Thread for g/entoomen who work in tech.
What is your job?
pic unrelated
Thread for g/entoomen who work in tech
Python+Django back-end web dev
It's fun as hell
>RoR dev
pls kill me now
NEET for last 10 years
I feel for you, I don't know how people stand ruby, even though it can sometimes net you good money
I'm also learning Japanese and I hope to break into the Jap startup scene next year.
But shit Ruby is retarded.
how many years would it take to learn japanese?
>learning japanese AND working with ruby
Holy shit, good luck user
>how many years would it take to learn japanese?
Totally depends on you. You can get in with conversational level Japanese depending on the start-up.
in-house dev for a service provider in the oil/gast industry, in my 2nd year atm. working mainly with laravel and some angularjs / jquery / bootstrap
Usually java stuff :( But it is fun to create some bugs....
but mostly
Do I need a portfolio to get a job programming
What should I do? What are most jobs based on?
guy with first reply here. I had no degree, but still got a job with python+django just by having a consistent portfolio. That's what matters at the end of the day
as for jobs, Python's pretty big, but JS is even bigger
>garbage A is fun as hell
>garbage B isn't
m8 what u on?
Both are ad hoc, ill-designed, JS/PHP-tier, my small brother could have done it better in 5 mins tier scripting kid languages, even in the time of their making. Also, you are talking about web dev which is cancerous no matter what backend.
Basically a business analyst, I do lots of process stuff, data analysis, etc. Work for a big-ish startup/ small company.
It's heavy on excel and sql, but python makes it all so much fucking easier. It's great getting to the point where your sociopath CEO can dump a load of work on you, and you can just automate it away to nothing.
It's a nice halfway house between the engineering and normie sides of the business, but it makes you hate salespeople with a passion.
Pay isn't great, but I've learned more here than I would have in like 5 years in a grad job at a normal company, so it's not the worst. Gonna leave soon for somewhere with more chance of progression though
Computer repairs. Self employed.
front end dev
javascript/php/sql all day every day
2 years in pulling $86K in the midwest in a city that isn't Chicago, feels good man
mechanical engineering phd student.
i help determine which jet fuels are optimal for melting steel beams while getting paid less than a fast food worker.
what do had on your portfolio?
That pic gave me a panic attack.
Summer job, still in school.
Working for my old High School's tech department
There isn't much to be done and I watch anime all day
It's comfy and relatively profitable
Network Engineer. Computers should be able to talk. I get bitched at when they don't.
Implementing on premise enterprise software on Windows servers. It's comfy, but somebody please kill me.
Other part of my job is fixing data issues, doing data migrations, debugging web services, etc. Slightly better but still pretty boring.
network engineer at an university. really big network we have to manage and administrate. daily job is to configure routes, configure switches/routers/fw (mostly cisco/hp), doing cable amanagement/documentation, third level support for our costumers, ... but the money is shit ...
Im loveing doing RoR for projects. why do you hate it?
How do I create a good portfolio?
I've work with a good deal of java and I think i'm ok with it but how do I make it look good because I know most people say they are ok with java.
PhD student
I do nothing all day except for a few times in a year
Exchange admin for now. Been lots of things in the past, but I need to be able to work from home for a while, and this lets me.
> 10-6 Monday - Thursday
> $84K/year
It's a pay cut, but I have no commute and it's not bad for 4 days a week, with no on call.
virtual machine using specs from in Python
chip-8 emulator in C, assembler+compiler in Python, snake+sokoban in chip-8 assembly
branfuck+ook! interpreter written in Python
web scrapers in Python (did not show the one for Sup Forums images)
answers to
These were all done in 5 months as well, while working, so you have no excuses
Search around the internet for challenges that appeal to you. The ones on Sup Forums people roll for are generally shit. Good examples are the one from, things that interest you (for me, it was an emulator, language interpreters and an image scraper), and don't be lazy about it
Software Engineer doing C++ server work. Also write some Python since that's what our testing framework uses.
Essentially DevOps (but the company insists on calling it anything but that) for a large financial services company. Work is shit, but benefits are comfy
thread bump
where are all the google and apple employfags
System Automation Engineer for a bank.
Basically writing screen scraping macros for ancient mainframe interfaces
ok cool
I heard often, that banks are using the programming language "cobol" which is totaly fucking old and unbelievable not comfy. Your bank also using software build on that?
Yup! and rather then implement new infrastructure we keep adding layer upon layer of tedious bodges to keep it running smoothly
Not him, but are you ever considering re-implementing it in your free time? A small time investment, but if your code is personal, it could be a huge stress-saver. Not sure about your flexibility though
Are you fucking joking m8?
Student, but working in a company where I got into because of an internship I took there. Doing cryptanalytic stuff in a business2business environment. Working with C,C++,python and VHDL.
lmao I'm really not
>A small time investment
>small time investment
Are you genuinely retarded?
I genuinely am, but small is small in the grand scale of things
I want CS Grads to fuck off.
Bookmarking this shit. I am tired of working like a slave for shit money with shit bosses. I know some c++, what else should i learn? any online curses that aren't memes? I rather be a better paid slave doing something that i love. Please help a brother out, i promise i won't take your jobs.
dude learn python and get deep in network engineering. it's one of the most searched job but there don't find high professional network engineers at the moment.
wow ok, thanks for your answer. Can you explain why they want to use it anymore? Because it's to hard to change? Scared about problems? I mean there are not as many programmers who know cobol or? You must be paid very well?
It's reliable, It's cheaper to train staff to navigate the current interface rather than create a new one. It's flexible enough to keep bodging together systems to add functionality.
I do okay. I dont write cobol. I mostly write scripts in vba that pull data using a terminal emulator into excel spreadsheets.
Thanks a lot will do it. Anything else?
Student working part time in a team of sysadmins. I do a lot of large scale automation mainly against non-prod systems. Additionally, I create in-house tools that help us maintain the metric fuckton of hosts and information about those hosts from many other in-house tools
yeah when you have understand the basics of networking you can start certifications like CCNA. The best what you can do is to buy on ebay an manageable CISCO switch and router. It's not necassery to be new (to expensive...) it's good enough when it's older one. You can learn practicle on that network devices to configure interfaces, vlans, netsec, etc. Also you will need some practice experience while you are doing the CISCO certification.
I think this is the best start.
Alright thanks, I got involved in a bigish java project a few years ago, still doing it and enjoying it.
I used to be a C++ dev for 2 years on a relatively interesting but somewhat stressful position, got depressed, realized that I've saved some money and went NEET and been like this for a half a year
.NET Developer for certain big multinational consulting company
I don't use anything by Microsoft at home except for Xamarin and .NET Core though.
>small time
Not him but you have no idea how big and complex some of that business logic can be.