Why aren't you using the best browser yet?

I am, been using firefox for years now

because why would i use other browser if chrome already had ublock

this, I've been using qutebrowser from the start, its a pretty great browser.

>he fell for the chrome meme

I feel comfy with my Chrome.

>inb4 botnet and stuff hurr durr murr
yeah, yeah, but honestly I trust Google & Alphabet more than I trust Microsoft's non-transparent EULA, privacy handling, and spying.

>being this edgy

>I trust Google

>I trust Google

But I am using Opera 12.16

Chrome is a bot net; old people who use Norton use chrome. Edge has no add-ons because old people also get add-on viruses. Use either, if you're old. Use Firefox if you want add-ons, and use chrome if Firefox isn't working on that edgy site you're viewing.

Seriously? Google already knows a lot more about you than Microsoft, so every little info you drop has higher significance on Googles pile of data.



>I trust Google

oh you poor little thing..

But Microsoft has had a history of pulling very low shit on their users, Google not so much.

>fullscreen ads in solitaire
>candy crush saga
>facebook wifi password sharing
>clicking X activates the update

Those are things Google hasn't done.

When are extensions coming to Edge for non-insiders?

Point me to the Google OS that has widespread adoption rates and I'll show you how Google has also done these things.

>Chrome comes installed on Android devices
>Location history is automatically saved
>Google Account is required to use OS

Is there a way to stop websites from knowing that I use ad block?

That's the thing, Chrome OS doesn't pull this kind of shit. It's a horrible OS and it does datamining, but so is Windows, Windows just takes it to the next level.

>tfw need to use IE8 in a vm to access CRM at work

Nonsense, I have been running Android without Gapps for years.

On Windows phone it's not possible to get rid of the botnet.

Maybe because of the massive memory use of Chromium based browsers.

Windows is a next-level operating system; after all.

>no reading comprehension whatsoever

>Google pulling low shit
>killing products for lulz
>Google Street view car war driving and sniffing passwords
>the recent, "Hey ads are cool, you want better ads?" things taking your account hostage till you address it.

>Windows Phone
>Getting rid of the botnet.
Sounds like you described iPhone's superiority.

Exactly! My tech illiterate boyfriend's son is fan of the start menu advertising.

That ad shit really pissed me off. Fuck You GOOGLE. At least pretend you're still the best.

Remember that Apple started with the whole location gathering thing?

Where is the website that shows the entire back-log to users?

That's pretty bad, but it doesn't reach Microsoft's "pressing X activates the upgrade" "what the fuck is wrong with you" tier of bullshit.

>I trust Google

Are you actually in all seriousness implying it isn't there because you don't have access it?

It's going to get worse, and all we can do is take it. Some people even opt-in to the ass rape early!

Oh, I've always wondered something about the Google Street wardriving thing.

They have the visible SSIDs, and probably have their general location, right? So when you're connected to one of the wi-fi networks whose SSID is in the database, even with the location toggle disabled in the settings, Google will still know your general location (through the Play Services), thus allowing tracking you without even being aware of it.

It's genius, actually.

Yes. Fallacy or not, there is a lesser chance of malicious attack on that data.

>and all we can do is take it
Or install a GNU/Linux distro, and Android without Gapps.

B-but... My metro apps... and m-my multigpu cross-brand support!

Because I fell for the Arch meme.


>Gets G-account hacked
>Knows where user has been

>Gets iCloud hacked
>Gets sweet nudes, but not location history.

>Android without Gapps

Please check out microG.

Not even a macfag, but are you implying Google Photos isn't a thing? Sure, significantly less people use it, but you still have a chance of seeing all of that person's photos.

Because I'm using something way better already.

Apple and Google are the problem here, not random attackers.

It has no right-click refresh button

and Sup Forums doesnt work properly on it

Is it still for the dev version?

Doesn't the EXIF data of the photos contain the location they were taken?

Nice dodge

If not samefag, and honest; you missed the point, strike the tertiary, iCloud-fappening-appended reference and the argument stands.

Unless the user disables location for the camera.

