FreeBSD - The one true server, embedded, and desktop OS

FreeBSD is easy to set up, and has the best documentation of any software project on the Internet. Full stop.

FreeBSD has millions of device drivers due to having a full featured development suite and source code available upon installation, ready for modification.

FreeBSD comes with a number of optional games to install, and more games are being ported every day.

FreeBSD is the most stable OS in the world, when properly configured, and has major contributions to the source code from skilled developers working at companies like Netflix, and NGINX.

Other urls found in this thread: source/cupsys/ bug/255161/comments/28

It doesn't have a graphical installer like most of the linux distros

>desktop OS
Ebin. Come back when you can print and scan things like normal people, NEET

>Muh embedded
Admit it, FreeBSD are bloat.
You can't install FreeBSD on 4MB flash rom.

yeah i dont know where the fuck he was going with embedded

server, yeah
desktop, maybe
embedded, fuck no

if you want embedded, go with netbsd, that's the entire point of that project

ah right. that's a deal breaker for GUIcucks, isn't it?

CUPS? GhostScript? Are you even trying?

>easy to set up
You obviously haven't dealt with ports then...

Stop trying to troll me and TROLL ME.

How did you post here? What OS are you using now?

FreeBSD, of course. I never said I don't want a GUI, merely implied I don't need a GUI to install the system.

Umm. What?

FreeBSD's ports are in the top 5 easiest ports systems to manage of any OS ever.

Seriously. Only NetBSD's comes to mind as easier.

>easiest ports
That may be so, but any ports is anything but easy to use.

I mean, FreeBSD's ports require you to run the same command with the exact same arguments up to three-four times, and it does something different every time, despite the fact that, you know, you pass the SAME FUCKING ARGUMENTS to it.

Whoever the fuck designed that boilerplate cobblework deserves to be shot in the neck.

that's only the shell you're using. use a real shell and you won't have to do so much

So now it's my fault for using the default shell (as provided, by default and recommended, by FreeBSD)?


>FreeBSD's ports require you to run the same command with the exact same arguments up to three-four times

I want to try out BSD but I need to know a few things before I jump in:

1. Does it really have all the Linux available softwares? Full GNOME/Cinnamon/KDE?
2. Anything like PPA or AUR?
3. How will virtualbox perform in BSD? Any KVM/QEMU pass-through technology happening soon?
4. Live ISO so I can try before installing?

>1. Does it really have all the Linux available softwares?
No, but it has a Linux compatibility layer for most stuff

>Full GNOME/Cinnamon/KDE?
Yes, that it has, at least for GNOME and KDE.

>2. Anything like PPA or AUR?

>3. How will virtualbox perform in BSD? Any KVM/QEMU pass-through technology happening soon?
At the moment, PCI pass-through requires a patch to the Linux kernel, so no, that's not happening soon on any BSD.

>4. Live ISO so I can try before installing?
You can create one, but none is given out of the box, no.

Also how do the distros differ? Like in Linux Ubuntu and Arch is not really different except from the release cycle and package manager

>Does it really have all the Linux available softwares? Full GNOME/Cinnamon/KDE?
Look it up on the respective port sites. OpenBSD people have done some effort to port GNOME3, don't know if there's an effort for Plasma 5. Reason for it being that they have to patch out all the systemd dependencies. Try to look in their respective ports collections and binary package mirrors. Example:
>2. Anything like PPA or AUR?
Pretty sure the AUR was inspired by the ports system.
>3. How will virtualbox perform in BSD? Any KVM/QEMU pass-through technology happening soon?
Normally pretty good, but they recommend bare metal. There are some bugs in OpenBSD that are unavoidable in Virtualbox because of how it VB handles memory, but all it really does is change the color of the console to red, so it doesn't matter. As for virtualization, FreeBSD has bhyve, OpenBSD is gonna have vmm/vmd soon.
>4. Live ISO so I can try before installing?

worse hardware support, period
worse filesystems
worse technology (hurr but linux tech is too complex we're too small to audit all that)
not actually stable

FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD etc are not "distros", they are completely different operating systems. Sure, they are very similar in some aspects and not so similar in others, but AFAIK the code base for most of them are quite different.

here, don't they have zfs?

