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Just try and stop us, bitch.

>still expecting people to pay for each individual copy of your software

Software is not a product anymore. It's a service. Deal with it.

This is why kat was raided, gotta clear the troops names, eh what.

>honestly thinking the US Navy should have to do with shitty free software or pay out their money to a vendor just to help your country not be rekt by ISIS

software should be free to the government and military of the country that developed it, period

I appreciate being called a tasty, hearty, meaty food. Thank you, mr eurofag.

Wait until the guys at mIRC find out how many unregistered copies of their chat client are running on SIPRNET.

>sell handful of software licenses
>remove license requirement
>"use it however you wish"
>wait for software to be spread across thousands of machines
>sue for massive cashout, swim in money
solid business model

Isn't the US navy meant to stop international piracy?

smart animeposter

See kids, this is the type of piracy that is actually bad.

Well, your crazy logic doesn't work here since it's not an US based company. Also why limit it to software? Let the MIC supply the army with all the toys free of charge, will be a positive change for US foreign policy for sure.


The navy has always been a glorified taxi for the army and airforce.

us navy is a private corporation

This is germany, angela wants to destroy europe.

But the united states invented computers and the internet

Shit I'm deployed right now and our communications squadron has a Plex TV server with tens of thousands of movies and shows. Let's hope the MPAA doesn't catch wind of that. Sounds like it could potentially be a several million dollar case.

literally this

reported ;)

t. chairforce or butthurt grunt

>Software is not a product anymore. It's a service.

Doesn't change the fact that you still have to pay for it.

But Florence invented Republicanism and Athens democracy

Why can't one of the largest corporations in the world afford movies...


This won't go anywhere.

Well, nothing wrong with the France/Germany one but Jesus, all the Amerifat bases.

>Why can't one of the largest corporations in the world afford movies...

Most the money appropriated for use by the military goes into R&D projects back in the states which are used by Congress to ensure their re-election.

lmfao what cuck country would let other countries build military bases in them

Anyone who says this gets a laugh out of me. Petty and inane belief to have

Why wouldn't they want all the dosh? It's not like US could actually win a war if they tried to.


>us navy fighting isis

>lmfao what cuck country would let other countries build military bases in them
One that at one point had 30,000 tanks ready to crawl up its asshole.

This is what happens when you be on the losing, aggressive side of two world wars. Is it any wonder why Merkel is importing refugees to Germany? And why the world seems like it's going to shit? It's to prevent Germany from setting off WW3.

>Is it any wonder why Merkel is importing refugees to Germany?
Outside of humanitarian reasons, there is the whole ageing of Europe, so there is no choice, really.

>And why the world seems like it's going to shit?
At least Germany isn't.

>Outside of humanitarian reasons, there is the whole ageing of Europe, so there is no choice, really.
>falling for the "population decline is bad for everyone and not just the super rich" meme

>At least Germany isn't.
Not sure how your article is supposed to help your point.

Uh they didn't develop it... idiot
Uh USA created isis... idiot

The super rich couldn't give any less fucks, their money is secure and they can move their companies wherever they want.

Anybody else who hopes to get a pension though ... thought luck if there is nobody to replace the work force. It's a faulty system overall, since population needs to grow for it to work and only automation with high taxation for the companies implementing it could offset it.

Their economy is so stable and trusted that people prefer to lose a bit money investing into their bonds instead of risking investing into bonds of countries that risk to default.

less people mean cheaper property and higher wages
I mean, obviously there's offshoring but many jobs can't or won't be allowed to leave like research, higher corporate positions and so on.

I mean there's no reason for multinational companies headquarters to move unless the government doesn't do their bidding anymore

Underrated post.


>Germany challenged the world twice, and lost both times.
>"Guys can we please stop fighting wars against the entire world now? Yes I know we almost won last time, no we're not going to win next time."

>USA sued for piracy
>USA seized kat.cr

you can't make this shit up

>navy accused of pirating


>software should be free to the government and military of the country that developed it, period

The country didn't did develope it, and it sounds like you're saying commerical software developed by private people should be free to use by the government of the country in which they happen to live in, which is fucking retarded.

>less people mean cheaper property and higher wages
Sure but will the rise in wages really offset the much lower amount of people actually earning one?

Besides, the people doing the jobs that actually make the society run like cleaners and nurses aren't going to suddenly earn six figures incomes and the people who earn really big wages, are quite proficient in offshoring that shit.

>can't or won't be allowed to leave like research, higher corporate positions and so on.
China is doing pretty well academically, so I don't see any problems with moving these jobs in the future.

>Yes I know we almost won last time
Meh, it was very, very unlikely that they could do shit against the Soviets, and once Murica officially joined, it was a foregone conclusion either way.

Just business as usual, and on the positive side, at least this time without war crimes.

>Navy accused of pirating
My sides.

Piracy is the best shit ever. Imagine having an object that could conjure up anything if you knew the design. Don't tell me you wouldn't want to share and download every design out there. It would be glorious.


Doesn't the Navy run TOR?