
Allright Sup Forums bro's.

I hope to get atleast a few decent answers out of the ridiculous fanboy fire between AMD and Nvidia.

I currently have a R9 280x, I used to switch between Nvidia and AMD when I bought a new GPU.
At the moment I'm actually very pleased with my 280x. It has aged well but I want to upgrade.

1) GTX 1080
I could buy it, but for the price point... it's too much. It'll be outdated in 6 months with a 1080Ti (or Vega).

2) GTX 1070
Same as above and are they on it again with 7.5 gb?

3) RX480
This seems like the first option that would be decent for me. If it can age like my 280x.. I would be very pleased.

4) GTX 1060
Same as the above. This seems like a sweet spot as well. But how will devs take advantage of DX12 / Async / Vulkan. I've seen benchmarks which favor the RX480 and others that give the advantege to the GTX 1060.

5) Wait for Vega

Everything would be aftermarket, because fuck Nvidia and fuck AMD and their reference designs.

In short:
>1080p gaming
> has to age well
> futureproof for DX12 / Vulkan /( Async??)

Other urls found in this thread:

AMD has no frogs.

Nvidia always wins baby

DX12 and Vulkan both require seperate render paths for their respective hardware vendors. So as long as developers spend the time to develop each render path, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem with whatever you pick.

AMD drivers have better maturity.
The 1070 and 1080 are overkill for 1080p gaming.
The 480 will probably give you better long term value, but that depends on when you plan to upgrade next.

>1080p gaming
> has to age well
> futureproof for DX12 / Vulkan /( Async??)
So you just described the RX 480. 1060 will win until the 1160 comes or meme APIs happen for real. Long term 480 wins. AMD always wins, eventually.

>Chad Warden reference

>1080p gaming
Upgrade to a 1440p screen first, mate. No point in buying a powerful 14nm/16nm card for 1080p, when you can afford upgrade your screen first.

Th !e.FaLconO6!
Bruh I'm a huge fan of your guides.

I'm from the UK, which should I do:

>Buy a GTX 970 for £180

>Buy a GTX 1060 for £280

>Buy an RX 480 for £240


Depends on you.

>I am wealthy, the price differences do not matter to me.
Get the 1060

>I want the best performance/price out of this bunch. I can handle the ridicule that will follow my decision.
Get the 970

>I want the card with the best potential for future DX12 games.
Get the 480.

Personally, at those prices, I would get the 970. But I live in a third world country and 100 Elizabethean Dollars mean a LOT here.

1070 is pretty nice. 1080 is stuck in limbo, too good for 1080p, too slow for 2160p.

480 and 1060, aftermarket of coure, are good cards. 1060 is better in DX11, ie almost everything and recent Time Cop bench indicates there's a chance devs will go with "Enhanced Async Compute" from nVidia in DX12 titles.
I'd say right now 1060 is a better choice, unless you can get 480 much cheaper. Vait for Vega if you want to get 1070-tier card.

OP here.
Allright thanks for the replies so far.

I don't need the upgrade right away. So I might wait for Vega.

Each generation I have trouble choosing... ffs :)

Hey Falcon, long time fan first time caller. Well, second time caller because I gave you my name on Steam and you couldn't find me when searching for me because I wouldn't show up for some reason. Anyway that's besides the point.

Are you from Malaysia originally? I always thought you were an American living there for some reason but I could be wrong and probably am. I also always thought you were white. I'm not trying to get all over your business so if you don't want to say either way then no worries. I'm just curious if you are there by choice and if its worth moving there myself to be honest. I'm 32.

>Are you from Malaysia originally?
No, I am not, but I have lived here long enough to speak Malay. There are only two things about my citizenship that I want public:

1- I am not Malaysian.
2- I am not USAin.

Not really comfortable with more info than that.