Btrfs > zfs

Yes, FreeBSD has ZFS.

Good point about the virtualisation, I was referring specifically to KVM/QEMU in which does not work on FreeBSD.

Not quite sure about the state of IOMMU support in any of the BSDs though.

ZFS is good, but useless unless you have some kind of server.

Wow, that user from the other thread wasn't wrong, we really do have Red Hat shills on Sup Forums.

Stop trolling

I'm pretty sure he's trolling

Hmm thanks guys. I'll let BSD to develop a bit more. Meanwhile I'll be using Linux.

BSD people need to sort out which one to put more effort into (Open/Free). Linux software feels more universal since they are all the same OS

they all cooperate, it's just not apparent at first

there was this developer, itojun, who had commit rights to every BSD, including Apple's Darwin

even the ports systems borrow from each other, some openbsd devs use freebsd ports as a base

I love making something that should take 10 minutes of my time into a 6 hour ordeal.

>Hmm thanks guys. I'll let BSD to develop a bit more. Meanwhile I'll be using Linux.
You misunderstand, user.

FreeBSD is not going to turn into something you want, because it's simply not developing in that direction. FreeBSD is a server OS, and yes, you can make it sorta kinda work on your desktop, but the devs are not going to turn it into some Ubuntu.

I mean, FreeBSD is even older than Linux. It's about as "developed" it can be. It's simply not intended for the things you want to use an OS for.

>BSD people need to sort out which one to put more effort into (Open/Free). Linux software feels more universal since they are all the same OS
They are completely different projects, and they are so because of a reason (completely different philosophies), so also not going to happen.

This. The BSDs' userlands are virtually the same.

I'd love to main OS it, but apparently they don't have wifi drivers for the ThinkPad T410

>not as supported as linux
>cuck license
>so insecure there's a "babby's first rootkits" book on it
>"the best" documentation when arch wiki exists (which works for software on other distros too)
>an OS that just screams "i'm a masochistic hipster and I just love making my life difficult"
>even more hobbyist than fucking arch or gentoo
>what and posted
>no drivers

come back when bsd can do something right

It's sad that BSD can't do any better

freebsd installs in less than half a minute on modern hardware. to get the gui environment installed you just run pkg fetch *whatever DE you want*. it literally, L I T E R A L L Y takes ten minutes.

basically, you're a huge cock sucking faggot

fuck you are pathetic, you really do search Sup Forums for these threads

>>cuck license
the "you can do whatever the fuck you want, including sell it for profit" BSD license is a cuck license?

>cuck license
>implying the GPL isn't the very definition

GNU doesn't print on Tuesdays source/cupsys/ bug/255161/comments/28

>"Other applications print."
Your post is pointless.

>on the front page
>takes 10 seconds to reply with a pasta
>forget about the thread until it's bumped back up here
your insecurity doesn't make bsd any better

see: react

>community worse than GNU community
>hostile to free software and filled with angry teenagers
I agree it is the best for servers, Linux can't compare with BSD for servers and stability. But GNU is for everyday use, it has much more development and is overall much better for daily use. BSD runs my servers though and I love it.


>Will corrupt all your data if you run in on non-ECC hardware
>Can't add HDDs to existing arrays
>Can't re-balance existing arrays
>Block level deduplication was a mistake

The Playstation 4 runs FreeBSD 5

Nah, Orbis OS is FreeBSD 9.0

So is BSD is dying with no hope? RIP

Doesn't FreeBSD have a working classic lpd like NetBSD?

Does wireless scan work in any of those?

The fuck has scanning to do with lpd?

>cuck license
Yeah, no.

How about cups?

What has scanning to do with cups?

You literally can't argue with this kek

Does FreeBSD have a driver for my ' Archer T4U ' USB Stick wifi reciever? I guess not

>can't even find out the chipset and look it up
back to Sup Forums with you

The person you replied to was supposed to find a way to scan wirelessly

Which has nothing to do with cups whatsoever

what if I not stablefag?
Threre is fresh packages?