Microsoft is to Edge as Safari is to: (Pick One)

Nice number bro.

>open edge
>no subpixel antialiasing
>text looks illegible
Nice try. I swear modern microsoft is garbage, what the fuck happened with that company?

Yes. Unfortunately, next to nothing can be done. The average Joe sacrificed his/her personal security and privacy long ago.


Because it doesn't have addons like firefox.

Let me know when i can make it look exactly like this.

I am literally using it right now

>Google not so much.

Fix those tabs and I might just want that.

Chrome works on both GNU/Linux and my android tablet, and it syncs history and bookmarks between them. Also, Chrome is THE browser to use, and I don't have to care if a web page displays correctly.

Thats how i want them, you make your own custom shit.

I found out about it yesterday it's pretty good

It's funny how people will convince themselves of everything. Pokemon Go fegs will spout their tips aloud and I will baka in disgust as their lies.

But Safari is already miles ahead of the curve compared to Edge, and is in fact on par with Chrome in features.

>click on link
>edge does nothing for 5 seconds, then suddenly loads the page

That's fast! See how it all appeared at once?

Valid points made; but does it support chomecast?

But it doesn't even do that, it loads it as fast as chrome or firefox

>miles ahead of the curve compared to

That's not how curves work

Chrome is much faster on my machine. Especially is I HAVE to use flash. It can 1080 twitch and vessel (with HTML 5), when Firefox cannot without dropping frames or freezing.

What gpu do you have?

On this shitty DM4 from 2011, it's intel 3000 haha
Firefox works great on my workstation.

Although I haven't updated flash in quite some time :^)

just use pale moon you god damn queers

That webpage is stuck in 2009, just sayin

Look closely and notice how I didn't say Google isn't selling private info.

Look closely and notice how I said Microsoft has become worse.

I look closely and all I see is a bigger faggot

since we're posting our riced browsers, here's my FF
you don't need palemoon if you know what extensions to get.

that's the point

Is that a treed tab-manager?

You don't seem to understand it. Maybe you're the faggot?

You see, Gmail reads are your emails and makes a profile of you based on it.
You can choose not to use Gmail.

Now both Outlook and Microsoft's mail app read your emails, and make a profile based on it. This means that if you use end-to-end encrypted mail, Microsoft will still be able to mine your emails because they completely control your end. Google is clearly the lesser evil.

here's my addons if you're interested

>I trust Google
25 cent has been sent to your account, pajeet.

So...choose not to use it? They obviously mine your Gmail with end-to-end encryption through Edhe and have your personal keychain too.

how come you don't use umatrix?

Of course I don't use it, doesn't mean I can't discuss about it.

Use multiple browsers and Opera has gotten really good as of today.

Spoofing, full control over Java/Scripts ability to block addons from accesing information.

Firefox is also pretty good if You about:config

Chrome and Safari. No... just no

it's overkill for my needs.
while I like my privacy and all configuring a firewall for every site I visit isn't really my cup of tea, especially for casual usage.
if I need to go full autism and block fucking everything I'll just use a trusted vpn network and/or tor, but those are rare occurrences.

do you use it? what's your rationale/use cases?

to append a bit, the fact is you will always be tracked on the internet; I just try to mitigate it as much as possible without too negatively impacting my browsing experience, and try to not make too much of a ruckus so as to draw attention to myself and paint myself as a target for further scrutiny.

in the end our data leaves us as little more than statistics, which I would much rather be seen as in the eyes of our coporate overlords at the end of the day.

Use Lynx and shut the fuck up.

Its not running on Linux.
Its Microsoft software.
No further questions

Most of the Edge code is open source and released on Github ready to port.

because edge isn't ?

Harmful proprietary software

It isn't

Edge is glorious to use now

>No Ublock
>No Umatrix
>No customizability at all
Also I refuse to use Internet Explorer/Edge since it's a hot load of garbage.

I would use it. It is pretty fast and the scrolling is smooth. But:

>No userscript support
>No Sup Forums X
>No HTML5 video pop-out
>No Android version to sync my tabs, bookmarks and History.