>I'm just curious if you are there by choice and if its worth moving there myself to be honest. I'm 32.
I am staying here by choice. You can come and live here if you like, as there is a lot to really like about the place. More importantly, you need to be ok with the _bad_ stuff first:

1- Low wages. This is a third world country. I made the equivalent of USD$500/month when I first started working.
2- Third world country tier services (internet is slow, water unfit to drink, city can be dirty in places)
3- Extremely low number of foreigners. If you are not Malay/Indon/Thai/Chinese/Indian, you will be stared at all the time, unless you are in the heart of the city.
4- (If you are non-Muslim) Muslim majority country, with typical conservative Asian values: Drugs are illegal, tobacco/alcohol/gambling are taxed high, no kissing in public, etc

I would not mention the good stuff first, because the bad stuff is more important. If you are ok with the above, I can tell you more... I have been living here for a very long time!

Thanks for the reply. I understand and respect your right to privacy, and will ask nothing else about you. I'm okay with conservative laws, but I am concerned about the Muslim part. Unless East Asian Muslims behave a lot differently than Arab Muslims I would say that kills the possibility for me. Do you pay a tax to not be Muslim? I can follow the laws I just don't want to convert. Thanks again.

Country is ~65% Muslim. You will need to be more realistic, and not expect Sup Forums-tier Islam where everyone carries a scimitar and beheads everyone else while shouting in Arabic. I would suggest a 2-week vacation here, to see if you can handle or not. If you have never lived in a Muslim country before, watch out for the following:

1- Public drunkenness is taboo.
2- Pork is not sold in small shops, only large supermarkets.
3- Most Muslim women wear hijab (headscarf). A few wear niqab (ninja).
4- It is very impolite to shake hands with members of the opposite gender if they keep their hands to themselves

For a SEA nation:
1- No drugs, AT ALL! If you are caught with a tiny amount (

>1080p gaming
> has to age well
> futureproof for DX12 / Vulkan /( Async??)

Get 480 now, sell it and get 1080Ti or Vega, later.

Sounds like shit

I put the bad stuff upfront first. Better to know and decide, than be surprised and disappointed.

Where were you when Nvidia was btfo?

The future is black for the 1060 if you ask me. And yes, I post this for free.

Pooing in the l1060oo

I just don't really want to engage with AMD at this point

Currently I'm using a GTX 660 and will probably upgrade to a 1060 some time soon, I think that will cover my 1080p 60fps needs for the foreseeable future and cost me about 300 shekels which I feel is a reasonable price and within my budget

Hope all this text helped someone. I am here if you have more questions about life in SEA.

question: why the FUCK are you even considering an RX 480 when R9 390X is £10 more?


R9 480 will probably surpass the performance as drivers develop.
Less energy draw.
Less heat heat put.
Probably a bit better acoustics as well.

(390 sapphire owner here). Bad ass memory speed on these 390 cards though, poor nvidia can't keep up, even with newer GDDR5x VRAM.

According to all of these benchmarks and Newegg prices, the 1060 has a 7-8% increase in performance over the RX 480 and only a 2-3% increase in average price, which results in a better performance/dollar for Nvidia's card. At the same time, the 1060 runs cooler and draws less power. The only problem here is future-proofing.
We've seen huge performance increases on AMD's cards with Vulkan and (not so much with) DX12, but as of now not a lot of games use that API, so right now the 1060 seems like the better choice. However, what if all games adopt Vulkan in the future? It seems like in that scenario the RX 480 would perform far better. So it pretty much comes down to whether game companies think adopting Vulkan is worth it or not, and whether Nvidia tries to cheat like they've been doing for the past years, pushing DX11/DX12 or some other piece of software.
So, waiting to see if Vulkan becomes popular is a good choice. If you don't want to wait, you can just guess whether that API will be relevant. To me, it seems like it will become the norm, but maybe I'm wrong.
So, GTX1060 if you want to play DX11/DX12 games, or RX 480 if you believe that it will become better as time passes due to the adoption of Vulkan.

Not him

1070 is nice not that expensive but get 144hz if u want 1080p
worst case scenario itll play new demanding games at 60+ fps
best case scenario itll play most games like overwatch at 144 fps+ silky smooth

>AMD drivers have better maturity
is this some convoluted way of saying they're only released once every blue moon?

