Available on FIVE different platforms!

>Available on FIVE different platforms!
>Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android and Chrome OS

what is the service?
i'll shoot them an email tomorrow. Seems like they have quite the port team.

lol, it's not available on Loonix


i really should stop coming here.
It wouldn't do me any good to tell you to go back, you'll just tell me to fuck off.

Fuck off loonix faggot.

Take a look at the sticky
Who is that man?

Take a look at our wiki.
What do you see?

>all these things come preinstalled in consumer electronics
>wondering why linux isn't included in that list
because people actually want to make money off devices which they know somebody actually bought with money they can part with.

Ubuntu is preinstalled on some laptops. And who the fuck buys a chromebook? It's like having a handicapped computer.


>who the fuck buys a chromebook?
People obviously, since you know, companies still make them for sale.
>some laptops
That's probably less mainstream than even chromebooks.

>it's actually a Web app

Chromebooks are more popular than desktop Linux and are even outselling Macbooks at this point

what is chrome os anyway?

Botnet OS with google apps which basic normies use such as gmail, docs, drive etc.

It's for people that work in non-tech fields that want a laptop that does everything they need while lasting about 60 hours on one charge.

>inb4 Stallman corrects it as GNU/ChromeOS

It's like osx guest mode. Just with linux and chrome browser. But it is still linux so you could run full featured os with chroot (pretty easily with "crouton" scripts) or unlock device completly with seabios and run any linux distro (eg gallium os, its xubuntu with integrated chromebook drivers)
Windows support is not great, some devices are missing touchpad/audio drivers

Leave fast please

a meme

I don't see anything wrong.