their communications
Ayden Parker
Seriously considering switching to GNU/Linux full stop.