Do not listen to this guy
Trust me I have an expensive worthless 144hz display.

Did you set the screen to 144Hz? Does you hardware actually give you 144 FPS?

Yes, and there is just no point unless you're playing an first person shooter. But I guess that is what most people play on PC.

I notice the difference on Dota 2.

>inb4 monitor cable in wrong slot

What aftermarket?

I've always bought Asus. Never had probs.
But I'm well aware that could happen anytime I buy something.

I do like thet ASIS Strix look, but then again. I have a Fractal Design R5. I don't see shit from the GPU.

>1(one(single)) year passes
>can't run any new games even on 1080p /60fps
>have a useless 1440p/144Hz monitor

>hurrr this card is too powerful for 1080p
Every fucking year, the same bullshit, yet the cards still sturgle to do anything decent, especially nVidia with their fucking gimping drivers

>DX12 and Vulkan both require seperate render paths for their respective hardware vendors.
This is false. They "recommended" vendor-specific optimizations for DX12. That does not mean it requires it, or that if a game doesn't do it then it's not using DX12. DX12 is a graphics API. If you're calling that API, you're using DX12. On top of that, there are a variety of features you can use.

The API allows you to submit work in different queues, which the cards may use async copmute to process, but that doesn't mean that if you're only submitting in a single queue you're not using DX12.

> So as long as developers spend the time to develop each render path, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem with whatever you pick.
Let's be realistic - how likely is this? Will every game's development cycle include a year for AMD architectures and a year for Nvidia architectures?

I think it's more likely that most developers will aim for the largest user base, and only do the high-value-low-effort optimizations that benefit EVERYONE. Other games which are sponsored by either AMD or Nvidia and show that logo on startup will probably only optimize specifically for that vendor. Devs spending time to do extensive optimizations for BOTH is probably really rare.

What are you on about? Mid-tier cards can now do 60FPS on 1080p Witcher 3.

And in mid 2017 they won't run new games at 1080p/60 because some new technology or better graphics and shit will come out and they will crawl

You know people use Crysis 3 as a benchmark for a reason. Crysis 1 was the benchmark for ~6-7 years.

We see perf improvements with DOOM. There are 3 games with Vulkan support. Talos, which uses a wrapper, DOTA2 wich is a horrible implementation, DX11 and OpenGL often outperform Vulkan, especially on systems with weak CPU, which is fucking retarded. And DOOM, the only game with good Vulkan implementation.

Same with DX12, it's an API, how to use it is up to the devs. There's HITMAN, which actually rivals DOOM in implementation, Ms titles, which run pretty good on AMD and then there's NIXXIES with RotTR which is still broken.
Also Time Cop, but there will be a holywar with pre-emption vs parallel as async.

Souce on DX12 numbers in german.

>So, waiting to see if Vulkan becomes popular is a good choice. If you don't want to wait, you can just guess whether that API will be relevant. To me, it seems like it will become the norm, but maybe I'm wrong.
I expect it will be something the split between OpenGL and Direct3D before. Some players, like id, will use the open software, Vulkan in this case. Meanwhile most game developers will use DirectX. Of course, Unreal Engine is really popular, so if its implementation of Vulkan offers big benefits for all users over the other supported APIs, that might increase Vulkan's popularity.

>Will every game's development cycle include a year for AMD architectures and a year for Nvidia architectures?

Do you think they make a whole new 3d engine for every game? This will only apply if they feel like making their own snowflake engine

Unreal Engine doesn't support Vulkan on PC. Only on Android. Funny thing, there's already fragmentation happening on mobile, Nexus devices don't support Vulkan for some reason.

Right now there are 2 engines with Vulkan support on PC: Source 2 and idTech. UE does support DX12 on PC.

Well you can't just port a DX11 engine to DX12, you have to write it pretty much from scratch.

But if you're saying that there could be one popular game engine that uses Vulkan well and lots of devs just license that engine out à la UE or Unity, then yeah, it's possible.