Does FreeBSD have a functioning ASLR implementation?

>into le trash it goes

Hmm I guess he was retarded to talk about cups and ghostscripts when I was looking for a way to print and scan over WiFi

>Does FreeBSD have a functioning ASLR implementation?
hurr, wut is sekyureteey?

GPL makes sure that the code won't be used in some proprietary shit.

A thing that cannot control volume


Good points, im totally switching to freebsd now!

ok then it's rubbish

Thus causing GPL projects not being used at all, good idea!

>contributing to non-free software
BSDfags are the cancer. Who cares about non-free software?

call me when BSD marketshare reaches single digits

There was a weird bug for me that didn't allow to install it.
I prepared 25GB of unallocated space. I first partitioned it manually, but instead of 20GB it showed me 1TB (and I have 500GB HDD only) and when I tried to install it it poped me I/O error.
Same thing happened when I tried automatic partitioning.
Anyone knows what the problem might be?
It works with GNU and Windows well.

Why should i use BSD instead of Linux. I have never come across a good reason. Is this just for muh im special snowflake feeling? Fucking redpill me already

the software ecosystem is smaller, yes, but that's the price of quality

Haven't used BSD, but it's directly ported UNIX, while GNU/Linux is rewritten UNIX.
Reasons to use BSD are mostly philosophical because of licensing.
Also, can anyone answer my question ?

redpill yourself. it's common sense

Alrighty thanks for clarification

Isn't the point of this thread to someone to redpill me? Eh i'll just stick with good ol' linux

Here you go:
Linux competes with Windows
BSD competes with Linux

you can understand the gap between Linux and BSD

BSD will always be a baby, hopelessly patching Linux softwares for itself as unofficial ports

Yeah, so no reason to use BSD,
Expect the philosophical reasons as user above said

Im out

>believing what that idiot said

Enlighten me then, mr. Neckbeard.
I didn't use BSD, as I said.
How much do you feel superior for calling me idiot?

You literally cannot deny me

>BSD will always be a baby, hopelessly patching Linux softwares for itself as unofficial ports

BSD is not even comparable to linux. Linux is a trademark. linux is a kernel.

BSD is a fully featured, fully integrated OS, from kernel to userland utilities.

The system is designed so that it is stable, not only as a system, but stable for a user. If you learned BSD 16 years ago, your skills are still relevant. It also puts a higher emphasis on being performant than linux does.

If we can personify Linux and BSD, Linux just wants to run on every device. BSD wants to be the best system.

>getting cucked into no games

Yeah full OS with no DE

>They don't mention the license anywhere
Wow, it told me fucking nothing. I want to use software that is released on GPL, and not some permissive cuck license.

GNU/Linux has no DE as well you fucking retard.
Just tell me where you live, I will come next weekend and murder you. I'll give your whore of a mother money to clean your shit up as compensation.
It sure will be to social benefit.

Yes it has, GNU has GNOME. Consider suicide hippie shit

I'm running OpenBSD on it.
Works great

>i'm unable to navigate a simple website, and i want everyone to know. Autistic Pride

>Using an operating system from the university that is responsible for the mistake called vi

#rekt w/ no respekt

yea its preddy good, although i use ubuntu so that i can play civ v and chivalry with my wife's son.

>implying that the license isn't an important aspect of an operating system and one of the main reasons to switch

pkg install mate

Oh, how do I run Xfce on GNU/Linux OS?
It's called GNU/Linux because of GNU's core utils needed for a whole OS to work.
And guess what. It works without DE.

There's people ITT that need to grow up and see that the world isn't GNU/World.

People need to work and get paid. So take your GNU/Dream/Life and gtfo.

BSD license is a license for people who work. Not a license for stupid NEET, like "DUUR DURR THE WORLD NEEDS TO BE FREE AS IN FREE BEER"

Too bad, Xfce uses GNU gtk AND was made for Linux