Nvidia is an enemy of your freedom.

If you have a 280x you can afford to wait 2-3 months for the prices to settle or to get a nice offer from a store.

What is the economic card to buy?
I don't play games much but I want a better pc than my dinasour when the itch comes.
I also play mostly strategy games and titles from some time ago so I'm not looking for something that has to max out games for years to come.

The omega drivers have a regular release cycle, and don't gimp/destroy the older cards like n/v/idia does.

Wait and pick up one of the Sapphire aftermarket RX480. It should age better and oc'd it can somewhat close the gap with a 1060 for DX11. If you want to upgrade to Vega, I'd imagine it will keep around resell price, like all the other AMD cards.

Dude if you're at 1080p and not doing VR then you don't even need something from the latest gen.

What's your occupation?


>Same as above and are they on it again with 7.5 gb?
okay you can stop with the .5 meme now. It's old as the fucking dinosaurs by bow.

thats Cro Ferrara

I'm studying Comp. Sci. in Malaysia right now. I know about the low salaries for entry-level jobs. How long before you can expect any decent pay?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how tinfoil is r/amd?

>How long before you can expect any decent pay?
Depends on what you do. For fresh grades just starting their career, you should change jobs once every ~2-3 years. Sticking with the same job nets you a ~5%-7% increase in pay per year. Changing jobs gets you 25%-40%, depending on your negotiating skills.

-Learn multiple programming paths. "I am JUST front-end, no backend or db" is not good.
-Get your certs
-Be honest about your skills, or you will get replaced.

I changed jobs 4 times since graduating. Took until the 3rd job (~6 years) before becoming "middle-class", a.k.a "I have $$$ leftover at the end of the month instead of eating ramen for the last 5 days".


I do not know. Probably worse than Sup Forums.

This thread is alright. Keep your brand loyalty and memeing in the designated meme threads.

Yeah, a minimum of shitposting. Nice :)

Not him, but most of the screens that are higher res I would want would be significantly more expensive than a new GPU esp. when my current one can't even push 60fps at 1080p in medium-low settings.

Like, I'm not going to get a new monitor unless it has some kind of adaptive sync, is IPS, and can do 144Hz at around $300USD. Otherwise I don't even see the point in getting a new display unless my current one dies. All of my TVs are still CRT because I don't give enough of a shit to get new ones.

Upgrading from gtx 770, which should I pick.

Sapphire Nitro RX480 for 250 quid or
GTX 1060 (220-270 different models).

Ever told on a nigga? (nope)
Ever squeezed a trigger? (yup)
Ever set a nigga up? (nope)
Ever helped a brother out when he was down on his luck? (yup)
You a sap? (nope)
You a boss player, you a mack? (yup)
Let me hold a couple dollars (nope)
Y'all still be poppin' y'all collars? (yup)
Stock rims on a scraper (nope)
Paint wetter than a lake (yup)
Poodle in my blood (nope)
Bitch, I'm a thug (yup)
You a loser? (nope), Winner? (yup)
Starving? (nope), Dinner? (yup)
You still sell dope? (nope)
Now you cleaner than a bar of Dove soap? (yup)
Got a little gouda (nope)?
Got a thumper, got a Ruger? (yup)
You in love wit' the ho? (nope)
She bringin' you the dough? (yup)
You gon' cry if she leave? (nope)
You gon' fly overseas? (yup)

I just got a discounted 390x. no problems with 1440p so far

I wanted to be hyped for the RX 480 but it honestly seems like the 1060 is the card with the least "Buts"

>It doesnt perform as well, but wait for DX12/Vulkan (although it's trounced in DX12 Time Spy, and DX12 games are hit and miss as to whether it outperforms or not)
>It uses a lot of power, but wait for an update! (Admittedly this happened)
>It's not as powerful as a high end card, but you can SLI! (and need a new PSU)

So either get the 1060, or the 1070/80 if you want to have an overkill setup that will last you at 1080p till next generation and then some

buy a fury x and a 1080 you poorfag

RX 480